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Export of terror is basis of Indian policy

Jet Li

Jul 24, 2010
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Export of terror is basis of Indian policy
Posted on 19 January 2011

The culprit of Samjhota Exres dresses up in the full Hindu saffron regalia, and is followed to and from places by his band of marauders who carry the Hindu Trident and yell Anti-Muslim slogans. Colonel Prohit dreses the same way, and is treated like a hero in Bharat. It is like the KKK at a lynching. Pakistan will be demanding the extradition of Hindu terrorists like RSS leader Swami Aseemanand and several other RSS and other Hindu fanatics who were involved in the 2007 bloody bombing of the Pakistan-bound Samjhota Express train that killed 68 innocent people, 42 of which were Pakistan nationals.

◦The bomb attack on the Samjhauta (Compromise) Express train travelling from India to Pakistan in February 2007 killed 68 people.
◦The 2008 blast in the town of Malegaon killed seven people and left more than 100 injured. A female Hindu priest, Sadhwi Pragya Singh Thakur, and a serving Indian army officer were among 11 people who were arrested in connection with the attack.
◦In May 2007, at least 14 people were killed in an explosion during Friday prayers at the Mecca mosque in Hyderabad. It is one of India’s biggest mosques, and there was rioting afterwards.
◦And in October 2007, a bomb attack on a famous Sufi Muslim shrine in the city of Ajmer – in the state of Rajasthan – killed two people. BBC
The Hindu radical group is the spiritual parent fo Bharat’s main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The RSS leader had confessed before a special court in Delhi last week that murderers of his terror outfit were involved in planning and executing the Samjhota train bombing.

The Pakistan Foreign Office will raise the extradition demand of following Bharat’s refusal to share the details of the Samjhota train bombing probe with Pakistan. The demand for extradition will be raised during the Indo-Pak foreign secretary level talks likely to be held in Bhutan in the first week of February. The embarrassed Bharatis have been caught with this pants down. The Bharati External Affairs Ministry has been making excuses saying “it was premature” to provide results of the ongoing 2007 train bombing probe to Pakistan. Bharat has been dragging its feet since 2007 on the investigation.

The BBC reports that “According to India’s Tehelka magazine, which has obtained a copy of his 42-page confession, he told his interrogators that the attacks on Muslim places were in response to attacks by Islamist militants in India.

BBC quoting Rajiv Gandhi form the Wikileaks says “that many of those involved in the bombings were members of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) – the right-wing parent organisation of India’s main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party.”

Bharat has been attempting to play the Ajmal Kasab card. Bharat seems to have overplayed its Ace. it is not Pakistan’s turn to pay back Bharat in kind with the Swami card.

The RSS confession substantially bolstered Pakistan’s diplomatic arsenal, embarrass India as well as counter its clamor for bringing to justice the masterminds of 26\11 terror attacks.

Opposition politicians were angered recently after leaked diplomatic cables suggested Rahul Gandhi, widely tipped as a future Indian PM, believed Hindu radicals might pose a greater threat than Islamist militants.

The Pakistan Foreign Office has already summoned the acting Indian High Commissioner GV Srinivas on January 11, 2011 and asked him to hand over the findings of the bombing investigation. Islamabad has also listing other bombing incidents involving the Hindu Mahasabah radicals, Gujarat, Malegoan, Mecca Msjid in Hyderabad, Ajmer Sharif etc. All these incidents were initially blamed on Pakistani, the implication was that Bharati intelleigence agencies had been wrongly accusing Pakistan of fomenting terror in India.

The Bharati Central Bureau of Investigations (CBI) and the Bharati Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) had unceremoniously blamed the terror acts on the Lashkar-e-Tayaba and the Bangladesh-based Harkatul Jehadul Islami (HUJI). Scores of innocent Indian Muslim youth were arrested and brutally tortured by the Indian security establishment.

To make things worse, the RSS and the Hindu Mahasabah rioted in Malegaon, Ajmer and Panipat, beat up Muslim youth, set Muslim businesses on fire, and looted the homes of Muslims. Nine Mulims still languish in jails, blamed for the crimes committed by the Hindu Mahasabah

Pakistan is now seeking the deportation of Swami along with his acolytes.

Export of terror is basis of Indian policy | Pakistan Patriot
Truth never could be pressed or hide, tomorrow or after tomorrow you have to face reality. This reality must open world eyes over Indian propaganda against ISI, propaganda against Indian so called "Religious Extremists" in Pakistan and this reality must open eyes of USA, UK, EU to realize that where situated most radical movements and it is alarm for their deals in Civil nuclear programs as well. Pakistan has to bring this situation in world community.

There is strange thing happened that USA, UK or EU didn’t cry over this news or bluff play of India against Pakistan’s security authorities and they didn’t show their comments! It is a big question & big lesson for Pakistan. They didn’t show demands or discuss security issues of Indian strategic sites where presents in house organized terrorist groups!
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