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Feeding Pakistan's hungry

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Why does not India extend a hand of friendship in the form of help? These little gestures can break down walls. Why do a majority of us in this forum try to crucify (and flame) each other?

If India made little gestures of feeding (or even offering to feed) the internally displaced citizens of Pakistan the goodwill would go a long way. Pakistan may not accept, but unless an offer is made everything is a guess.

Even more importantly India can offer certain guarantees to Pakistan on their common borders. Why has it not done so? Just as I criticize the Pakistani members on this forum and their US-Hindoo-Joo nexus, I am hoping an Indian leader will arise who offers a hand of friendship to the GOP.

india did extend help....some times it was turned down other times like the earth quake situation india provided materials for reconstruction.......but pakistan,s govt does not want its people from knowing that the relief was from india so they took the relief under the condition that the stuff provided did not have made in india tag's ......so there is no way of any friendship blooming if their govt does not want their people that the india would help in times of crisis after all.......

India - Prime Minister Manmohan Singh offers quake assistance to Pakistan. Indian and Pakistani High Commissioners are in touch regarding cooperation in relief work. India has sent 25 tonnes of relief material to Pakistan including food, blankets and medicine. Big Indian companies such as Infosys have offered aid up to $226,000. On October 12, an Ilyushin-76 cargo plane ferried across seven truckloads (about 82 tons) of army medicines, 15,000 blankets and 50 tents and returned to New Delhi. A senior airforce official also stated that they had been asked by the Indian government to be ready to fly out another similar consignment.[7] On October 14, India dispatched the second consignment to relief material to Pakistan, by train through the Wagah Border. The consignment includes 5,000 blankets, 370 tents, 5 tons of plastic sheets and 12 tons of medicine. The third consignment is of medicine and relief material is being readied and will be sent shortly, also by train.[8]. India also pledged $25 million as aid to Pakistan.[9]

International response to the 2005 Kashmir earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pakistan doesn't need sympathy from India, which is also a 3rd world country. In every 3rd world country you are bound to find hungry people but its part of Pakistani culture and beliefs to help our people.

We Pakistanis are proud of our people like Edhi and many others who have helped many poor people especially poor orphans.

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