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Why is Eid not celebrated to its fullest in a secular country?

What is mean by Fullest ?, Hindu,Christen,Sikh should celebrate it ? why ? Muslims do other ? The people who are enemy of them , Muslims who killing Non-muslims everyday.

The people of Pakistan Criticizing indian on Secularism ? People who created Official law to execute non-muslims in their country , People who are massacre non-muslims everyday ? Fist make make your self eligible to talk about secularism.

Everyday you kill people and talk about Non-violence , Secularism ???

No one would complain if there was a law in India that said "If you are Hindu and you eat beef, then you will go to jail"
But to force non Hindus to not eat beef is rather ridiculous and non secular.

It would be non-secular only if their religion mandates eating cow beef as a fundamental part of the faith. Does it ?
India is too diverse Pakistani's will never understand it....christians are boss in northeast india and kerela,hindus are the boss in north india, muslims in hyderabad, others neutral....if u drive along the highways in northeast u will find Dhabas that serve beef and pork dish....
What is mean by Fullest ?, Hindu,Christen,Sikh should celebrate it ? why ? Muslims do other ? The people who are enemy of them , Muslims who killing Non-muslims everyday.

The people of Pakistan Criticizing indian on Secularism ? People who created Official law to execute non-muslims in their country , People who are massacre non-muslims everyday ? Fist make make your self eligible to talk about secularism.

Everyday you kill people


Fullest means, mass eating of cow...

Give me one proof that Pakistan massacres non-Muslims everyday.
That is the problem.
No one would complain if there was a law in India that said "If you are Hindu and you eat beef, then you will go to jail"
But to force non Hindus to not eat beef is rather ridiculous and non secular.

Is eating beef mandatory for Muslims?? Same Pakistanis cheerlead for China even if they ban Ramadan.
Err..some worship, some revere..whats the big deal..at the end of the day its considered holy.

Genius how do you think the Jains survive is they think plants are holy and not to be killed. ?

The thing is banning things which is considered sacred by one community but consumed by another community. SO again your logic does not make the cut.

1. good, so some do worship cows, thanks for making this clear in writing
2. oh man I am so dumb, I meant to say Jains don't eat ROOT PLANTS like Potatoes, Onions, and garlic............Oh wait I DID SAY THAT. :wave:
3. So let me get this straight, you are saying the only things that can be banned are things that are "sacred"? So then this has nothing to do with "communal harmony" as offensive things would not get banned.
thus is purely a Hindu abuse of power where they want to control even the eating habits of non Hindus.
I just beat your by your own logic, how do you like them apples :D

Aslo, this is exactly what our great leader saw in the future of India. Hindus abusing their power and silencing minority rights.
It would be non-secular only if their religion mandates eating cow beef as a fundamental part of the faith. Does it ?

That is such an absurd argument
My religion does not mandate that I eat potatoes, so does that mean you have the right to ban potatoes?
how about wearing T-shirts, that is not mandated so You have the right to ban them?
or how about going to the park? You gonna ban that too? I mean after all no religion on earth says you have to go to a park.

This is such a fascists ideology.
Fullest means, mass eating of cow...


No its not. Dude by mentioning things that are not in Quran you are blaspheming. The only things going for you is the stupid wahhabis in Pakistan dont know IP locating techniques. Anyways take care.
This is not a religious fight. Why is everyone here trying to prove that their religion is better. Hindus have evils like caste system and genocides of muslims and sikhs. On the other hand Muslims are also not so pure, they have killed their own muslim brothers and are famous in world for bombings and radicalism. Even Christians agree that the crusades were their biggest crimes in history.

Pakistanis here should not be posting crap, India as a whole is way better than Pakistan. We have muslims vice president and world's richest muslim buisnessman has also been an Indian. All muslims in India know whats good for them. Moving to Pakistan was a mistake for many and given chance 1000s of educated muslims will move over to Indian. Accept it.
That is such an absurd argument
My religion does not mandate that I eat potatoes, so does that mean you have the right to ban potatoes?
how about wearing T-shirts, that is not mandated so You have the right to ban them?
or how about going to the park? You gonna ban that too? I mean after all no religion on earth says you have to go to a park.

This is such a fascists ideology.

Again I repeat - the banning is not about things that are not liked by one community. Its about things that are considered sacred by one community while as a consumption material by other. Looks like that simple concept is not penetrating your head.

I think they can, unless the origin is India.

Or they are shias........
This is not a religious fight. Why is everyone here trying to prove that their religion is better. Hindus have evils like caste system and genocides of muslims and sikhs. On the other hand Muslims are also not so pure, they have killed their own muslim brothers and are famous in world for bombings and radicalism. Even Christians agree that the crusades were their biggest crimes in history.

Pakistanis here should not be posting crap, India as a whole is way better than Pakistan. We have muslims vice president and world's richest muslim buisnessman has also been an Indian. All muslims in India know whats good for them. Moving to Pakistan was a mistake for many and given chance 1000s of educated muslims will move over to Indian. Accept it.

Only Pakistanis that do are Hindus... No Muslim migrates to India and thats a fact... Unlike yours where 100's of Muslims migrate to Pakistan everyday.

No its not. Dude by mentioning things that are not in Quran you are blaspheming. The only things going for you is the stupid wahhabis in Pakistan dont know IP locating techniques. Anyways take care.

We made fun of Salafists and Wahhabis in movies...
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