To seek and learn is a part of Islam. I disagree with the video. To say that Islam should be interpreted only by references to scholars entirely misses the target.
The video had me saying "And?" because so what if the presenter is non Muslim as long as the content is valuable, so what if the makers are trying to share the knowledge of Islam from a Scientific perspective. To say it is wrong, is wrong in itself. You should disprove, not simply refute.
Reading the comments, it really saddens me how this person thinks. Some people said that their content seems perfectly good and in light of Islam, it seems good and well made. But all this person could reply was "You have no idea what you're talking about," and "That's what 2 billion Christians think about Christianity, but they're deceived by Shaytan." If you ask me, that's very ignorant. Instead of presenting the facts, and letting the people form their own opinion and decide for themselves, this person is trying to suppress and put down others. That's insanity, don't fall for his soft tone.
But we ought to present a better theory, a theory that is more scientifically applicable, experimentally provable, and distinguished. There are many case studies conducted over many years that prove that adaptation, and hence, evolution is a process that takes place. The ability to use radioactive elements to date old bones, genetic studies and such comparisons also point to its reliability.
Also, I just saw the There is No Clash video. Many Muslims seem to disagree on that video, mostly arabs. It makes me happy that Pakistani Muslims are more broad-minded and understanding the importance of science in the Muslim world as it was about in the Osmanli caliphate, and instead of outright rejecting it, they're ready to debate it.