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Family planning: Pakistan still has a long way to go

Bulleh Shah was a was a Punjabi Sufi poet, humanist and philosopher. Please think thousands of times before posting something which makes fun of him. He was an Aulia' and has some maqam too.

When a child is still in the womb of mother Allah wrote three things for that kid; how much would be given, when will the death come and where will it come.
Didn't you the story of Prophet Solomon/Suleyman (AS) that he (AS) decided to feed the whole world and every creature and then what happened?

And for having many children;

One man came to Nabī SallAllāhu Alaihi Wa Sallam and said: “I have come across a lady of high status and beauty. However she is infertile. May I marry her?” He (SallAllāhu Alaihi Wa Sallam) replied: “No”. The man came a second time and Nabī SallAllāhu Alaihi Wa Sallam again said: “No”. Then the man came a third time and Nabī SallAllāhu Alaihi Wa Sallam replied: “Marry a lady who is very loving and able to bear many children because the large number of my Ummah will be a source of pride over the other nations.” (Abu Dawūd)

95 References of the above hadith;


Great. Large amounts of children are simply a status symbol for the "Ummah" and their well-being comes second. Another way religion encourages increased fertility rate due to selfish and bizarre reasons.

Sir ALLAH has clearly stated in Quran he provides rizq to every soul even with one child ALLAH can reduce your risk and you can suffer Islam encourages to have more children that is clear from Quran and Sunnah

Interesting. Allah prefers kids in the secular west compared to poverty stricken Africa and Asia.

The more you keep displaying your God in a negative manner, the more people you drive away from your religion. :coffee:
Is this some sort of record? 21 kids? :cheesy:

guess.....Dhritarashtra had 100 kids

@Topic - Not just Pakistan but Indian Muslims have long way to go as far as family planning is concerned..

@Topic - Not just Pakistan but Indian Muslims have long way to go as far as family planning is concerned..

I have seen numbers (correct me if I am wrong) that UP and Bihar Hindus living in villages have population growth rates that are very similar to their fellow Muslim villagers. And these rates are comparable to Pakistani villagers as well.

Perhaps Northern parts of India and Pakistan (and to some extant Bengal villagers) are in race to outbreed each other and the poor hardworking South-Indian Hindus.

If Family Planning means only having one or two children that is against Islam Islam encourages to have more children but if it is for just giving gap of 2 and 3 years to so women don't have any health issues than its okay but only for this reason

Because of you maulvis Pakistan's population has reached towards the top. As expected, there are more people but less food...
Because of you maulvis Pakistan's population has reached towards the top. As expected, there are more people but less food...

There is no less food in Pakistan. Its poverty and many other factors. People having 1 or 2 kidz can live a very poor life and on the other hand people having over 10 children can live a very rich and happy life as well. If our religion allow us to have many children then what is the problem? Why shouldn't I have as many children as I wish?
Speaking of Family planning, slums in Islamabad is a filt%hy place where children being are born out of wedlock and new born babies dumped in open fields. I have seen it myself in G-11/3 and my neighbor's driver berried the baby.
Islam also teaches to adopt "Miana Ravi" balanced approach.

Can you tell me how many kids our holy prophet had from all his wives?
Sir ALLAH didn't gave him children Sir because issue of heir could have raised and he had lot to do as a PROPHET SAW but same PROPHET SAW said several times marry those who produce more children and love you most and had told this several times
and the same west which give us lessons on family planning is facing old age problems and gives long maternity leaves to the workers so they can have kids
Pakistan needs to implement one child policy. Overpopulation will choke economic growth and put a huge burden on the countries already overwhelmed health and education sector.
Pakistan needs to implement one child policy. Overpopulation will choke economic growth and put a huge burden on the countries already overwhelmed health and education sector.
Even China has not made the law that family can another child and you are asking to have one child
and the same west which give us lessons on family planning is facing old age problems and gives long maternity leaves to the workers so they can have kids

it's all about keeping the balance. too much and too little are not good.
it's all about keeping the balance. too much and too little are not good.
Sir family planing due to fear of poverty of shortage of wealth is completely haram but if gap of 2 or 3 years is given so women can remain health than that is allowed other wise Islam encourages to have many children and also that is also one of the reason why Islam encourages people to get married at an early age
Sir family planing due to fear of poverty of shortage of wealth is completely haram but if gap of 2 or 3 years is given so women can remain health than that is allowed other wise Islam encourages to have many children and also that is also one of the reason why Islam encourages people to get married at an early age

If you have 1000 dollars and 2 children, they will have 500 each, if you have 3 kids, each will have 333 and if you have 4 kids each will receive 250. You see, more kids have direct effect on how a family is run financially not to forget the proper upbringing.
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