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Explosive report on 1962 India-China war leaked


Mar 22, 2013
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Explosive report on 1962 India-China war leaked Video: NDTV.com

It has been considered one of the most closely-guarded military secrets in India - the Henderson Brooks report of the Indian Army commissioned after the 1962 loss to China. For decades, release of the report has been resisted and apparently only two copies of the report physically existed in the Defence Ministry in South Block. Now, Australian journalist and historian Neville Maxwell, who reported from India in the sixties, and evidently has a copy of the report, has released more than 120 pages online.

Here are 10 points in the 1962 India-china war report:
  1. "We acted on a militarily unsound basis of not relying on our own strength but rather on believed lack of reaction from the Chinese."

  2. Decisions at the highest level were taken without any military appreciation, and no overall plan was made to (prepare) for a major Chinese reaction,"

  3. The Intelligence Bureau was of the opinion that the Chinese would not react to our establishing new posts and were not likely to use force against any Indian post even if they could.

  4. This was contrary to the military intelligence, which clearly indicated that the Chinese would resist by force any attempts to take back territory held by them.

  5. "Militarily, it is unthinkable that the General Staff did not advise the Government on our weakness and inability to implement the "Forward Policy."

  6. General Kaul in his report has brought out that, on a number of occasions in 1961-62, the government was advised of our deficiencies in equipment, manpower, and logistic support, which would seriously prejudice our position in the event of a Chinese attack on us

  7. "There might have been pressure put by the Defence Ministry, but it was the duty of the General Staff to have pointed out the unsoundness of the "Forward Policy" without the means to implement it.

  8. the General Staff at no stage submitted to the Government an appraisal on the consequences of the "Forward Policy" or the base requirement of troops and resources required before it should have been implemented."

  9. "To base military actions and place in jeopardy the security of troops on suppositions and beliefs put across at conference tables indicates either acceptance of the belief or a militarily unsound mind."

  10. The army could have put its foot down and prevented the execution of a militarily unsound policy.
Secret report on 1962 India-China war posted online, seized by BJP | NDTV.com
Thanks for the post---but older people like me---this is not new news----this is old news.
That war was lesson for us to overcome our shortcomings which were conveniently ignored that time gov n top military brass.... I think it was failure of our foreign policy too which couldn't stop Chinese assault by putting adequate international pressure on China ..... hope indo china would not confront each other in future......
The report says the Indian forces were pushed into a war they could only lose, based on the assumption that the Chinese would not escalate hostilities

its the Indians who started the aggression
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and its not explosive either. indian leadership was either very incompetent or delusional. And gauging from idiotic two-front war statements from senior leadership in recent past, looks like the delusions have multiplied many fold. If that is the case, then Indians should keep ready for more "explosive reports" in the future as well.

Thanks for the post---but older people like me---this is not new news----this is old news.
a thread is already running on this topic
and its not explosive either. indian leadership was either very incompetent or delusional. And gauging from idiotic two-front war statements from senior leadership in recent past, looks like the delusions have multiplied many fold. If that is the case, then Indians should keep ready for more "explosive reports" in the future as well.
In 1962, military was not ready but there was political will. In 2014, the military is ready but no political will. And dont get too much ahead of yourselves regarding the "explosive reports" Indians should be bracing for. There is not going to be any war with China in the foreseeable future. After 62 debacle, just after 3 years, when pak attacked, India still stood on its ground. That was when pak was powerful with international support and India was weak and poor.
Now the tables have turned and you are no more seen as a competitor. You now dont have enough money to run your nation... forget sustaining a war. Even in worst case, if India had to face both of its neighbors at a time, eastern front would be defended and the western front would be same as that in the past. Only difference is India being in the best of it's form and pak being in the worst. Want to bring nukes into the war? Go ahead...we were the ones who withstood US's nuclear threat right when US was at our doorstep and we were without nukes and without the capability to strike back. One would be fooling himself if he thinks India backs off from a war when threatened by a smaller and weak nation.
In 1962, military was not ready but there was political will. In 2014, the military is ready but no political will. And dont get too much ahead of yourselves regarding the "explosive reports" Indians should be bracing for. There is not going to be any war with China in the foreseeable future. After 62 debacle, just after 3 years, when pak attacked, India still stood on its ground. That was when pak was powerful with international support and India was weak and poor.
Now the tables have turned and you are no more seen as a competitor. You now dont have enough money to run your nation... forget sustaining a war. Even in worst case, if India had to face both of its neighbors at a time, eastern front would be defended and the western front would be same as that in the past. Only difference is India being in the best of it's form and pak being in the worst. Want to bring nukes into the war? Go ahead...we were the ones who withstood US's nuclear threat right when US was at our doorstep and we were without nukes and without the capability to strike back. One would be fooling himself if he thinks India backs off from a war when threatened by a smaller and weak nation.
And also the 67 and 87 incidents
And also the 67 and 87 incidents
Forget China, the himalayas wont let any war to happen. And personally I dont want a fight with the hans until it is brought upon us. But our brothers on the other side of the border are surely deserve a royal indian treatment for which even nature gave a vast fighting field in the form of the thar desert. :D
The report says the Indian forces were pushed into a war they could only lose, based on the assumption that the Chinese would not escalate hostilities

its the Indians who started the aggression

That's right.

Nehru saw that China was extremely vulnerable, we were in the middle of the worst famine in Chinese history (Great leap forward), and we were surrounded on all sides by two enemy superpowers, the USA and the USSR.

Nehru thought he could take our land with the Forward Policy, and that we were too weak to respond, since we were collapsing from internal famine.

It was a very poor gamble on his part, since of course we did respond. Even a starving China will fight back.

Luckily modern Indian leaders would never do something so ridiculous, or at the very least they would make sure they are prepared first.
Forget China, the himalayas wont let any war to happen. And personally I dont want a fight with the hans until it is brought upon us. But our brothers on the other side of the border are surely deserve a royal indian treatment for which even nature gave a vast fighting field in the form of the thar desert. :D
You have brothers on the other side of the border,you mean Uyghur?It seems they can do something sometime.
What was the outcome? Has China returned the land it got from India? Or it was its own area?
What was the outcome? Has China returned the land it got from India? Or it was its own area?
Even most Chinese have no idea about it.

Just the place called Arunachal by Indian is in our own maps.
You have brothers on the other side of the border,you mean Uyghur?It seems they can do something sometime.
Lol..Uyghurs are none of my concerns. You can slaughter them bastards all you want for killing your citizens. I was talking about the brothers across the thar desert.
And it is sure wholy occupied by Indian army now.

Lol..Uyghurs are none of my concerns. You can slaughter them bastards all you want for killing your citizens. I was talking about the brothers across the thar desert.
Yes it came first in my mind.
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