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Fight breaks out in Taiwan’s parliament


Feb 12, 2013
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Violence took hold in Taiwan’s parliament when legislators threw water and pulled each other’s hair.

Annoyed by a perceived lack of respect for legislative procedures by the ruling KMT party, opposition members had been demanding a clause-by-clause review of every bill under discussion.

Chaos ensued, as legislators stormed the podium occupied by the KMT.

Scuffles are not uncommon in Taiwan’s sharply divided parliament. Lunch boxes and microphones were thrown during previous disputes. Friday's fracas pitted the pro-referendum forces of President Ma Ying-jeou's ruling Nationalist Party against strongly anti-nuclear forces affiliated with the main opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

With a large Nationalist majority in the 113-seat legislature, the referendum bill is expected to pass.

The DPP has long opposed nuclear power generation in Taiwan on safety grounds, particularly given the high incidence of earthquakes on the island.

Those concerns became pronounced in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011.

Anti-nuclear sentiment in Taiwan is high. Polls suggest that any referendum would have a hard time passing.
source: Fight breaks out in Taiwan’s parliament | euronews, world news
watch the fighting video guys :sarcastic:
Taiwanese politicians exchanged punches and threw water at each other :lol:



lolz... they are like our parliament... although our MPs are more resorceful, they use mike as missiles.. its proper waaar not catfight.. :lol:

i am a frequent visitor to Taiwan, didn't expect this from these people, they seem to be so polite & friendly ..... oh well i guess politicians are the same in most of the countries...:ashamed:
now it feels like our politicians are much better than this :D i didn't see such fight in our parliament :D
This is democracy!

The Attraction of Democracy is Conflict

The ideological separations serve not to do good, but only to create conflict. And that conflict is not the same as what we might term 'healthy competition'.

Political conflict is exclusive, sometimes vicious, very often dishonest, forcing people to go against their own consciences and the good of the nation for the sake of the party.

The ideological rifts inherent in party politics have been introduced into Western government - either naturally or by design - solely and precisely because they induce the conflict so necessary to any team sport. How can we have a competition if everyone is on the same team, just trying to get the job done?

The inescapable conclusion is that Western democracy - politics, in fact - exists not to select good government but to permit the peasantry to participate in a primitive, socio-theological rite of competition, conflict and victory. A useful substitute for a civil war.
Disgusting! They should put a ring in the middle of their parliament.

The most important qualification for a Taiwanese politician is their mix martial fight skill. They need to have good jab skills, take down skills and good ground game.
The most important qualification for a Taiwanese politician is their mix martial fight skill. They need to have good jab skills, take down skills and good ground game.

And some triad connection too...


i am a frequent visitor to Taiwan, didn't expect this from these people, they seem to be so polite & friendly ..... oh well i guess politicians are the same in most of the countries...:ashamed:

When it come to work, we are a bit of hot-headed.

Insult politics,
corrupt morality

They get the job done, to make sure everything are right!
Our politician can take a lesson from them.
Want Indo-Taiwan joint parliament fight exercise :cheers:
pathetic as usual.

Elected leaders are supposed to be respected, fighting just shows they are too stupid to solve any issue. Do you see US congress or the Australian parliament going into fist fights? Only Taiwan and S-Korea and the Indians do, its pathetic.
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