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Erdogan wants Syrian regime change,not limited strikes.

1. those are islamic revolution, so according west, that is justifyable.
2. it is nothing new, we kick each other from a long time LOL

So killing peaceful protesters is justifiable by west and Bangladesh! But not when its non muslims, what a logic!
He has one of the largest,best equipped NATO armies at his disposal just across the syrian border.He should go for it and stop pesking others a continent away to do his work.Grow some "cojones" dude.
Who are you to want regime change in turkey?? Syrian case is different, there is a civil war and dictatorship, a bloody dictator who is killing his own people and using chemical weapons. Erdogan on the other hand is an elected leader.

Sorry mate but Pakistan killing BLA....TTP is also considered dictatotship by some....
Every government has the right to crush an armed rebellion.
Sorry mate but Pakistan killing BLA....TTP is also considered dictatotship by some....
Every government has the right to crush an armed rebellion.

how dare you to say TTP is terrorist :pissed: they are saver of Islam :rolleyes:
Sorry mate but Pakistan killing BLA....TTP is also considered dictatotship by some....
Every government has the right to crush an armed rebellion.

And when did I denied that they don't have right to crush the armed rebellion? They are doing it, fighting each other, what mattewr is whose the world with.
how dare you to say TTP is terrorist :pissed: they are saver of Islam :rolleyes:

you know i will never kill you only but i will hang your cat with this red tie till she die :pissed: TTP are animals like porks and snake kill them where you found them
Now where are theTurks who said Erdogan is an islamist?

Hopefully syrian ballistic missiles will change Erdogan's wet dreams into nightmares.
He is an islamist but from the other side,he is Muslim Brotherhood.
you know i will never kill you only but i will hang your cat with this red tie till she die :pissed: TTP are animals like porks and snake kill them where you found them

sshhhhh bro you are hurting somone's feeling here :secret: :sarcastic:

He is an islamist but from the other side,he is Muslim Brotherhood.

nice then turkey need military coup :angel:
Not possible.

its ok bud, you can start it LMAO

but i will hurt you first if you say a single good word for those bloody animals :sniper: they are worse creature of god nothing is bloody worse then a TTP animal

you know bro, there is always double stand if they are shia, no matter how worst rebels are, need to support them to kill shia or non believers.
This thing kills me inside
He is an islamist but from the other side,he is Muslim Brotherhood.

I Did not understand your comment.

Although i doubt the turkish seculars will support him in anything including war on syria.
He has one of the largest,best equipped NATO armies at his disposal just across the syrian border.He should go for it and stop pesking others a continent away to do his work.Grow some "cojones" dude.

Why would we, when others can fight our war?
İ don't like quiet some foreign politics of Erdo, but i gotta give him kudos for this one.

He was the first one to scream for a military intervention and now it "seems" to come with the fact that not a single Turkish bullet will be fired during this intervention (current situation).
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