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Es daldal se kesay niklain Column By Imran Khan


Jul 17, 2013
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hey folks did anyone read this column?


@Jazzbot @Leader @Peaceful Civilian @Menace2Society @Aeronaut @Armstrong @Oscar @Irfan Baloch @Imran Khan @M-48 @Mirzay @jaibi @pak-marine @nuclearpak @AUz @mafiya @Slav Defence @Major Sam @Zarvan
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the question is how they gonna do it? whats the solution what will be the national security policy? can we still justify killing by TTP. where as PA said now its our war? do you guys really think its american war. ?
how you gonna stop drones? easy to say but impossible to implement. imran khan khan should come out from day dreaming and should do soame thing on ground....
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the question is how they gonna do it? whats the solution what will be the national security policy? can we still justify killing by TTP. where as PA said now its our war? do you guys really think its american war. ?
how you gonna stop drones? easy to say but impossible to implement. imran khan khan should come out from day dreaming and should do soame thing on ground....

actually we forcefully made it our war --- it wasn't but now seems it's --- anyhow it's been a proven fact now that it was blunder by musharaf jumping in this hell when we had nothing to do with it,
So basically, had Pakistan not sealed its borders off then the Taliban would have been expelled by the Tribes anyway?
Sent back to Afghanistan even after they have marriages and ties with the FATA tribes?
Or perhaps IK expects that the US would not launch cross border attacks against the Taliban?

I am no fan of Musharrafs approach but where it comes to the deployment of the Army I think it should have been done in 2001 so nobody came in; these are very naive assumptions much like Musharraf's ideals on the Kargil war. That if we attack there will be no other response from India.
the question is how they gonna do it? whats the solution what will be the national security policy? can we still justify killing by TTP. where as PA said now its our war? do you guys really think its american war. ?
how you gonna stop drones? easy to say but impossible to implement. imran khan khan should come out from day dreaming and should do soame thing on ground....

Question is What we did before it becoming NOW ITS OUR WAR. Now it is our war because we jumped in this shitty fight without any good reason and fought for USA we have no idea what is the goal this is the endless war. These negotiations are also not going to be successful mark my words because as long there is a foot print of Karzai, India and USA there is not going to be a peace deal between Pakistan and the other factions because the enemies will never allow this to happen.
actually we forcefully made it our war --- it wasn't but now seems it's --- anyhow it's been a proven fact now that it was blunder by musharaf jumping in this hell when we had nothing to do with it,

jumping was blunder, not jumping was disaster?
then we has the choice, saying no to US?
now a lot of hero,s are saying we, should hve acted by closing down our dam eyes, denying US+40 other counties, telli g them we are aginst them?
wow what great thinker you are, budy?lolzz
So basically, had Pakistan not sealed its borders off then the Taliban would have been expelled by the Tribes anyway?
Sent back to Afghanistan even after they have marriages and ties with the FATA tribes?
Or perhaps IK expects that the US would not launch cross border attacks against the Taliban?

I am no fan of Musharrafs approach but where it comes to the deployment of the Army I think it should have been done in 2001 so nobody came in; these are very naive assumptions much like Musharraf's ideals on the Kargil war. That if we attack there will be no other response from India.

even in kargill we have nailled india, wasnt was them crying fool to clintons?
your hiflying politicians, with almost 7 years of democratic rule & blame on musharaf? wow?
no body ask no body, doing crouption s on massive scales, but when it comes for standing out for pakistan?dam musharaf is still standing?
well our wine drinking politicians, cant find a dam solutions to the terrorism instead surrendring to talibans & opening the offices for them?
what next blame world war 2nd to musharaf? lolzz
So basically, had Pakistan not sealed its borders off then the Taliban would have been expelled by the Tribes anyway?
Sent back to Afghanistan even after they have marriages and ties with the FATA tribes?
Or perhaps IK expects that the US would not launch cross border attacks against the Taliban?

I am no fan of Musharrafs approach but where it comes to the deployment of the Army I think it should have been done in 2001 so nobody came in; these are very naive assumptions much like Musharraf's ideals on the Kargil war. That if we attack there will be no other response from India.

Very rightly pointed out. We should not have allowed Afghan refugees to enter our cities. They should have been kept on boarders and given a farewell when the war was over, the initial one. Credit goes to Zia ul Haq who allowed them considering them as brothers. They came here, got education, nationality (legally or illegally), took over transportation, followed by trade, eateries, watchmen's, labour work, garbage scavengers; you name it and they have majority. They were exempted from tax or they evaded it. They flourished and are flourishing on Pakistan resources, yet they do not like Pakistan. My statement is based on my experience with their current generation. Those who interacted with me were educated in Pakistan, have property here, getting rent out of those properties, living in Afghanistan and bitching against Pakistan.

They have forgotten what we did for them. It would have been much better had we kept them at the boarders like Iran did. Even now it is not too late, we should politely ask them to leave and ensure they leave. Likewise, we have other nationalities illegally living in Pakistan, we should ask them to leave.

Only solution for Pakistan is to ask all foreigners, legal or illegal to leave Pakistan for a certain period of time. Say six months. Embassies should be asked to keep only diplomatic presence of three to four people. Those should also be security cleared before allowing it. As a result Pakistanis will also have problems with their regular visas. Be it. When surgery is done to get rid of discomfort of an organ, its trauma is sustained by the whole body.

People required to leave Pakistan should be given 10-15 days. After that any foreigner found in the country should be dealt under the clause of espionage. This clean up should be done at war footing and in a time period of three to six months. After that visa to visit Pakistan should be allowed after thorough scrutiny and limited period. Like it is done with other countries for Pakistanis.

Though this is a difficult decision to make, it will also give Pakistan a diplomatic set back. There will be immense pressure on the government. It may also effect our economy. Yet for the sake of saving this country this temporary jolt has to be borne. Friendly countries will understand our situation and enemies may go to hell, if do not understand.

To implement such bold steps the government has to have gonads and public has to have patience to bear it.
jumping was blunder, not jumping was disaster?
then we has the choice, saying no to US?
now a lot of hero,s are saying we, should hve acted by closing down our dam eyes, denying US+40 other counties, telli g them we are aginst them?
wow what great thinker you are, budy?lolzz

not going with them doesn't mean going against them...look man every country looks for own advantage...and what disaster are you talking about? sanctions?? LOL

get some guts dude!
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