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Failure Of India's Big Rocket Project Is Symbolic Of Deep Structural Proble


May 25, 2010
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Failure Of India's Big Rocket Project Is Symbolic Of Deep Structural Problems


The ongoing "Asia Pivot" by United States is rapidly changing the regional dynamics of the Indo - Pacific region, and nowhere is it more visible than the sphere of cooperation in defence and space research.

Recently Canadian and Australian defence co-operation and ties with India reached unprecedented highs, a chain of event termed as the "Rise of the Anglosphere" by historian Walter Russell Mead.

However, the successive failure of Indian GSLV missions, combined with India's stubborn secrecy and fierce independence in the space sector is giving rise to doubts about the scope of further future co-operations.

Although the failure of this signature launching vehicle is attributed to technical glitches, it is highly symbolic of the greater lack of clarity, purpose and direction in the Indian space program.

The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) was originally intended to be India's signature launching vehicle, eventually to launch India's INSAT type satellites, and reduce dependence on foreign rockets.

In the early nineties, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, India was forced to develop independent launching vehicles. India originally tried to buy the technology to build a cryogenic upper stage from Russia, but was denied, under pressure from United States and other Western countries.

With the development of indigenous Cryogenic engine, India became the sixth country in the World to posses the technology, which could be potentially used for civilian and military purposes.

Indian GSLV generally uses L40 liquid strap on boosters and old Soviet KVD 1 upper stage. But even though Indian military and ballistic missile programs were successful, as recently evident with the successful launch of Agni V ICBM, its civilian rocket and space program were mediocre at best.

The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), a launcher vehicle used previously to launch civilian satellites was used as a model of GSLV programs, but it was not successful. Multiple versions of GSLV were launched in the last decade, with more than half of them failing due to technical difficulties. A brief stint of success in 2003- 04 was followed by successive failures.

The vehicle failed to reach orbit, lost control of liquid fuel booster, veered of designated trajectory and had to be destroyed over the Bay of Bengal, or failed to deliver payload in the last four missions. With an unprecedented failure rate, GSLV is gradually on its way to be the costliest misadventure of Indian strategic and space sector. The eighth launch is scheduled in 2013.

The causes of these failures are minor, according to the official bureaucratic rhetoric, and were attributed to minor technical malfunctions. There was no clear response to queries as to why five out of seven launches have resulted in total or partial failure.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is also secretive and tightlipped about capability and weight of the satellites and why India is still unsuccessful in launching communication satellites more than 3000 KG, 36 Transponder class, whereas the nearby competitors like Japan and China, not to mention USA, Russia and European Space Agency have already moved on to triple that size.

There is no clarity and accountability when it comes to tax payer's money spent on space research, and no heads roll even when there are repeated failures. The lack of purpose is also evident as India lacks fixed and dedicated plan in the Space sector.

In an interview earlier this year, Dr. K, Radhakrishnan, chairman of ISRO, stated that India's main concern and thrust is in the area of applications and not manned space flights and space stations, unlike Russia, US or China. India with its massive population and democratic set up needs more communication satellite to cater to domestic needs, unlike China which is heavily centralized and controlled.

However that argument and logic falls flat as India is already planning for its second lunar mission in early 2014, Chandrayaan 2, and possibly a manned space mission by 2017.

In January 2011, the U.S. officially removed export controls on several subsidiaries of India's Defense Research and Development Organization and the ISRO. It was a clear signal that the United States would like to chart a new future of space co-operation with India.

American think tank Heritage Foundation also published a report around same time, calling for enhanced space and missile defence co-operation between India, Australia and United States, including satellite defence and interceptors, theatre based missile defence and most importantly future co-operation and joint space programs. However there seems to be lukewarm response and enthusiasm from the Indian side.

India's notorious reliance on Russian hardware is also a major hindrance when it comes to further cooperation with the West. Only with the benefit of hindsight would we be able to determine the trajectory of India's space co-operation with the West, or whether it takes any specific direction, but at this present point of time, it is safe to assume, that without any clear plan, or white paper, India's current space prospects are quite grim, and will continue in the chaotic and headless way for the near foreseeable future.
:blah::blah: BS artical , writer forgot ISRO have done many wonders. something like chandrayan-1. or sending 10+ payload at one time.
Isro has found a niche market in medium to small satellites....for this they have a reliable rocket ( PSLV ).

This maybe the reason for not concentrating on GSLV. Give it some time, GSLV will be as reliable as PSLV.
Thank you @ajtr for changing flag :cheers:

One can conclude, this is a genuine article on Indian failures.

Reason : Indian members, rather than addressing the topic are attacking the messenger. :disagree:

ISRO will take care of those short comings, when you try to develop indigenous stuff failures are bound to happen unlike coping or painting.
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written by Sumantra Maitra a freelance journalist .. the article is nothing but a BS. If rocket science was that easy every nation would have been sending rockets to space .. What we have achieved in small budgets is commendable. Just give them some more time..
And why we are arguing our space research with Pakistani members? Let them launch the probe to the moon and then we will talk. Its always good to compare with the better so Pakistanis are doing the right thing, we should also do the same.
The article hasn't mentioned successful PSLV.

19 of 21 launches of PSLV has been successful.

However, issues with GSLV must be sorted out and our indigenous cryogenic engine must be successful.

Once we master cryogenic tech and sort out technical problems, Mk 2 will be successful and stabilize and there will be much less problems with Mk3.
Article is non sense. every one knows and admit that GSLV program is not doing well( in comaparison with PSLV). reasons are many : low budget , lack of experience, technical immaturity. etc .. but we are also sure that sooner or later these obstacles will be removed :cheers:
indian friends. LETS talk on the topic. we don need to care on who posted it. yes gslv missions had multiple failures, yes because we have an proud independent indigenous program. mistakes are bound to happen. CAN anyone say a nation which haven failed at all in rocketscience? and people behind those are scientists who are well than better in managingfunds and organising than our politicians. THESE GUYS GIVE THEIR BEST. its something they have to learn from failures. if head should roll after each failures then our country wouldn have got one kalam ji. they are better than politicians today and failure or not we must give them our complete support.
pointing out BIG hot air statements failing to make any impression. here:

The ongoing "Asia Pivot" by United States is rapidly changing the regional dynamics of the Indo - Pacific region, and nowhere is it more visible than the sphere of cooperation in defence and space research.

Recently Canadian and Australian defence co-operation and ties with India reached unprecedented highs, a chain of event termed as the "Rise of the Anglosphere" by historian Walter Russell Mead.

However, the successive failure of Indian GSLV missions, combined with India's stubborn secrecy and fierce independence in the space sector is giving rise to doubts about the scope of further future co-operations.

Although the failure of this signature launching vehicle is attributed to technical glitches, it is highly symbolic of the greater lack of clarity, purpose and direction in the Indian space program.


the purpose and directions of space Programmes were never the issue. except during the cold war, space programmes have never had a direction and specific purpose execpt to work on own capabilities and use them to explore Possibilties. Space organisations are like Laboratories, You can use them for a purpose but they don't always have to have a specfic purpose except developing their own capabilities like developing and mastering new techniques.

The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) was originally intended to be India's signature launching vehicle, eventually to launch India's INSAT type satellites, and reduce dependence on foreign rockets.

In the early nineties, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, India was forced to develop independent launching vehicles. India originally tried to buy the technology to build a cryogenic upper stage from Russia, but was denied, under pressure from United States and other Western countries.

With the development of indigenous Cryogenic engine, India became the sixth country in the World to posses the technology, which could be potentially used for civilian and military purposes.

Indian GSLV generally uses L40 liquid strap on boosters and old Soviet KVD 1 upper stage. But even though Indian military and ballistic missile programs were successful, as recently evident with the successful launch of Agni V ICBM, its civilian rocket and space program were mediocre at best.

The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), a launcher vehicle used previously to launch civilian satellites was used as a model of GSLV programs, but it was not successful. Multiple versions of GSLV were launched in the last decade, with more than half of them failing due to technical difficulties. A brief stint of success in 2003- 04 was followed by successive failures.

The vehicle failed to reach orbit, lost control of liquid fuel booster, veered of designated trajectory and had to be destroyed over the Bay of Bengal, or failed to deliver payload in the last four missions. With an unprecedented failure rate, GSLV is gradually on its way to be the costliest misadventure of Indian strategic and space sector. The eighth launch is scheduled in 2013.

The causes of these failures are minor, according to the official bureaucratic rhetoric, and were attributed to minor technical malfunctions. There was no clear response to queries as to why five out of seven launches have resulted in total or partial failure.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is also secretive and tightlipped about capability and weight of the satellites and why India is still unsuccessful in launching communication satellites more than 3000 KG, 36 Transponder class, whereas the nearby competitors like Japan and China, not to mention USA, Russia and European Space Agency have already moved on to triple that size.

There is no clarity and accountability when it comes to tax payer's money spent on space research, and no heads roll even when there are repeated failures. The lack of purpose is also evident as India lacks fixed and dedicated plan in the Space sector.

In an interview earlier this year, Dr. K, Radhakrishnan, chairman of ISRO, stated that India's main concern and thrust is in the area of applications and not manned space flights and space stations, unlike Russia, US or China. India with its massive population and democratic set up needs more communication satellite to cater to domestic needs, unlike China which is heavily centralized and controlled.

However that argument and logic falls flat as India is already planning for its second lunar mission in early 2014, Chandrayaan 2, and possibly a manned space mission by 2017.

while the arguement makes perfect sense, the author failed to make the distiction as to what contitutes main thrust and concern and application

In January 2011, the U.S. officially removed export controls on several subsidiaries of India's Defense Research and Development Organization and the ISRO. It was a clear signal that the United States would like to chart a new future of space co-operation with India.

American think tank Heritage Foundation also published a report around same time, calling for enhanced space and missile defence co-operation between India, Australia and United States, including satellite defence and interceptors, theatre based missile defence and most importantly future co-operation and joint space programs. However there seems to be lukewarm response and enthusiasm from the Indian side.

growing chorus from various sections these days about starting a space defence Programme. There's an ideological debate across the world and especially India about exploring the Space Defence options

India's notorious reliance on Russian hardware is also a major hindrance when it comes to further cooperation with the West. Only with the benefit of hindsight would we be able to determine the trajectory of India's space co-operation with the West, or whether it takes any specific direction, but at this present point of time, it is safe to assume, that without any clear plan, or white paper, India's current space prospects are quite grim, and will continue in the chaotic and headless way for the near foreseeable future.

the whole point the writer seems to be making is that India should start working on Space defence with increased co-operation with US, EU, Australia. It's a demand to re-examine the set paradigms and goals of the ISRO and DRDO. The Big rocket failure opening of the article is really not necessary to highlight the percieved uptight behaviour of the ISRO and GOI regarding Space Program.
And why we are arguing our space research with Pakistani members? Let them launch the probe to the moon and then we will talk. Its always good to compare with the better so Pakistanis are doing the right thing, we should also do the same.

Where exactly is Pakistan mentioned in the article , troller ? This is an international forum , so anybody can post his/her opinion while being on topic ... Concentrate on the topic at hand , not on who posted it and for what reason ...

Opssssss, Where are discussing this. How many flight pakistan has launched ????

Do you see the key word " Pakistan " in the article ? :azn:
GSLV with indigenous cryogenic engine set for 2013 launch

CHENNAI (PTI): With a series of ground tests already over, ISRO is planning to launch its ambitious GSLV space mission with indigenously built cryogenic engine early next year, a top official has said.

ISRO chairman Dr K Radhakrishnan said that two major ground tests remained before integrating the GSLV vehicle for launch.

"A lot of ground tests have already been conducted and we need to do two major ground tests this year, scheduled from September to November. Once the tests are successful the cryogenic stage will be integrated into the GSLV vehicle for launch", he told reporters at the sidelines of a convocation here.

The previous two GSLV launches by the premier space agency were unsuccessful.

On India's Mars mission, he said ISRO was working to meet the November 2013 launch target. The Union cabinet had recently okayed the space agency's proposal to send a mission to the red planet.

Earlier in his address, Radhakrishnan said ISRO's budget was only 0.34 per cent of Central government expenditure even as he noted "we are one of the six space agencies in the world having capability to build and launch satellites from our own soil."
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