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ethnic Byzantines in Syria get state of the art T-90A tanks from Byzantine and battle Sunni Arabs

Indo European languages best for doing science and technology. In science all the letters are Greek and Latin letters.

So? Afghans are also Indo-European people and really i dont want to sound racist or rude here but they arent really known for being progressive and science.
"Byzantine" is not an ethnicity. It's an Empire which was named after the old name of Constantinople, Byzantion. While the ruling class of the Empire spoke Latin until 7th century, during the reign of Heraclius it hellenized.

What you're doing here is an anachronism.
That OP guy is most probably an artificial intelligence bot who uses same schematic always, one sentence, some videos, povacative titles, tags same members etc. The point is he can't develop himself, stuck somewhere on internet :D
Ethnic Byzantines gifted T-90 to Sunni Arabs:



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