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Fears Grow Over Yemenis' Ties to Iran

Indeed it is very stupid.

Many Prophets are buried in Yemen and also, if I remember correctly, the highest amount of Sahabah.

There are many great documentaries about Yemen to be honest made by Westerners, Arabs and Middle Eastern people alike. Yemen has a always been a unique country that has drawn travelers to its beautiful lands.

There was a very good BBC documentary about the relatively peaceful demonstrations against Ali Abdullah Saleh back in 2011. Very good.

Then there is the Yemeni Sheikh and the English Gentleman, a lot of history documentaries, travel documentaries. In terms of other themes then you need to watch Arab documentaries.

I can recommend you to watch it. The documentary was made in 1999 though so a lot has changed in terms of politics but not in terms much else which is a wonderful thing. I hope it stays like it has for thousands of years until Judgement Day. No other people than Yemenis are as good to protect their cultural heritage in the Middle East. Even if Yemen became the richest country overnight I would not like it simply because I would fear that the unique architecture, charm etc. of Yemen would be transformed to another skyscraper hell that you can find all over the world especially the newly developing world. No thanks.

English Sheikh, Yemeni Gentleman - YouTube
Just curious where Noah buried ? ...Some one said Yeman ....but according to archaeologist his boat end up in Turkey ...make no sense...
Man, you haven't even recovered from the last spanking you got from Arabs, don't ask for an another one poor Iranian:

Is that why your Arab idol Saddam retreated after two years of fighting, and begged for a cease fire in the UN? Or how he died in shame, still fearing Iran's long arm in his country? And funny how a Jordanian talks about poorness, considering your shitty country. I don't care though; Sunni extremists are being killed in Syria and I am enjoying greatly. I love Iran's role in Syria too!
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Man, you haven't even recovered from the last spanking you got from Arabs, don't ask for an another one poor Iranian:

Thats not needed, that guy suffers even 30 years later now, sad stuff.
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Thats not needed, that guy suffers even 30 years later now, sad stuff.

BLACKEAGLE doesn't know any honor, since he thinks that laughing at a guy who proudly fought for his country is something honorable, while he himself is nothing but a archmchair soldier, proudly posting pictures of supposed rebel 'victories' (which are a farce), while being afraid to help his own Sunni brethren. Only Israel knows how to deal with these ungrateful and dishonorable Arabs.
BLACKEAGLE doesn't know any honor, since he thinks that laughing at a guy who proudly fought for his country is something honorable, while he himself is nothing but a archmchair soldier, proudly posting pictures of supposed rebel 'victories' (which are farce), while being afraid to help his own Sunni brethren.

emotions come in play here aswell, sometimes leads to these stuff, only in reality that guy deserves respect even from the enemy side, the soldiers are not the ones to be blamed, leadership only.
Iranian support to them was minimal. It is all exaggerated. Nor are any Iranians present in Yemen.

That's true. Iranian involvement in Yemen is totally exaggerated. No Iranian is in Yemen, no Yemeni was trained in Iran, and there is only very small assistance by Hezbollah in training and arms, it's more symbolic. Iran is not involved in regime changes. Iran does not act like Saudis act in Syria.

But what is also true is the emerging political alliance between Iran and Hirak and Houthi, and after Yemens partition, this alliance will pay of.
BLACKEAGLE doesn't know any honor, since he thinks that laughing at a guy who proudly fought for his country is something honorable, while he himself is nothing but a archmchair soldier, proudly posting pictures of supposed rebel 'victories' (which are a farce), while being afraid to help his own Sunni brethren. Only Israel knows how to deal with these ungrateful and dishonorable Arabs.
You posted a thread boasting about Iranian terrorism in Arab world, and I showed you just one of the consequences of it's stupidity. That's the price you pay when you act dumb.
You posted a thread boasting about Iranian terrorism in Arab world, and I showed you just one of the consequences of it's stupidity. That's the price you pay when you act dumb.

Boasting about Iranian terrorism? Not at all. I only pointed out to the obvious and reality on the ground. You on the other hand are nothing but bütthurt since Iran is effectively handling your throat-cutting and liver-eating terrorists.
Iran should stop fanning rebellions in Sunni Nations using the Shia Populations.

Iran is not doing that. Iranian involvement in Yemen in exagerrated by western media.

In Bahrain Iran also hasn't done it:

BICI Report: Iran Not Linked to Bahrain Protests, Do Monarchists Agree? | Middle East Voices

Iran only has intelligence networks, and they will only be activated, if there is a war started against Iran.

When other countries use Iran's Sunnis to rebel against Iran then Iran complains.

PJAK, Jundallah, Arab Salafis, the support to this terrorists is well-known, but Iran successfully suppresses these terrorists.

The Shia Populations in Sunni majority countries should realize that Iran is only interested in using them as baits and fodder against those Muslim countries.

If working with Iran was not in their interests, they would not do it.

If any of those Shias have doubts about what I said please try to move to Iran and see how you are treated in Iran.

They are treated very well in Iran:


And by the way: Iran is not only working with Shias, but also with different Sunni groups (like Hirak), don't try to hide this fact!!!
To be honest, I don't know much about Yemenite politics, although I know about strong independence sentiments among Yemenites. Why is unity impossible?

I never said a unity is mission-impossible, what I'm saying is that they North will never gain its dependence, form the South or the central, so to speak.

1- Lack of international support particularly from World super powers.

2- Multi ethnic and religious divisions in North Yemen are variant to such a degree that they will only agree to disagree.

3-North Yemen as the Columnist pointed out is heavily armed, which will create a huge problem to the new Gov't. Not to mention that Al-Qaida operates in the North and the South. The Jewish population is shrinking though.

Other demands were voiced over by Northern Yemeni political activists such as granting Northern Yemeni a seat in the GCC, and KSA backup and support.

Check out this video
South Yemenis Calling for independence - YouTube
I don't see anything wrong with this.

So , people in Syria can fight for freedom, but people in Bahrain and Yemen can't?
Oh no .. not Yemen !

Yemen should be left alone.

Houthis and others should be given the "treatment".
@saudi Arabia .. now is the time to use all the hardware.

KSA won't be the aggressor no matter what, and I don't believe that the Hauthis will seek another confrontation, most of their leaders are gone now.

It's time to chop off the head of the snake. Chopping of it's tails won't work as it will grow an another one, and starving it will take too long until they submit. The only way is to crush it's head man.

Point taken. But again, are they willing to take another risk? Take a look at this video and you will understand what I mean:-


This is all intolerance among Muslim countries. That why we support democracy, it give tolerance and freedom of speech both. Always a death and destruction where might is right policy been adopted. Not Big fan of Mao , but he said with the weapon you can fight the war , but you can't win.
But, according to Aljazeera , Saudia has confiscated oil rich land of Yeman. That's huge issue.

It was PardoyTv, b0y.

I guess it is time for another round of Menced Houthi stew.

I understand your patriotism and all, but the next round will give them a psychological setback bro, you know better than I do.

BTW, don't forget to say hi to Lupe :wave:

In the new Houthi-led North-Yemen, Iran can establish a Houthi-Hezbollah, giving it large numbers of missiles, thus furthering Irans encirlement of the enemy Saudis.

I understand your rants and anger about KSA. I'm also aware of the fact that KSA is an enemy state to Iran. However, you seem to be missing a tangible point that in order to defeat your enemy you must understand their mindsets, and how Iran is being looked upon in their eyes. We don't have a problem with supporting Houthis as long as they keep fighting the Sunni tribes along with Al-Qaida, in other word, we won't them to bleed to death to change the demographical shape of the North. Similarly to North Yemen, we are doing the same in Bahrain.

I'm positively sure that you heard of the irondome right? Well, I would like to introduce KSA iron defense

Just tell the Supreme Leader that Iran should ship more and more missiles to the Hauthis.

Right now the Hauthis lost as many as 50k, and we are looking for more. This may also come as a shock to you, but we are occupying both Bahrain and Yemen Gov'ts mentally and physically.
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Yemen will not be divided nor is that even a realistic prospect. There is no need for that. Yemen (one of the oldest civilizations not only in the Middle East but on earth) has since ancient times been united and its people regardless of the various Kingdoms, tribes etc. Nor modern day politics.

The North and South divide has nothing to do with race, sects or anything else. Just plain and simple politics that date back to the North and South divide that is purely a political divide, mostly, based on the events during the Cold War. When North Yemen still was a Kingdom while South was a republic that later became the first communist Arab state ever despite that move never being supported by the common Southerners.

My mother's family is found mostly in Sana'a and Tarim - two very different cities and regions of Yemen but that is only a testimony of how similar Yemenis really are, despite regional, geographical or differences in dialects.

The same people who wish for a division in Yemen wish for a division of KSA based on sect, dialects or historical regions. The Hejaz, Najd, Southern KSA and Eastern Province division. Or the division of Jordan between the Jordanian Arab population and the Palestinian Arab population. Purely fantasy.

I will like to officially say screw them and tell them that their day dreams will not succeed.

Political borders change but not the people, their history, ties, traditions, customs, land or anything else.

The Houthi's are largely defeated as I told and are not fighting the government unless the government reaches their small parts of Northwestern Yemen. Politically they are weak and not in power.

The problem now is political stability and social and economical issues. If we are talking about groups other than the Houthis then only Al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula causes problems but they are bound to be expelled.

Homajon, hence this article and thread is a joke.

Anyway it is late and I am soon going to bed. Only think that is keeping me awake are the thunderstorms outside and the humid heat.
I don't see anything wrong with this.

So , people in Syria can fight for freedom, but people in Bahrain and Yemen can't?

Yemen? The Houthis are terrorists and we don't negotiate with terrorists babe.

Bahrain is a different issue though.
Yemen? The Houthis are terrorists and we don't negotiate with terrorists babe.

Bahrain is a different issue though.

and in Syria they are peace loving , puppy caring saints

Yemen? The Houthis are terrorists and we don't negotiate with terrorists babe.

Bahrain is a different issue though.

and in Syria they are peace loving , puppy caring saints
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