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FC-20 needs a partner!

I havent talked to him about "stealth" topic yet.... but in my opinion... China may come up with a dedicated export 5th generation fighter variant and pakistan my be the costumer.. but keeping pakistan and US history in mind... i wont be surprised if 7-8 years from now PAF decides to opt for F-35 and that should be a wise decision and of course only possible under clam political scenario between the two countries.

sory, to intrup, you my dear, sir!:smitten:
sir, you are looking too far in the future, US gave us wheat, against our orders of F-16s back in 90s, they cant give us, DAM apachees, PREDATORS, & you are thinking , to get F35 from them!:eek:
sory DEAR, but its funny!:lol:
they arent ready, to give us, SUPER COBRAS, which can fire THE "DAM HELLFIRES", SORY DEAR ITS RAW IMMIGINATION.:cheers:
i guss, DEAR, Growler!
has showen, greatly needed !answered QUESTION? here!
i fully support the idea, that PAF should do some thing about it, but let me clear some of troubles in my very dear's mind!
what ever, CHINA & PAKISTAN , do in any of thier joint projects, only high command knows, & it was never, been disclosed by, any of heads from both of friendly countries.
so plz hang on!
dont think, that anything we get from CHINA, is a degraded version, of the weapon sys, this could have been RED TAPPED thing, whcih will never can be expolre by low level, staffars.
What ever China and Pakistan have done has been disclosed now!
And of course some of their supplied products such as F-22P is better and improved version of their own frigate that they use (the type-053H3) but is it best Frigate China could offer to its so called best all time ally pakistan? The answer is NO.
i think , PAF needs to have short trem & long trem countering plans, i guss, offer's for J-11Bs is already on the table from the chinese side, & it wouldbe, a great multiplier, its handling could be, far more cheeper, and far more realistic & its spares or its technical, handling would be far more , ezier?
J-11 :cry:
these are the questions, where i only can see, CHINA doing all the stuff we need, & thats why i support even a , old mkk from china?;):pakistan::china::tup:
oh please... i am getting sick and tired of this blind patriotism towards chinese as if they are part of pakistan!
let me cut the long story short... China only offers us export variants which are of course not the best equipment they can offer and we are forced to buy from them as last resort because thats what we can afford and available.
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While trying to "downplay" FC20/J10, one must evaluate why China itself opted out of the advanced Su27 derivatives, namely Su30MKK and Su35 etc. China has much experience Su27 derivatives, flying them, building them, modifying them. But instead, they take pride in their "more/similarly capable" J10 program, much like US takes pride in F22. Every Chinese site you go, its J10, every news J10/FC20 ... why not Su27/Su30 series.

The reason is that they truly understand that they will develop it into an extremely potent fighter, at par with Su3x series, if not better. They are still procuring some Su30MKKs to bridge the gap, but soon they will be pushing FC20 beyond Su30MKK potential ... but it will take TIME. FC20 will soon become the workhorse of PLAAF, similar to F16 of USAF.

We will be lucky if we TAP into this resource, since we cannot afford twin engine class AIR-SUPERIORITY fighters, rather F16/FC20 class truly multi-role beauties.

DEAR, SIR JUST wana know, why we cant handle twin engines ,plateforms!;)
sory, to intrup, you my dear, sir!:smitten:
sir, you are looking too far in the future, US gave us wheat, against our orders of F-16s back in 90s, they cant give us, DAM apachees, PREDATORS, & you are thinking , to get F35 from them!:eek:
sory DEAR, but its funny!:lol:
they arent ready, to give us, SUPER COBRAS, which can fire THE "DAM HELLFIRES", SORY DEAR ITS RAW IMMIGINATION.:cheers:

Pakistan got wheat and money returned as of now... and we also got the 12 f-16s for free... btw thats exactly what we use to say back in the 1990s.... huh... US will never return us old block 15 F-16s let alone block 52 with AMRAAMs but now i see this happening.. all this depends on politics which changes courses of period. god willingly... the relationship will get better very soon... and like it or not... pakistan will benefit alot more from US..
all this depends on politics which changes courses of period. god willingly... the relationship will get better very soon... and like it or not... pakistan will benefit alot more from US..

As much as I would like to see that happening, it is clear to many, that for the present foreseeable future, a probable time period of about 15-20 years, the "Unkil" will be heavily investing on India, and our front will be marked by the Indian use of Modern state of the Art weaponry from both Russia and Unkil.

It is because of China and its predicted economic take over of japan somewhere around 2015, and so on.

Whereas, in that time period we will be left with, at best, European modernized J-10s and if possible the worthy Gripen or Rafale.

As for the Rafale, if we ever opt for it, be sure that the Indians will buy in such huge bulk from the French that the French will be forced to accept the Indian denial of French weaponry to us.

This leaves us with the Gripens.
oh please... i am getting sick and tired of showing so much blind patriotism towards chinese as if they are part of pakistan!

Dear, sir!
what happened, to you!:woot:
which country, had givin us, the most of defence TOT, and at wht prize?:azn:
you think,f-22p , is under-graded thing?:woot:
also, which country had backed our, N -TECH & our MISSILLE programs!:azn:
in 20 DAM years, 12 f-16s? great!:eek:

i gss, you hate chinese, weapons, bt! sory , we cant make same relations with USA as what we have with CHINA, even we became thier 54th state.:rofl:

nothing comes , only with politics, its has something to do, with BRAINS?:lol:
As much as I would like to see that happening, it is clear to many, that for the present foreseeable future, a probable time period of about 15-20 years, the "Unkil" will be heavily investing on India, and our front will be marked by the Indian use of Modern state of the Art weaponry from both Russia and Unkil.
I dough US will arm india so so much that it would risk the chance of getting its hands bit that feeds them... i mean US will make sure that both india and pakistan remain "unfriendly" to each other and keep both sides happy.... i am sure if US can supply Block 60 F-16s to a arab state wile block 52+ to a jewish state then its also quite possible in pak-indo context..

As for the Rafale, if we ever opt for it, be sure that the Indians will buy in such huge bulk from the French that the French will be forced to accept the Indian denial of French weaponry to us.
Why do you think India will opt for Rafale? its almost out of the race... and i am asure you... Boeing will win this deal! EF Rafale F-16 Gripen mig-35 are all in for just a show off.. thats it..
which country, had givin us, the most of defence TOT, and at wht prize?:azn:
its only because thats what we can afford!
you think,f-22p , is under-graded thing?:woot:
it certainly is when compared to Turkish superior technology offer the milgem corvette.
also, which country had backed our, N -TECH & our MISSILLE programs!:azn:
good for pakistan... but that does not mean pakistan should always dig in chinese market for any cheap products available.
in 20 DAM years, 12 f-16s? great!:eek:
remarkably.. once these 12 f-16s are upgraded... they will be superior to chinese J-10A.
i gss, you hate chinese, weapons, bt! sory , we cant make same relations with USA as what we have with CHINA, even we became thier 54th state.:rofl:
no i dont hate chinese.. i am simply putting pakistan's self interests first.
Howcome, I dont see the same level of discussion here regarding the Gripen, when it has good features, both from the Rafale and the EF.


You must also remember its importance from the fact that, "Unkil" asked Sweden to deny its sale recently!! :azn:
its only because thats what we can afford!

it certainly is when compared to Turkish superior technology offer the milgem corvette.

good for pakistan... but that does not mean pakistan should always dig in chinese market for any cheap products available.

remarkably.. once these 12 f-16s are upgraded... they will be superior to chinese J-10A.

no i dont hate chinese.. i am simply putting pakistan's self interests first.

sory, dear!
on every thread you, are looking for DAM RAFELE, intersts!
its all over, every where, dear in every section, you are thier for RAFELE thing!
getting your "dam rafele, aint gona , do good for pakistan!:hitwall:
i heard we were being given the Jas39 with ToT by Sweden but we opted out!!! i mean why on earth would PAF not go for such a beauty of a fighter!!!! come on JF is not better than the Rafale,tornado,F-18 and so on.....but the Gripen was a beauty to be turned down!!

i know that it was way to advanced technology for the PAF to handle but hey one day we gotta learn so why not go through the learning curve at an early stage!!!!!!!

Do u know price of Gripen & then the 'American parts' involved in Gripen(Gripen NG will have less non Swedish parts), this plane was expensive & prone to sanctions, personally i think that JF-17 with good avionics can reach the level of Gripen in no time, no need to Jump for Gripen
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personally i think that JF-17 with good avionics can reach the level of Gripen in no time, no need to Jump for Gripen

The French will be out of their minds to allow the creation of a JF 17 based platform armed with their avionics suite as a competitive rival against their own French made planes in probable third wold customer countries.

I think, they will undermine such a move, :disagree:
The French will be out of their minds to allow the creation of a JF 17 based platform armed with their avionics suite as a competitive rival against their own French made planes in probable third wold customer countries.

I think, they will undermine such a move, :disagree:

ahaaan listen to me, My litle suggestion(may sound stupid), Drop FC-20, go for One Squadron of Rafale IF French are ready for Avionics & weapon package for JF-17with it, This can a Good deal & one more thing, why is PAF not thinking about Mirage 2000-9 of UAE, they are retiring them & replacing them with Rafales, this can be a Good solution
U are also Forgetting the venture b/w Italy & Sweden for AESA for Gripen NG, we can get it, It will be able to Fire AIM-120, but this AESA will be primarily for Firing METEOR(here again price of METEOR is too much)...
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sory to intrup you guys!
bt, plz stop thinking, to say bye to FC20, it will be the , worst decicion to make!
the best, is to wait a while!
let USA, sell its, HORNETS to INDIA, i can BET , You guys, RUSSIA willbe open, for US , through CHINA, IF we play our cards well.
from that, point ! france and others wouldbe , happier , even they get a deal with us to supply, the avionics!
'American parts' involved in Gripen(Gripen NG will have less non Swedish parts), this plane was expensive & prone to sanctions, personally i think that JF-17 with good avionics can reach the level of Gripen in no time, no need to Jump for Gripen

That is absurd.
Saab has over ruled such claim and already proved that other then the engine no major US system is being used on Gripen and infact the NG uses even more indigenous systems.. do check out out Dutch claims about Gripen during their evaluations..
and thinking of JF-17 upgrading to Gripen standard is laughable as claims being made about LCA being as good as Gripen EF or rafale..
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