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Famous American Muslims - Dont be Shocked !

Islam does not mean peace and on that basis the video begins with a false statement.

The Arabic for peace is salaam, for example the Islamic greating "as salaamualaikum" meaning peace be upon you.

Islam is an action, it is something you do and it has MANY interlinking meanings:

Islam is to submit oneself to the will of God, in complete obedience, without compulsion; out of which peace between God and the created may manifest - both inner peace and outer peace.

The so called proofs for the existences of God, according to the video, are fundamentally worrisome as well as factually fabricated.

Natural phenomenon that appear to resemble religious symbols are in no way shape or form proof for the existence of God. Christians too for example claim to see visions of Mary on pieces of bread, have witnessed and photographed clouds in the shape of a cross et cetera - why would you, a Muslim, reject their "miracles" whilst at the same time expect people to believe in Islam after a fish is caught with the word "Allah" written on it?

My friend, we as Muslims have something much better to propagate than random shapes in nature - that is the Qur'an and he who brought it (peace be upon him). Act upon it; remember that people would rather see you acting upon Islam, than have it thrust into their faces by a hypocritical preacher.

Have a nice day.
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