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FAIL: Poll rigging in Azerbaijan


Sep 6, 2010
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Azerbaijan, a former Soviet republic on the Caspian Sea, does not really have an open political system. Although it is nominally a republic, following a coup in 1993 only one family has held the presidency. Heydar Aliyev ruled from 1993 until his death in 2003. His son, Ilham Aliyev, has ruled since 2003, and is expected to win a third presidential term in today's election. In fact, he's so expected to win that the Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan released an app for iOS and Android yesterday that, oops, accidentally had the election results preloaded.

Spotted by Meydan TV, an online alternative television station for Azerbaijan that's based in Berlin, the app had incumbent Aliyev winning the election with 72.76 percent of the vote, while opposition candidate Jamil Hasanli only managed 7.4 percent. By contrast, even landslide presidential elections in the United States are rarely won with more than 60 percent of the popular vote, and a primary opposition party has never scored as low a total as 7.4. The tally has since been removed from the app.

Even without a rigged app, all signs point to victory for Aliyev, through legitimate means or otherwise. Exit polls already suggest a Aliyev victory. We'll have to wait for the full results to see just how closely the recorded results resemble the app's predetermined results.
Azerbaijani Election App Reveals Vote Rigging | Popular Science

If the results are the same then the government is really stupid. If they're different but the guy rigged to win still wins, we know they just changed it to avoid further embarrassment
what do u expect from a country which is an enemy to all its neighbors , has no democracy whatsoever , suppresses his own people and has an open relationship with israhell???

poll rigging is nothing compared to their other crimes !!:pissed:

Azerbaijan, a former Soviet republic on the Caspian Sea, does not really have an open political system. Although it is nominally a republic, following a coup in 1993 only one family has held the presidency. Heydar Aliyev ruled from 1993 until his death in 2003. His son, Ilham Aliyev, has ruled since 2003, and is expected to win a third presidential term in today's election. In fact, he's so expected to win that the Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan released an app for iOS and Android yesterday that, oops, accidentally had the election results preloaded.

Spotted by Meydan TV, an online alternative television station for Azerbaijan that's based in Berlin, the app had incumbent Aliyev winning the election with 72.76 percent of the vote, while opposition candidate Jamil Hasanli only managed 7.4 percent. By contrast, even landslide presidential elections in the United States are rarely won with more than 60 percent of the popular vote, and a primary opposition party has never scored as low a total as 7.4. The tally has since been removed from the app.

Even without a rigged app, all signs point to victory for Aliyev, through legitimate means or otherwise. Exit polls already suggest a Aliyev victory. We'll have to wait for the full results to see just how closely the recorded results resemble the app's predetermined results.
Azerbaijani Election App Reveals Vote Rigging | Popular Science

If the results are the same then the government is really stupid. If they're different but the guy rigged to win still wins, we know they just changed it to avoid further embarrassment

Well they just changed 72% to 82%
what do u expect from a country which is an enemy to all its neighbors , has no democracy whatsoever , suppresses his own people and has an open relationship with israhell???

poll rigging is nothing compared to their other crimes !!:pissed:

Having a political relation with Israel is not a crime but a sign that you're not brain dead.
Having a political relation with Israel is not a crime but a sign that you're not brain dead

ohh boy ...:lol:

Where is erdogan to bark for democracy? Shouldn,t they start the democracy from their Turkish brothers?
Iran should initiate a FREE Azerbaijani Army.

FAA ==> i like the sound of that!! :azn::smitten:
LOL, Farsi jackals. Retarded comments from people whos country is run by a government that can be only compared to North Korea, and who actually support that government.

Only ignorant fools compare Iran to North Korea.

Why don't you worry about the Aliyev clan and the oligarchs surrounding him in your country.
Where is erdogan to bark for democracy? Shouldn,t they start the democracy from their Turkish brothers?
Iran should initiate a FREE Azerbaijani Army.

You worry about your own country.. I see you are always lurking like a lizard in anything related to Turkey...Funny thing is this thread is not related and you just brought Erdogan into discussion out of nowhere...Ignorance is bliss, right bro? Enjoy it
Azeri police beat, detain demonstrators after opposition's vote protest rally

Police beat and detained demonstrators in the capital of Azerbaijan on Oct. 12 after a protest against a disputed presidential vote that gave President Ilham Aliyev a third consecutive term in the oil-producing former Soviet republic.

Reuters witnesses saw police kick and thump protesters as scuffles broke out following the rally, which drew thousands in protest at the election dismissed by international monitors and government critics as unfair.

News agency Interfax-Azerbaijan reported that around 10 people were arrested. Reuters was unable to immediately confirm the number.

Billions of dollars in oil revenues have flowed into the strategically located South Caucasus country, boosting living standards and its international clout, since Aliyev succeeded his father a decade ago. Official results show Aliyev won with close to 85 percent of the vote.

But a gaping divide between rich and poor, and allegations that the authorities carried out a pre-election crackdown on dissent that doubled the country's number of political prisoners, have attracted criticism at home and abroad.

Around 4,000 people gathered at the sanctioned protest, accusing the government of vote fraud and demanding a new poll.

"Aliyev and his New Azerbaijan Party will answer for their actions and for trampling on the rights of the Azeri people," defeated opposition candidate Jamil Hasanli told the crowd.

"They are responsible for the condition that Azerbaijan's people are in," said the 61-year-old former parliamentarian, who managed to unite a fractured opposition for the first time in a presidential poll, scoring around 5 percent of the vote.

Hasanli has promised to challenge the results in court.

Opposition voters in fear

Protesters alleged dozens of cases of ballot stuffing, multiple voting and police interference.

Natavan Salimzade, a college teacher, said she was instructed to vote for Aliyev or lose her job and that she was to take a picture of her marked ballot to prove that she had followed instructions. She said she disobeyed and voted for Hasanly.

"Of course I'll get fired now, somehow, one way or another. I'll be implicated in some scandal," she said at the protest in a soccer stadium far from the designer boutiques and five-star hotels that have come to symbolise the influx of oil revenues enjoyed by the country's elite.

"But I'm not afraid for myself anymore. I'm only worried about my children," she said, crying.

International monitors from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said the vote was marred by a "restrictive media environment" and allegations of intimidation of candidates and voters.

The OSCE monitors said they reported clear indications of ballot-stuffing at 37 polling stations, and said the counting was assessed negatively at an unprecedented 58 per cent of stations observed.

The election commission said no electoral violations were reported. The presidential office said the poll was open and transparent and called the OSCE statement prejudiced, politicised and of "the theatre of the absurd."

CAUCASUS - Azeri police beat, detain demonstrators after opposition's vote protest rally
LOL, Farsi jackals. Retarded comments from people whos country is run by a government that can be only compared to North Korea, and who actually support that government.

Hey, easy buddy. Look, my grandmother is from Azerbaijan Republic, and my grandfather is from Iranian Azerbaijan. So, I know both Azerbaijan's and Iran's situation very well and I am not biassed. Azerbaijan is an oil rich country which suffers from tyranny of Aliyevs and other jackasses. Azerbaijan's situation is not better than Iran in terms of democracy at all. In terms of economy, I will leave you to just compare the house prices in both capitals(Baku, and Tehran) and also income of middle class people in both countries. Btw, Iranians including Farsi people are one of the closest people to us. we have the same culture, traditions, history and for many of us the same religion, and even the same foods ;) LOL . So, there is no need to insult Iranians or persians.
I know that Iran had the responsibility to help Azerbaijan against Armenian occupiers but you need to know that they were worried about gaining more power by panturks, and I obviously confirm that Iran's government needs to support azerbaijan, at least the same as what Turkey does nowadays, but they don't. but, again, Azerbaijanis have more things in common with Iranians than anyone else, so please avoid insulting Iranians.
Hey, easy buddy. Look, my grandmother is from Azerbaijan Republic, and my grandfather is from Iranian Azerbaijan. So, I know both Azerbaijan's and Iran's situation very well and I am not biassed. Azerbaijan is an oil rich country which suffers from tyranny of Aliyevs and other jackasses. Azerbaijan's situation is not better than Iran in terms of democracy at all. In terms of economy, I will leave you to just compare the house prices in both capitals(Baku, and Tehran) and also income of middle class people in both countries. Btw, Iranians including Farsi people are one of the closest people to us. we have the same culture, traditions, history and for many of us the same religion, and even the same foods ;) LOL . So, there is no need to insult Iranians or persians.
I know that Iran had the responsibility to help Azerbaijan against Armenian occupiers but you need to know that they were worried about gaining more power by panturks, and I obviously confirm that Iran's government needs to support azerbaijan, at least the same as what Turkey does nowadays, but they don't. but, again, Azerbaijanis have more things in common with Iranians than anyone else, so please avoid insulting Iranians.

Iran was not obligated to support Azerbaijan against Armenia. Iran is only obligated to its own interest, and if that means that it should stay indifferent towards a local conflict, that is what it should do. Armenians are entitled to that land; most of the inhabitants were Armenians and most of Azerbaijan is part of ancient Armenia. Azerbaijanis are not our friends. They are falsificationing their own history and are constantly spreading anti-Iranian (or Persian) hatred in order to boost their own artificial identity and history. In contrast, Armenians are much more respectful towards us, in despite of a clear religious difference.
Iran was not obligated to support Azerbaijan against Armenia. Iran is only obligated to its own interest, and if that means that it should stay indifferent towards a local conflict, that is what it should do. Armenians are entitled to that land; most of the inhabitants were Armenians and most of Azerbaijan is part of ancient Armenia. Azerbaijanis are not our friends. They are falsificationing their own history and are constantly spreading anti-Iranian (or Persian) hatred in order to boost their own artificial identity and history. In contrast, Armenians are much more respectful towards us, in despite of a clear religious difference.

Your post was absolutely shocking for me.
Azerbaijani people are consisting 1/4 of Iran's population and about half of capital's population, and they consist core part of Iran's Intelectuals and experts, ... , and They can decide to help Azerbaijan republic. Iran has more things in common with Azerbaijan republic than any other country in the world.
The bolded part of your quote was hurtful for me. It showed me that you have not any idea about there, or maybe you just want to insult azerbaijanis because you are a kurd. is it right? FYI, most of people in karabakh(Gharabagh) were azerbaijani, even I had some relatives from there before Armenians occupy that land, and Azerbaijan has never been a part of Armenia in the history, maybe you taught that azerbaijan was the same as northern kurdish lands that was ruled by Armenians?
Your post was absolutely shocking for me.
Azerbaijani people are consisting 1/4 of Iran's population and about half of capital's population, and they consist core part of Iran's Intelectuals and experts, ... , and They can decide to help Azerbaijan republic. Iran has more things in common with Azerbaijan republic than any other country in the world.
The bolded part of your quote was hurtful for me. It showed me that you have not any idea about there, or maybe you just want to insult azerbaijanis because you are a kurd. is it right? FYI, most of people in karabakh(Gharabagh) were azerbaijani, even I had some relatives from there before Armenians occupy that land, and Azerbaijan has never been a part of Armenia in the history, maybe you taught that azerbaijan was the same as northern kurdish lands that was ruled by Armenians?

Most of the inhabitants of Karabakh were Armenians. Even Turkish sources mention this. If Azerbaijanis in Iran want to support Azerbaijan, they should cross the border in order to that. Otherwise, Iranian Azerbaijanis should tick it to Iran's interests.

Kurs have no beef with Azerbaijanis. In fact, in Iran many cities are populated by large Kurdish and Azerbaijani populations, like Urmia. So I can't see why you brought this argument up.

Azerbaijan is a artificial country. Armenia is entitled to that land, as well as to more lands that are currently controlled by Azerbaijan.
Most of the inhabitants of Karabakh were Armenians. Even Turkish sources mention this. If Azerbaijanis in Iran want to support Azerbaijan, they should cross the border in order to that. Otherwise, Iranian Azerbaijanis should tick it to Iran's interests.

Kurs have no beef with Azerbaijanis. In fact, in Iran many cities are populated by large Kurdish and Azerbaijani populations, like Urmia. So I can't see why you brought this argument up.

Azerbaijan is a artificial country. Armenia is entitled to that land, as well as to more lands that are currently controlled by Azerbaijan.

Really? please mention your reliable sources. As far as I know, karabakh has always been an azerbaijani land. what you said, is not true, and if it was USSR would merge it with Armenia. Even pro-Armenian USSR government in moscow did not say so.
btw, it is interesting for me that you think Iran's interest is to be friend with armenia which is a landlocked country with less than 3 million population and about half the size of East Azerbaijan province of Iran. Armenia is enemy with all of her neighbors, even georgia and its GDP is ridiculously low.

BTW, you said:"Kurs have no beef with Azerbaijanis" Really? LOL, because, As far as I know, Kurds always had problems with Turks and Iranians.

BTW, when hostage issue against Israelis in Uganda happened, an old jewish woman said an interesting thing. she said:"Whats the purpose of existence of Israel when jews are suffered" and I would say to hezzis, what is the reason of having a religious shia regime when shias are suffering from Armenian occupiers and the shia government does not do anything? and I would say to secular Iranians that what's the meaning of being Iranian when our Azerbaijani brothers are killed by Armenians?
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