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Eve’s daughters raped with impunity

Whether the girl is a prostitute, open for one night stand,drinks, goes for pre-marital/extra-marital sex, parties till late night or dresses differently is not an excuse for men to rape her. Anything without her consent needs to be punished. I have come across incidents where a prostitute was raped (she agreed for a price with couple of college students in the corner of the college ground and ended up being forced to sleep with 17 guys that night - true story).

I don't think like that way, its the thinking of other guys who come from small towns and villages. Since you belong to upper middle class and you see it often, you don't find it weird. For a upper lower class and middle class, this is complete change of society. They can't adjust to it and they react in weird way.

Problem is you don't want to understand psychology of these people. You don't know about these middle class eve teasers and harassers. Read some journals. Talk to some social worker who work in this field. You don't know how different the society is.

No one is justifying rape. I am telling you how guys react to a girl who drinks and asks for one night stand. This affects a guy's mentality that is new to this culture. Read about juvenile rapists accounts and testimonies.

Again, I tell you that you have to think over and research about things that you think it is normal to you may be quite influential for a different person which may push him to the edge.

Russian and Uzbek case reflects how desperate the guys in metros. And how much they lack self control, especially when they are drunk.

And don't make these condescending personal posts if you can't understand what I am saying.

Friend, instead of trying to understand that sick mentality , we should try to change it. Those women who drink and ask for one night stands are not meant to be raped .period.

Same goes for even professional prostitutes as Safriz said. Women should be allowed to drink and ask guys out just like men are. this is what equality means.

Tell me this , in this country so many little girls and old women are raped , what is their fault ? They don't drink or wear short clothes. The problem is with the sick mentality of rapists. They are completely to be blamed for this and not any rich or poor girls.

I don't see any condescension in my post. I am surprised you think this way being an educated man , and i stand by that.
Friend, instead of trying to understand that sick mentality , we should try to change it. Those women who drink and ask for one night stands are not meant to be raped .period.

Same goes for even professional prostitutes as Safriz said. Women should be allowed to drink and ask guys out just like men are. this is what equality means.

Tell me this , in this country so many little girls and old women are raped , what is their fault ? They don't drink or wear short clothes. The problem is with the sick mentality of rapists. They are completely to be blamed for this and not any rich or poor girls.

I don't see any condescension in my post. I am surprised you think this way being an educated man , and i stand by that.

What mentality ?

I remember women in markets were addressed as behan G / Baji in India & Pakistan respectively.

Compared to the strict gender segregation practiced in Arab countries, ours was an extremely well knit society.

So what happend ? In the last 20 or so years, how has society turned so violent and how have morals erroded so fast ?

discuss these aspects, maybe we will all learn some thing.
Thats where 'legalizing and regulating' prostitution can be benificial.
Create an area like red light area where desparate men can go instead of terrorizing random women.
Same for women,those who want extea cash can go there and sell themselves,instead of mixing with ordinary women and making men think that a certain class,type or area of women are available fir sex,due to actions of few women.

Dude most women getting raped in India are from the poor classes .Rape cases of girls as young as 5 and women as old as 70 year old have been reported.

This whole idea of lifestyle of certain high class woman triggering people to rape women is BS. In fact , most of these sick rapists in India would be really scared to rape a rich looking woman who gets out of a big car . They think more than 100 times , because they know she comes from an influential family.

Even this girl who was raped in Delhi, was from a lower middle class family in U.P , that's why she was taking a bus at night in the first place, something no so called "rich woman" would do.

In short these Men have to change

What mentality ?

I remember women in markets were addressed as behan G / Baji in India & Pakistan respectively.

Compared to the strict gender segregation practiced in Arab countries, ours was an extremely well knit society.

So what happend ? In the last 20 or so years, how has society turned so violent and how have morals erroded so fast ?

discuss these aspects, maybe we will all learn some thing.

Dude, i don't want to repeat everything. Just go through the last few pages. You will probably get an idea.
Friend, instead of trying to understand that sick mentality , we should try to change it. Those women who drink and ask for one night stands are not meant to be raped .period.
Same goes for even professional prostitutes as Safriz said. Women should be allowed to drink and ask guys out just like men are. this is what equality means.
Tell me this , in this country so many little girls and old women are raped , what is their fault ? They don't drink or wear short clothes. The problem is with the sick mentality of rapists. They are completely to be blamed for this and not any rich or poor girls.
I don't see any condescension in my post. I am surprised you think this way being an educated man , and i stand by that.
There lies the difference between you and me. You don't want to identify the root of the problem and you want to find the solution. Why there is sudden rise in rape cases in Delhi. ever thought about it. Understand the social dynamics. A girl who drinks and involve in pre-martial sex is a cultural shock to these new urban males. They haven't seen this behavior earlier in the life.This new cultural change their perception about the woman. They starts to objectify them and start taking them as a material to use and throw as they get convinced that these girls lack character.

Whereas these girls are equally cultured and have more responsible behavior in relationship.

Let me cite an example, In US, girls and women are often in bikinis on beaches and in swimming pools. The guys from their childhood have seen it as a part of their culture. For them its a normal behavior. But send a rural person from India and see his reaction. He will be ogling each and every girl out there. Now you will think I should beat this guy if he teases a girl or attacks a woman or try to rape her. How many will you beat. You have to think about the general psychology of each and every person from conservative background, their change in behavior and their reaction to new environment.

Here comes sex education, media and family values. Here comes proper supervision, strict laws and responsible behavior and code of conduct.

Problem with you and other guys out there protesting is that they don't understand what has changed this new generation to act in such a way that instead of being more civilized, they are turning into animals.

What is going in adolescent's mind and what he is exposed to. How much guidance and who is he following as a role model ?

I can explain you each and every characteristic of any guy in today's India. Just name it. Alcohol consumption, drugs, smoke, prostitute hiring, anything.

You are thinking emotionally. You have to see the transformation of one gender and relative transformation of psyche of today's population. Even if you wear jeans, drink alcohol or anything so called modern, you still touch your parent's feet.

if there is lack of catching up and adjustment, social differences get created and crime increases.

So buddy, again, read more about crime and criminal psychology, read some social science journals, talk to some social workers. Don't just last out getting emotional.

Most of the social workers say that their problem is not only the govt. but also these so called one time protestors and emotional people. They do more harm than good. They have practical solutions which I have shared about Gurgaon case which resulted in instant beefing up of security by the govt. and by the shops.

Think rationaly and find practical solution. Its easy to say you have to change the mindset of the people. But when it comes to How ? You have no answer. Its easy to say, respect woman, blah blah blah. But how you systematically implement it so that it changes the decision making and psychology of the young population, is whole different game.

There you will fail and we will have to deal with your emotional outbursts and to implement necessary measures to avoid you from creating the mess. I am telling you all this from my experience with actual social workers.
Whether the girl is a prostitute, open for one night stand,drinks, goes for pre-marital/extra-marital sex, parties till late night or dresses differently is not an excuse for men to rape her. Anything without her consent needs to be punished. I have come across incidents where a prostitute was raped (she agreed for a price with couple of college students in the corner of the college ground and ended up being forced to sleep with 17 guys that night - true story).
Point is not how girl behaves, point is how man reacts to it. I can't understand why yu guys don't want to understand the reason for these crimes increase.

Men has to change.
Men has to change.
Men has to change.

Same can be said about terrorists, murderers, drunk drivers etc. etc. Point is how to change. If you really want to make a change, think about solutions in detail rather than making one line solution Men has to change.

Its like saying a cricketer you have to perform well. Everyone knows that we have to change. The cricketer knows he has to perform. But how, its the job of the coach to make him understand how to play and how to perform.

You are like commentators and actual people who make changes and social workers are the coaches.

Its easy to criticize and say one line solution. But to make the change, you will fail.
As many as 150 MPs in this lok sabha have criminal records including rape and molestation. What do you expect from these politicians, tougher laws !! it is a joke.
I am usually against capital punishment, but rapist and murderers deserve no sympathy. They deserved to be wiped out from the planet...
in my opinion RAPE and MURDER are equal crimes with a different name, there should be capital punishment.........

well for RAPING someone or some one getting raped i wont blame western cultures because the criminal here is the one who rape's and I find the rapist wrong as it's the rapist who is MENTALLY SICK.........

if u have women dressed up in western styles always around you u wont be that "THARKIII"

sadly the thing is people (specially men) are sick minded in the sub-continent.......and they must be taught a LESSON IMMEDIATELY
There lies the difference between you and me. You don't want to identify the root of the problem and you want to find the solution. Why there is sudden rise in rape cases in Delhi. ever thought about it. Understand the social dynamics. A girl who drinks and involve in pre-martial sex is a cultural shock to these new urban males. They haven't seen this behavior earlier in the life.This new cultural change their perception about the woman. They starts to objectify them and start taking them as a material to use and throw as they get convinced that these girls lack character.

Whereas these girls are equally cultured and have more responsible behavior in relationship.

Let me cite an example, In US, girls and women are often in bikinis on beaches and in swimming pools. The guys from their childhood have seen it as a part of their culture. For them its a normal behavior. But send a rural person from India and see his reaction. He will be ogling each and every girl out there. Now you will think I should beat this guy if he teases a girl or attacks a woman or try to rape her. How many will you beat. You have to think about the general psychology of each and every person from conservative background, their change in behavior and their reaction to new environment.

Here comes sex education, media and family values. Here comes proper supervision, strict laws and responsible behavior and code of conduct.

Problem with you and other guys out there protesting is that they don't understand what has changed this new generation to act in such a way that instead of being more civilized, they are turning into animals.

What is going in adolescent's mind and what he is exposed to. How much guidance and who is he following as a role model ?

I can explain you each and every characteristic of any guy in today's India. Just name it. Alcohol consumption, drugs, smoke, prostitute hiring, anything.

You are thinking emotionally. You have to see the transformation of one gender and relative transformation of psyche of today's population. Even if you wear jeans, drink alcohol or anything so called modern, you still touch your parent's feet.

if there is lack of catching up and adjustment, social differences get created and crime increases.

So buddy, again, read more about crime and criminal psychology, read some social science journals, talk to some social workers. Don't just last out getting emotional.

Most of the social workers say that their problem is not only the govt. but also these so called one time protestors and emotional people. They do more harm than good. They have practical solutions which I have shared about Gurgaon case which resulted in instant beefing up of security by the govt. and by the shops.

Think rationaly and find practical solution. Its easy to say you have to change the mindset of the people. But when it comes to How ? You have no answer. Its easy to say, respect woman, blah blah blah. But how you systematically implement it so that it changes the decision making and psychology of the young population, is whole different game.

There you will fail and we will have to deal with your emotional outbursts and to implement necessary measures to avoid you from creating the mess. I am telling you all this from my experience with actual social workers.

Dude , you are saying the same thing .Whose problem is it that these conservative urban/rural males are not moving on with the times and treat women who drink as fair game for rape ? Not mine. It is their problem and their parents. Proper moral education is what is needed both from schools and parents side.I just still can't get how you say what rich girls do is a part of the problem?

Btw , can you please tell me why this girl in Delhi was raped ? Was she drinking ? Was she rich ? Was she wearing short clothes?How many rich girls are raped in India anyway ? Most are poor. In fact most rich girls , the kind that you are talking about hardly ever get raped , because people are scared of their potentially influential background.

If what you are saying is true then why are little girls and old women also raped ?

Also, i would like to tell you that rapes have always been high in India , it is just that people are becoming more aware of their rights now thanks to economic development and media that is why more rapes are being reported in the police now and the media is covering them in a much bigger way.

Please explain me why in your earlier posts you said that "Rich women's behaviour also causes these problems" ?

Point is not how girl behaves, point is how man reacts to it. I can't understand why yu guys don't want to understand the reason for these crimes increase.

Men has to change.
Men has to change.
Men has to change.

Same can be said about terrorists, murderers, drunk drivers etc. etc. Point is how to change. If you really want to make a change, think about solutions in detail rather than making one line solution Men has to change.

Its like saying a cricketer you have to perform well. Everyone knows that we have to change. The cricketer knows he has to perform. But how, its the job of the coach to make him understand how to play and how to perform.

You are like commentators and actual people who make changes and social workers are the coaches.

Its easy to criticize and say one line solution. But to make the change, you will fail.

So instead of trying to change the mentality of men who rape or molest , we should change the "rich woman's behaviour" ? Is it ?
You guys are repeating same thing over and over again. Behead them, cut their nuts, and blah blah blah. Do you really think tough laws can make huge difference ? No. For changing the situation you have to understand the social dynamics and work on basic factors. Unless you do it, you will be just cutting branches instead of uprooting the evil.

We don't need old rhetoric like, Men has to change, Respect woman, Hang the rapists, Ban alcohol etc etc. Single lines don't solve the problem. What follows them with proper plan and execution is what changes the system and society.

Do you know what are the basic problems of NGOs working in education, Women's Rights etc. ? Lets see how many of you can tell me.
Dude , you are saying the same thing .Whose problem is it that these conservative urban/rural males are not moving on with the times and treat women who drink as fair game for rape ? Not mine. It is their problem and their parents. Proper moral education is what is needed both from schools and parents side.I just still can't get how you say what rich girls do is a part of the problem?
Btw , can you please tell me why this girl in Delhi was raped ? Was she drinking ? Was she rich ? Was she wearing short clothes?How many rich girls are raped in India anyway ? Most are poor. In fact most rich girls , the kind that you are talking about hardly ever get raped , because people are scared of their potentially influential background.
If what you are saying is true then why are little girls and old women also raped ?
Also, i would like to tell you that rapes have always been high in India , it is just that people are becoming more aware of their rights now thanks to economic development and media that is why more rapes are being reported in the police now and the media is covering them in a much bigger way.
Please explain me why in your earlier posts you said that "Rich women's behaviour also causes these problems" ?
So instead of trying to change the mentality of men who rape or molest , we should change the "rich woman's behaviour" ? Is it ?
:hitwall: I said the reaction of these boys and men from other social background towards this rich girls culture and their behaviour.

Is it that hard for you to understand what I am talking about ? Where the hell I am blaming women. I am telling you how these men dehumanize and start disrespecting women.

You want me to psycho-analyse the case of that Delhi girl ?

You said

"So instead of trying to change the mentality of men who rape or molest , we should change the "rich woman's behaviour" ? Is it ?"

Tell me how you will change the mentality of the male who rape or molest. Tell me how you can avoid men to rape and change their psyche to stop taking women as objects ?

Answer this in points.

I am not blaming women dammit. I am telling you to find the reasons why a person become a rapist or molester. That's how you can tackle present situation and avoid potential rapists in making.

Its like saying stop the Maoists movement but failing to see what started. Things don't work in the way you say.

Be practical and go read some studies. I am done with you. You are just one of those kids who have never seen the ugly reality and the real India that exists. I bet you have never lived in a village for a month. If you have, you will know why people dies in villages, why there are so many rapes by upper class, why there is lack of education, why girls are killed after birth and why people die of hunger.

You just saw few facebook posts, some threads and started targeting me who really want to discuss with a mature person who has seen these things and can practically discuss the solution.

Have you ever worked for a NGO ?
Point is not how girl behaves, point is how man reacts to it. I can't understand why yu guys don't want to understand the reason for these crimes increase.

Men has to change.
Men has to change.
Men has to change.

Same can be said about terrorists, murderers, drunk drivers etc. etc. Point is how to change. If you really want to make a change, think about solutions in detail rather than making one line solution Men has to change.

Its like saying a cricketer you have to perform well. Everyone knows that we have to change. The cricketer knows he has to perform. But how, its the job of the coach to make him understand how to play and how to perform.

You are like commentators and actual people who make changes and social workers are the coaches.

Its easy to criticize and say one line solution. But to make the change, you will fail.

Agreed to your point changes will not be easy. But saying one will fail is preposterous. Look at how western countries changed - For example - US - women were not allowed to vote till 1920s i.e for 140 years or so, they were treated as unequal - Even after 1920s till the advent of second world war, women were seen more as a homemaker. Things changed during and after the second world war as women started working as men were away fighting the war. And over few decades, US society has evolved to where it is now. For US, the catalyst I would say is World War II.

For India, the catalyst is 1991 when markets started opening up and more and more women has started to work. In a few decades, through strong laws forced by these kinds of situations(in Tamilnadu - a death of a girl called Sarika Shah in 1998 brought some strong laws against eve teasing and lady cops were posted in plain clothes in areas prone for eve teasing and that malice has reduced to a certain extent), poverty reduction due to the markets opening up, men's realisation that women are here to stay and challenge them at work and other fields will bring in the change. So no one need to take any special efforts, changes will be forced on men if they don't change by themselves.
Whether the girl is a prostitute, open for one night stand,drinks, goes for pre-marital/extra-marital sex, parties till late night or dresses differently is not an excuse for men to rape her. Anything without her consent needs to be punished. I have come across incidents where a prostitute was raped (she agreed for a price with couple of college students in the corner of the college ground and ended up being forced to sleep with 17 guys that night - true story).


100% responsibility on men isnt right and is a neo-feminist ideology where for them women are ok to run around with their tits haging out but a man cant send a dirty text without risking legal action under perversion and misuse of communication laws...
Responsibility lies on both genders..
Women shouldnt dress like sluts and men should be dogs on heat..
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