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Fatwa on Kashmir girls band stuns Iran musical group


May 28, 2011
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Sahar Lotfi finds it strange that an all-girls band in Kashmir has been hounded into silence. Where she comes from, her all-women group called the Ghazal Band has been blasting out Sufi music at public performances for more than a year. Lotfi and her band members live in Tehran, the centre of Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic revolution.

And the six girls rub it in when they tell people in democratic India that not only are musical concerts by women in Iran a regular feature, often there are bigger crowds attending them. "The music culture in Iran has always been vibrant", says said Sahar Lotfi, lead vocalist.
And while little help has come in for the girls of Kashmir's Pragash rock band, Lotfi says that her family has always been supportive and it was her husband's idea to form a band.

Clad in jeans and top, and with their hair left loose, the girls hardly look like the "typical" Iranian woman. "Sufi tenets originated even before the advent of Islam and have their roots in gypsy traditions. Sufism is close to nature and not influenced by narrow beliefs", they say.

Fatwa on Kashmir girls band stuns Iran musical group - The Times of India

If music played by women is 'un-Islamic', why don't these Hurriyat yahoos and the 'grand Mufti' of Kashmir who has issued a nonsensical fatwa against the three teenagers singing sufi songs raise their voices and object to the so called 'un-Islamic' ways of the Iranians? Why no fatwa issued against these Iranian girls?


"Lay down your weapons
Open up your hearts
Stop fighting
We are one!"
Safoura and Melody of the Iranian rock band Abjeez


By the way, the Quran does NOT forbid music sung and played by women. There is no reference to this in the Quran. But since the Hadith is supposed to 'explain' the Quran, it is obvious that any Hadith attempting to do so may be a fabrication and OPEN TO INTERPRETATION. The Hadith is not the voice of the Prophet (PBUH). Period!
the moderate and educated Muslims in the world have no feeling for these radical separatists, but from the other side of the border, the love just flows like a river in support of them.
Why skip a country, Pakistan is filled with women performers - quite good ones too. Kashmiri band at least had one hijabi, ours don't and people like them that way.

And not since now, since forever.

Not a band but Madam Noor Jehan needs no introduction, whose had been singing since pre-partition days.

Let's face it, there is some truth, that Indian media really hyped up the 'threat' perception based on this fatwa.
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These bunch of morons want independence ? , Ain't happening , India will NEVER permit another Afghanistan to be created ....
Let's face it, there is some truth, that Indian media really hyped up the 'threat' perception based on this fatwa.
Whatever, that 'fatwa' resulted in:

The band breaking up.
One of the teenaged girls moving to Bangalore.
Aisha Andrabi, the harebrained, self styled militant 'freedom fighter' giving a call to ostracize the families of the girls.
Death and rape threats by the bl00dy extremists.

Now that has changed their lives and those of their families too. And you say that the Indian media really hyped up the 'threat' perception based on this fatwa?
Whatever, that 'fatwa' resulted in:

The band breaking up.
One of the teenaged girls moving to Bangalore.
Aisha Andrabi, the harebrained, self styled militant 'freedom fighter' giving a call to ostracize the families of the girls.
Death and rape threats by the bl00dy extremists.

Now that has changed their lives and those of their families too. And you say that the Indian media really hyped up the 'threat' perception based on this fatwa?

Think of it in a positive way - the girl got to move to one of the best cities in India..Everything is for the best sweetheart :tup:
Doesn't the Indian Government have jurisdiction over this "Grand Mufti"?
Doesn't the Indian Government have jurisdiction over this "Grand Mufti"?

Indian govt. is too buys appeasing the minorities to care about 3 young girls , in other words they are appeasing these same "grand mufti's"
Impotent Kashmir government! They sh!t in their pants to take any action against those Hurriyat bummers and that self styled 'grand mufti'.

And that knucklehead from Kashmir, Aisa Andrabi from that fringe five-woman army called the Dukhtaran-e-Millat confidently says that music is banned in the Quran! This bimbo needs to know that there's no such ban in the Holy Book! :P What's needs to be done is to ban her and her two-penny cronies instead!
the moderate and educated Muslims in the world have no feeling for these radical separatists, but from the other side of the border, the love just flows like a river in support of them.

One of the additional reasons out of many why Pakistan is where it is now. :)
so, does the threat become real only after one of the girls is shot?

Nobody issued a threat. Mufti said, its unIslamic... I ask you again did you expect Mufti to say "Beti, zara achay se head banging karna".

Whatever, that 'fatwa' resulted in:

The band breaking up.
One of the teenaged girls moving to Bangalore.
Aisha Andrabi, the harebrained, self styled militant 'freedom fighter' giving a call to ostracize the families of the girls.
Death and rape threats by the bl00dy extremists.

Now that has changed their lives and those of their families too. And you say that the Indian media really hyped up the 'threat' perception based on this fatwa?

As far as I know, no militant group gave any death threats. Social media jackasses were just writing nonsense, that can be written by any mischievous person.

Mufti calling their band unIslamic is not a threat, as far as I know when Fatwas are given to kill someone there is a declaration of "Wajib-ul-Qatal". If that didn't happen then, yes the media lied and manipulated the situation for ratings. As is the norm in India.
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