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Faisal Shahzad Gets Life Sentence


Jun 2, 2010
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Faisal Shahzad Gets Life Sentence

NEW YORK, Oct 5, 2010 (AFP) - A Pakistani-American was sentenced to life in prison Tuesday for a botched attempt to blow up a large bomb in New York's Times Square.

"Brace yourselves because the war with the Muslims has just begun," a defiant Faisal Shahzad told the judge before the sentence was delivered.

"The defeat of the US is imminent and will happen in the near future."
Shahzad, 30, pleaded guilty in June to the May 1 bomb attempt in one of New York's busiest streets.
u.s didnt leave that lady aafia,y would they leave this one.
NEW YORK, Oct 5, 2010 (AFP) - A Pakistani-American warned Americans "the war with the Muslims has just begun," as he was sentenced Tuesday to life in prison for a botched attempt to bomb New York's famed Times Square.

"The defeat of the US is imminent and will happen in the near future," Faisal Shahzad told the court shortly before his sentence was announced.

"Brace yourselves because the war with the Muslims has just begun," he said.

Shahzad, a US citizen who lived in Connecticut and started what resembled an ordinary American family before embracing jihadist militancy, pleaded guilty in June to the May 1 bombing attempt.

The 30-year-old obtained US citizenship in April 2009, but said Tuesday it was only a ploy.

"Didn't you swear allegiance to this country?" Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum asked him.

"I sweared, but I didn't mean it," Shahzad replied.

The bomb scare and revelations that the Taliban inside Pakistan were behind the attack further strained US-Pakistani relations, while deepening worries in the United States about so-called homegrown terrorists.

Shahzad was defiant in court, claiming to have committed the crime in revenge for bombing by US drones in Pakistan.

"Far from providing an explanation for his criminal activity, Shahzad's history and characteristics strongly militate in favor of the maximum available sentence," assistant US attorney Randall Jackson said in court papers ahead of the sentencing hearing.

The bombing attempt failed when the crude device, left in an SUV parked outside a theater on a warm Saturday evening, fizzled without igniting.

The entire operation was characterized by extreme amateurishness, with the bomber having to escape on foot because he left the keys to a second getaway car -- and those to his apartment -- inside the vehicle with the bomb.

But officials say that the bomb, had it gone off, would have caused carnage in one of New York's busiest neighborhoods.

FBI officials later recreated the device in an empty field to demonstrate the fiery explosion they said could have occurred.

Prosecutors say that Shahzad boasted he expected to kill at least 40 people and that he had also planned to set off a second explosion, had he not been caught after the first.

According to prosecutors, he admitted using Internet webcam sites to monitor Times Square and see when and where a bomb would be most likely to cause bloodshed.

The car bomb was discovered smoking by a street vendor who alerted police.

Once the teeming area had been cleared, police dismantled the device and launched a frantic manhunt, only catching the bomber 53 hours later, just after he'd boarded a plane preparing to leave from JFK Airport to Dubai.

Shahzad came to the United States to study at the age of 18 and in 2009 became a naturalized American citizen.

Living in the suburbs of New York City, he worked as a financial analyst and married another Pakistani-American, raising two children.

But he says he became disillusioned with his estrangement from Islam and upset at what he considered humiliation of Muslims worldwide.
He got what he deserved..
I am glad this trash will be some one's else wife in prison for a very long time. Prisoners here really like young folks. If he is put to death, he won't be very useful as he is now in prison.
I am glad this trash will be some one's else wife in prison for a very long time. Prisoners here really like young folks. If he is put to death, he won't be very useful as he is now in prison.

what????????????? is US jails bad as you say?:frown:
He will get used it and will start enjoying after some time. My point is that he is not wasted to a bullet, but rather serve fellow prisoner's quest
Potential blast -- if his bomb exploded as expected..

This douchebag certainly made life of Pakistani-Americans tough
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Times Square bomb plotter sentenced to life in prison


The man convicted of an attempted car bomb attack in New York's Times Square has been sentenced to life in prison.

Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani-born US citizen, pleaded guilty in June to 10 weapons and terrorism charges.

At his sentencing in Manhattan, Shahzad told the judge "war with the Muslims has just begun", with the US facing "imminent" defeat.

"Faisal Shahzad is a remorseless terrorist who betrayed his adopted country and today was rightly sentenced to spend the rest of his life in federal prison," US Attorney Preet Bharara said in a statement after the sentencing.

In the courtroom in lower Manhattan on Tuesday, about 2.5 miles (4km) south of Times Square, Shahzad warned Americans to "brace themselves" for a war with Islam.

"We don't accept your democracy or your freedom," he said, adding that he rejected the court's authority because "Muslims don't abide by human laws".

Giving Shahzad a mandatory life sentence, Judge Miriam Cedarbaum said it was important "to protect the public from further crimes of this defendant and others who would seek to follow him".

She asked if he had sworn allegiance to the US when he took the oath of citizenship in April last year.

"I did swear but I did not mean it," Shahzad replied.

But Shahzad showed little affection for his native country of Pakistan, calling it a "slave country", the BBC's Katie Connolly in New York says.

Shahzad also likened US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan to "crusaders" and said the Koran gave Muslims the right to defend themselves, our correspondent says.

Experts say the petrol and fertiliser-fueled bomb Shahzad left in Times Square fizzled and failed to go off because the wiring was faulty and it contained the wrong ingredients.

"Had the bombing played out as Shahzad had so carefully planned, the lives of numerous residents and visitors of the city would have been lost and countless others would have been forever traumatised," prosecutors wrote in court papers ahead of the sentencing at Manhattan Federal Court.

A street vendor in Times Square - which was packed with visitors - alerted police after seeing smoke coming from the Nissan Pathfinder vehicle.

However, a videotaped FBI reconstruction of an identical bomb showed it producing a fireball that ripped the vehicle in two, destroyed others around it, and sent debris hundreds of feet in all directions.

'Second bomb'
"While it is impossible to calculate precisely the impact of Shahzad's bomb had it detonated, the controlled detonation... demonstrated that those effects would have been devastating to the surrounding area," prosecutors wrote.

The prosecution also alleged that Shahzad had planned to detonate a second bomb two weeks later.

At his court appearance in June, Shahzad said he wanted "to plead guilty and 100 times more".

He said he wanted the US to know that if it did not leave Iraq and Afghanistan, "we will be attacking US".

"One has to understand where I'm coming from. I consider myself... a Muslim soldier," he said.

Shahzad was arrested as he tried to take a flight to Dubai from New York's John F Kennedy airport.

Under interrogation, the financial analyst said he had gone to Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal region in December 2009 for bomb training with militants linked to the Pakistani Taliban, his indictment read.

He is also said to have received about $5,000 (£3,160) in cash from a co-conspirator in Pakistan, who he understood worked for the Taliban.

Faisal Shahzad wore black prison-issued trousers and a tunic with a white knitted skullcap, his curly hair poking out below his ears when he entered the courtroom.

His bearded face was serious and inscrutable, but his tone was oddly casual as he gave a defiant statement. In perfect but slightly accented English, Shahzad spoke in terms of Islamic jihadism, railing against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also the "slave country" of Pakistan.

Judge Miriam Cedarbaum appeared unflappable, if slightly disdainful. She worked with business-like efficiency, wasting little time.

The swift proceedings were over in less than 30 minutes. Shahzad, handcuffed, was led out of the courtroom, his head held high.
BBC News - Times Square bomb plotter sentenced to life in prison
I don't think this is the right sentence.Should have been sentenced to death instead of wasting US taxpayer money on this scumbag.
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