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Energy Marriage - Saudi Arabia and India



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Allah's Energy Marriage - Saudi Arabia and India
Written by John Daly
Saturday, 07 January 2012 14:54

The only question is, what took so long?

Saudi Arabia, OPEC’s leading oil producer and rising BRIC superstar India are deepening their energy ties.

India is seeking massive foreign investment of nearly $1 trillion over the next 5-7 years.

Where is such largesse to come from?

Well, on 5 January, at the at the 9th India-Saudi Arabia Joint Commission meeting in New Delhi, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee proposed establishing a $ 750 million fund to be set up in cooperation with Saudi Arabia to develop joint of infrastructure, exploration and production of hydrocarbons with Saudi Arabia.

Mukherjee told his audience that the investment fund, "to be jointly set up by the Public Investment Fund, Saudi Arabia, and a counterpart Indian agency, needs to be given high priority as it is mutually beneficial."

As an indication of the high priority India sets on the investment fund, it represents 75 percent of the foreign investment that India is seeking.

Saudi Arabia is the largest economy in the Middle East and posted the best economic performance in 2011 in two decades despite the ongoing global recession. In 2011 Saudi Arabian-Indian bilateral trade was worth more than $25 billion.

Mukherjee commented, "There is a great scope to expand our bilateral trade basket to include non-oil products and we need to mount a concerted effort to enlarge and widen our trade basket. There is immense potential for increasing our trade in services as well. We hope that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be able to assist India in meeting its energy security needs in the years to come. We have specialists in both the upstream and downstream areas, including training, capacity building and research and development. India would be happy to participate in the exploration and production activities with Saudi Arabia in our two countries and also in third countries... The Joint Working Group on Hydrocarbons could explore mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation initiatives."

Underscoring the importance that Saudi Arabia attaches to deepening its ties with India, the 9th India-Saudi Arabia Joint Commission meeting was attended by a 50-member Saudi delegation led by Commerce and Industry Minister Tawfiq Al-Rabiah, his first official visit abroad after he became the minister last month. During their three-day visit, Al-Rabiah’s delegation will discuss strengthening investment and trade cooperation and setting up joint ventures with their Indian counterparts.

Indian officials and businessmen have given high priority to the visit of the Saudi delegation, which includes the top executives of 30 major Saudi companies.

In the wake of 9/11 and the global recession, which began in 2008, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Cooperation Council states began increasingly to look eastwards for investment opportunities, especially in India and China. New Delhi is seeking to take advantage of the trend to mobilize funds necessary for its infrastructure and service projects. Unscathed by the global downturn, in 2011 Saudi Arabia’s industrial sector achieved a 15 percent growth rate, with the private sector's rising contribution to the Kingdom’s gross domestic product (GDP) reaching 49 percent.

And what is Saudi Arabia looking for in the short term? Well, as Saudi Arabia is home to a two million-strong Indian workforce, Riyadh has asked the Indian government immediately to relax visa rules to boost bilateral trade and investment.

Letting no grass grow under its economic opportunities, Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) Secretary-General D.S. Rawat said that a 30-member trade delegation from India will visit Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam during third week of January to meet key Saudi government officials and businessmen. More than 190 Indian companies are currently active in the Saudi market with investments totaling $2 billion, while 55 Saudi companies or joint ventures are currently operating in India with a total investment of $200 million.

We will leave the last word on the potential for bilateral trade growth to India’s Commerce, Industry and Textiles Minister Shri Anand Sharma, who after meeting with Al-Rabiah told journalists, “The economic ties between India and Saudi Arabia would constitute a very solid foundation for the development of a strategic partnership. While the trade ties at present are already quite substantial, there exists immense potential for taking the bilateral trade relations to the higher level.”

Needless to say, neighboring energy-poor Muslim Pakistan will be watching the developments very closely, as its Hindu nemesis draws closer to the government of “The Land of the Two Holy Places” in a “strategic partnership.”

Hardly a recipe for regional stability.

By. John C.K. Daly of Oilprice.com

Maybe Aipac Sponsored regime of America enemy of Muslims has encouraged their good friend Saudi Royal family to get friendly with its other friend
we want to be in OIC..saudis should support us to come in.

Buddy, All Arab states strongly wanted India in OIC because they thought OIC will be incomplete without "the home of third largest Muslims population". King of Morocco and Saudi Sultan invited India to Rabat conference in 1969 without telling Pakistan. Pakistan under Yahya Khan threatened to leave OIC because in 1969 Pakistan was largest Muslims nation so Saudi Arabia and Morocco had to made compromise to keep largest Muslim nation in the OIC. It shows how Yahya Khan was paranoid about Indians at that time.

Iraq-Iran had dispute over Shat-Al-Arab Strait, Algerica-Morocco-Mauritania had border dispute over Western Sahara but nobody blocked each other in OIC but it was Pakistan dying to isolate India but they failed and time had proved that no Islamic country can debunk India look our relation with Iran, Saudi Arabia, CARs, Sudan etc. Iran has even allowed transit route to Afghanistan against Pakistan's wishes, Tajikistan has provided Airbase, Oman has shared naval base with India.
we want to be in OIC..saudis should support us to come in.

no we dont....its organization of islamic country...we are not one constitutionally,politically or culturally...trash that idea..

thank god due to yahya khan the stupid idea of indira gandhi was blocked....
India is seeking massive foreign investment of nearly $1 trillion over the next 5-7 years.

Our government, how much we criticize them over problems in India but their actions really shows the quality of the government of the country growing with Second fastest GDP which is missing in many of our neighbouring countries.
its not of islamic country but coz of the muslim population in country;)

we have second largest muslim population without any muslim in al qaeda;)

i dont care....we are secular country by constitution, dharmic country by culture and not an islamic country in both counts...joining OIC goes against our constitution and cultural roots....i strongly oppose any such move..
I LMAOd.....awesomely funny title....:rofl:

pakistanis...why so much insecurity...? :tongue:

Not a question off insecurity. The article was not written by Pakistan. I want my countrymen to recognise these despot tinpots for what they are and have as little to do with them as possible

---------- Post added at 10:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 PM ----------

we want to be in OIC..saudis should support us to come in.

Keep dreaming. Your government has been asking for that without success for a long time lol

---------- Post added at 10:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 PM ----------

How the trade between India and Saudi will be problem to a pure nation pakistan and danger to Regional stability ? Find hard to digest the real facts ?

Ask the guy who wrote the article I wasn't agreeing with him i just put it up
i dont care....we are secular country by constitution, dharmic country by culture and not an islamic country in both counts...joining OIC goes against our constitution and cultural roots....i strongly oppose any such move..

Go on the Hindutva thread where your claim to secularism has been trashed by your countrymen

---------- Post added at 10:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

but we applied for OIC but paranoid pakistanis restrict that move..
They know abt power of indian diplomacy;)

---------- Post added at 03:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:11 AM ----------


then why u opposed the move if u r really very confident abt ur diplomacy??;)

On principle you are Hindu majority country and as such in my opinion you dont qualify
i hope saudis will see sense and help india join OIC .

On one hand you guys trash the evil saudis-arabs n muslims and claim OIC is useless and whatnot and on the other hand you cry about joining OIC? Pathetic.

India will never be a part of OIC or any other islamic group until it solves IOK issue!
Buddy, All Arab states strongly wanted India in OIC because they thought OIC will be incomplete without "the home of third largest Muslims population". King of Morocco and Saudi Sultan invited India to Rabat conference in 1969 without telling Pakistan. Pakistan under Yahya Khan threatened to leave OIC because in 1969 Pakistan was largest Muslims nation so Saudi Arabia and Morocco had to made compromise to keep largest Muslim nation in the OIC. It shows how Yahya Khan was paranoid about Indians at that time.

Iraq-Iran had dispute over Shat-Al-Arab Strait, Algerica-Morocco-Mauritania had border dispute over Western Sahara but nobody blocked each other in OIC but it was Pakistan dying to isolate India but they failed and time had proved that no Islamic country can debunk India look our relation with Iran, Saudi Arabia, CARs, Sudan etc. Iran has even allowed transit route to Afghanistan against Pakistan's wishes, Tajikistan has provided Airbase, Oman has shared naval base with India.

Wet dreams... the largest muslim country is Indonesia with 250+ million people... also why does india want to join OIC? as for isolating india... isnt india doing to same? whining if somebdy sells even a pin to Pakistan?

Look at what? look at our relations with KSA,CARs(TAP pipeline),defence coperation with azerbaijan,training CAR military officers in our various military schools,training Tajiistan military,Going ahead with IP project which india backed off due to US,opening Irans biggest banks branches in Pakistan..Gul train..etc.. heck on the tajik base only unarmed indian helis are based... as for Oman india can only dock its ships in emergency not use it for war against any country... also do know tht a big percentage of Omani population comprises of Pakistanis.
But the article really pointed out Pakistani mentality. Pakistanis are unhappy even India doing business with Muslim countries because Muslim countries don't share India hatred of Pakistan. I have posted one video above, please watch that...

Even a civil use of nuclear energy is seen by Pakistan as a arm-race, so it is really easy to understand Pakistani mentality by author.

That is the author or an Indian view simply I do not agree with your assertion. I couldn't give a monkeys who you and or your country does business with. However I do not think that our govt should have a soft spot for any country (other than maybe China lol) They should put national interests first
but we applied for OIC but paranoid pakistanis restrict that move..
They know abt power of indian diplomacy;)

i thank the pakistanis for that...we can deal with the arab countries on a one on one diplomatic basis without getting into useless chai-biskoot organizations...
Go on the Hindutva thread where your claim to secularism has been trashed by your countrymen

we are secular constitutionally but culturally we are deeply religious and our culture is rooted in hindu-dharmic traditions....so there is not contradiction in what me and my countrymen say...
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