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F-16, Su-30MKI Face Off During Singapore-India Joint Military Exercise

Hey Mate they can make TEXTILES
Bangladesh has a very sophisticated shipbuilding industry.

Pride of the Bay of Bengal:
Russian did not save your in 71, Indians did. And that was a mistake. :D
India didn't do cr@p, you just came in when a worn down Pakistani Army were willing to negotiate a peace treaty. The reason was to set up a puppet regime at Bangladesh.
No, too factual. In fact right after Independence your country wanted us to not have a military but our military officers refused. And they took away the huge Pakistani Arsenal left behind.
so you shall start a reunification movement sir ji . bate to bohut bardi karte ho janab , kaam bhi kiya hai kabhi kuch ?
Certainly I was surprised also, when the people here start talking like having a ride as secondary pilot on the tandem seat gives all insight of IAF su 30mki to PAF.

Question for Pakistani and Chinese Members
1. does any Chinese flanker have Bars MMR
2. Why didn't us allow AIM 120C-7, and AIM-9x to Pakistan for its F-16, if not why winjammer is excited for JHCMS
3. Does PAF have F-15 to give the advantage of air superiority over the enemy space, so that F-16 becomes undefeatable bird, and unchallenged bird in the air.
4. Does US technicians are present in the all the PAF bases with f-16, to deprive US technology theft to the Chinese, and it comes to PAF which could not be used against India in WAR.
5. Which PAF fighter plane have IRST.

I am neither a Pakistani, nor a Chinese. But I can answer some of your questions based on the factual knowledge I have. See answers in the same order vs. your questions:

1: The Chinese don't have Bars. But their Radars are upgraded, without any Israeli input. So if you compare the MKI's radar with MKK, the MKK is about 80% comparable to MKI's. Which really means in a high threat, sensor rich environment WITH such close proximity like India and Pakistan, the Bars doesn't provide any "range" or "detection" benefits. It does provide multi-lock on capability (as it was designed originally on F-14's radar base, 6 on 6). MKI carries many BVR's at a time. So it can lock onto 6 enemy fighters at once. But what if the enemy has 2 per SU's? So 4 JFT's (in theory) against two MKI's. $$$$ wise, 4 JFT"s are STILL cheaper than 2 MKI's. You do the math.

Next, the Chinese didn't do anything in the interim as they were working on their AESA's. So their AESA platforms on-board J-11 B/C/D's, J-15's, J-16's, etc, is a superior platform to Bars PESA. Wait for another couple of years to see the AESA tech in mass production by the Chinese.

2: The US will not sell her most recent tech to Pakistan (AMRAAM C-7 and D's), due to Chinese connections with Pakistan and all. AIM-9x are on the cards in the near future. Expect AMRAAMS C-7's to be sold to Pakistan by 2020 though as the US would've moved on to AMRAAM D's, and E's by then. Just the way the US works, every nation has the right to protect their advance tech.

3: Pakistan doesn't have the F-15's, but what does JHMC has to do with the -15's???? And, Pakistan doesn't need to be "over the enemy territory" as its a defensive force. 5 times smaller in area and population compared to India with an entirely different strategy and requirements. Do you know what JHMS allows the -16 pilots to do? If you do "know it", then enlighten me, I'd like to see your knowledge about the subject before commenting more.

4: I think its been discussed and posted through various sources on this thread that Pakistan is free to use its -16's under a war with anyone. That's why they bought these, just like the F-86's. Imagine for a second these jets not working......a small conflict will go to the threshold of using flash lights immediately. This scenario is the same as the entire PAF or 75% of its higher end jets taken out. Now imagine how LM's sales worldwide would drop......UAE, KSA, and everyone else will lose trust. That is why, the US has strict laws in place, if one country is approved to buy a system, such sale has LM, Boeing and the US government's reputation and backing. The US does excellent business and if a sale is approved and the conditions are agreed upon, there is no stopping on using the system for its intended purposes. The -15, -16, -18, etc, are not trainers, just fyi. The US technicians may be protecting the technology by supporting the maintenance and overhaul activities. But they can't control flights of the jets. These are -16's, not RC cars :rofl: :angel: :enjoy:

5: The PAF uses a POD based IR solution similar to IRST. But the IRST is coming embedded within the body in the next batch of the new -16's ordered. Plus, the JFT block III (and retro to block II) will all have it. Give it two more years to see it in the JFT's and 3-4 years to see it with the -16's.

A while ago, there was an Indian UAV that was taken out inside Pakistan's borders around Lahore I think. A -16 took it out, what do you think saw, tracked and locked onto such a small UAV?? (that size usually has a marginal RCS and the radars can't usually see it). It was all done by an IR pod that the -16's carry and was taken out by an IR homing Sidewinder :cheers::big_boss:. The PAF was using some French pod too I think, for her -16's. These newer terms like IRST and all, may sound "sexy" and "newer", but the platforms are however older. The US has been running IR based AAM's and Radars for decades :usflag:
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India didn't do cr@p, you just came in when a worn down Pakistani Army were willing to negotiate a peace treaty. The reason was to set up a puppet regime at Bangladesh.

1000 Indian soldiers died liberating your country. Indira Gandhi did it to cut Pakistan to size. You might not have gotten independence if Indian army did not help you.
The videos are a bit old but gives some insights about MKI. The important part is a US fighter pilot tells so the source is neutral.
I see hé admire the usa pilot thst the mki is msrginally superior to legacy f16 and f15. But inferior to f22 raptors
1000 Indian soldiers died liberating your country. Indira Gandhi did it to cut Pakistan to size. You might not have gotten independence if Indian army did not help you.
We would have done fine without your "help". It was just a matter of when Pakistan decided to leave.

so you shall start a reunification movement sir ji . bate to bohut bardi karte ho janab , kaam bhi kiya hai kabhi kuch ?
Yes, but this time for Moha Bangladesh or Moha Banglaistan
The videos are a bit old but gives some insights about MKI. The important part is a US fighter pilot tells so the source is neutral.
You have failed to even see that this "neutral" and thus creidble source (according to you) has pointed out the Su-30MKI is superior to the F-15s and F-16s and only just below the F-22. He points out many of the issues the MKI pilots faced were self-inflicted- not data-linking with freindly a/c for full situational awarness (would not be the case in S.Asian skies), relatively inexperienced flight crews on the type (this was some 7 years ago, the IAF is now the authority on the Su-30MK series and poor maintainability- the IAF is working to get the MKI up to 75% availability with most (if not all) aspects of the MKI being localised.
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