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End the Afghan war now…

The Link gave error message to me, when I clicked on it directly. Tip given by member nuclearpak worked.
Anyone who has viewed American media since 9/11 will not be surprised at the findings of the GWU report. While most American soldiers will try to be professional, the underlying attitude towards Afghans in particular, and Muslims in general, is not a revelation.

This war has attracted a certain mindset of American volunteers who view the Afghans as subhuman scum and their own presence in the country as a visit to hell, a patriotic sacrifice for America. This is not like a WW2 mission to Europe or even the Korean war. It is similar to the raw racial hatred against the Vietnamese -- possibly worse because there, at least, they got to fraternize with the local women.
The war was over long before US troop boots were on the ground, it was when George W Bush made a speech and said "WE WILL WIN THIS CRUSADE"....... 50,000 Pakistani youth were on the Afghan border willing to fight for the Taliban. That pretty much sealed any occupiers fate, which is why Musharaf was willing to assist upto its own borders, but refused to be part of the peacekeeping force inside Afghanistan itself........

10 years on, and they are planning on leaving they way they went in........ no plan, no strategy....... history has shown that coming nito Afghanistan is pretty easy, its when you are there that you realise the Afghans, and Pashtuns in particular are untameable and fiercely oppose anyone against their independence.
Anyone who has viewed American media since 9/11 will not be surprised at the findings of the GWU report. While most American soldiers will try to be professional, the underlying attitude towards Afghans in particular, and Muslims in general, is not a revelation.

This war has attracted a certain mindset of American volunteers who view the Afghans as subhuman scum and their own presence in the country as a visit to hell, a patriotic sacrifice for America. This is not like a WW2 mission to Europe or even the Korean war. It is similar to the raw racial hatred against the Vietnamese -- possibly worse because there, at least, they got to fraternize with the local women.

US types don't necessarily see Afghans as Scum, just as unworthy, review the "American COIN on life support thread" - what did the US in Afghanistan, was nothing other than "ideology" --- not history, not culture, not politics, not geo-politics, not "sanctuaries" but their own insistence at creating ground realities based on "ideology".

And while it's de rigeur to say Pakistan was less than an ally, trust me on this, we advised them and advised them, their ideology simply would allow them to accept the advice.
Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/afghanistan-defence/183118-end-afghan-war-now.html#ixzz1wCY3VeKr

Not to mention, the 10 year long ethnic cleansing of Pashtoons.... i don't know how many are still alive but they are certainly not happy, with carpet bombing and mishandling of the survivors and captives.

look, i want to ask you one logical question, "why US/West want to stay in Afghan if they are only bombing on the common people, and what exectly they got this way during last 9-10 years? why NATO want to stay in Afghan if anyhow they gotto leave this place within next 2-3 years? just for dropping bombs by drone in mass on the common people before leaving Afghan? to show their anger for being defeated there, before leaving that place?" :usflag:
Anyone who has viewed American media since 9/11 will not be surprised at the findings of the GWU report. While most American soldiers will try to be professional, the underlying attitude towards Afghans in particular, and Muslims in general, is not a revelation.

This war has attracted a certain mindset of American volunteers who view the Afghans as subhuman scum and their own presence in the country as a visit to hell, a patriotic sacrifice for America. This is not like a WW2 mission to Europe or even the Korean war. It is similar to the raw racial hatred against the Vietnamese -- possibly worse because there, at least, they got to fraternize with the local women.

Look the case here is, NATO gotto leave Afghan now, the time line is 2014. Then whats the reason of keep bombing on Afghan if they they are killing more civilians and less militants? :what: Also, Taliban might be having over 100,000 in their team and if NATO may kill 2-3 Taliban fighters on daily basis then also, they wont be able to kill more than 2000 of them by next 2 years, and also Taliban might be keep recruiting also, isnt it? While NATO also knows that in hunt of 2-3 militants, they generally score 6-7 civilians on side also. and if they are going to leave Afghan by 2014 anyhow, then whats the reason to kill 2000 militants and 4000 civilians before leaving Afghan in 2014? :undecided: Why all these if they know that Taliban is as strong there as it was 5-6 years before and killing 2000 of them by next 2 years will also not make any difference? Why don’t US/NATO just leave Afghan in place of keep droping bombs on different residential areas in hunt those Taliban fighters who might be hidden there with their families? why all these if they know that they have been failed in Afghan, whether they may kill 2000+4000 more before leaving Afghan in 2014?
Look the case here is, NATO gotto leave Afghan now, the time line is 2014. Then whats the reason of keep bombing on Afghan if they they are killing more civilians and less militants? :what: Also, Taliban might be having over 100,000 in their team and if NATO may kill 2-3 Taliban fighters on daily basis then also, they wont be able to kill more than 2000 of them by next 2 years, and also Taliban might be keep recruiting also, isnt it? While NATO also knows that in hunt of 2-3 militants, they generally score 6-7 civilians on side also. and if they are going to leave Afghan by 2014 anyhow, then whats the reason to kill 2000 militants and 4000 civilians before leaving Afghan in 2014? :undecided: Why all these if they know that Taliban is as strong there as it was 5-6 years before and killing 2000 of them by next 2 years will also not make any difference? Why don’t US/NATO just leave Afghan in place of keep droping bombs on different residential areas in hunt those Taliban fighters who might be hidden there with their families? why all these if they know that they have been failed in Afghan, whether they may kill 2000+4000 more before leaving Afghan in 2014?

It's just raw racial hatred. Some of these bigots want to score a few 'towelheads' before the war ends and the opportunity closes.
Look the case here is, NATO gotto leave Afghan now, the time line is 2014. Then whats the reason of keep bombing on Afghan if they they are killing more civilians and less militants? :what: Also, Taliban might be having over 100,000 in their team and if NATO may kill 2-3 Taliban fighters on daily basis then also, they wont be able to kill more than 2000 of them by next 2 years, and also Taliban might be keep recruiting also, isnt it? While NATO also knows that in hunt of 2-3 militants, they generally score 6-7 civilians on side also. and if they are going to leave Afghan by 2014 anyhow, then whats the reason to kill 2000 militants and 4000 civilians before leaving Afghan in 2014? :undecided: Why all these if they know that Taliban is as strong there as it was 5-6 years before and killing 2000 of them by next 2 years will also not make any difference? Why don’t US/NATO just leave Afghan in place of keep droping bombs on different residential areas in hunt those Taliban fighters who might be hidden there with their families? why all these if they know that they have been failed in Afghan, whether they may kill 2000+4000 more before leaving Afghan in 2014?

It's just raw racial hatred. Some of these bigots want to score a few 'towelheads' before the war ends and the opportunity closes.
Indian Troll is back.......

What is the matter Bharati, are you too ashamed to fly your Indian flag.

Guess what gave you away ?

MISCREANTS ? I have never heard that word from Russians or any one else other than Indians.

Do us all a favor and stop Trolling...

Here I am with my Pakistani flags saying: "The Taliban are miscreants, terrorists and fanatic scumbags that are best when dead".
Now you have heard 'Some one other that Russian or Indian using the term for the Taliban'.
Here I am with my Pakistani flags saying: "The Taliban are miscreants, terrorists and fanatic scumbags that are best when dead".
Now you have heard 'Some one other that Russian or Indian using the term for the Taliban'.

Amen to that -- Some Pakistanis are confused, just because US actions are not praiseworthy, that does not mean we should celebrate the Talib -- after all, if talib are good for Afghanistan, why are they bad for Pakistan??
Indian Troll is back.......

What is the matter Bharati, are you too ashamed to fly your Indian flag.

Guess what gave you away ?

MISCREANTS ? I have never heard that word from Russians or any one else other than Indians.

Do us all a favor and stop Trolling...

Are you suggesting only Indians can speak English? (though "miscreants" IS becoming a little archaic)
look, i want to ask you one logical question, "why US/West want to stay in Afghan if they are only bombing on the common people, and what exectly they got this way during last 9-10 years? why NATO want to stay in Afghan if anyhow they gotto leave this place within next 2-3 years? just for dropping bombs by drone in mass on the common people before leaving Afghan? to show their anger for being defeated there, before leaving that place?" :usflag:

There can be a lot of reports and mobile videos about (fake) Talibans, but why Indians are never targeted by any Taliban?

The truth is the ruling Taliban are long dead by carpet bombing,,, perhpas few handful on run in far areas but those are fighting today are fabricated Taliban, apparently acting as strategic partners to those who wish US to stay and keep funding private contractors from India.

Since US has announced it will leave back stable Afghanistan, than it is stupid for any group or individual who wish Americans to leave and still create instability, and giving US reason to prolong stay.

This drama is now boring and only haters believe the obvious disparity in daily developments.

I ask you one question; what are Indians doing in Afghanistan from last 10 years?
Afterall, It is same country which invited US to nuke Pakistan in exchange of military support in Afghan invasion, offer was overtly refused by US.
The war was over long before US troop boots were on the ground,
It seems so. However, long term commitment may change this.

it was when George W Bush made a speech and said "WE WILL WIN THIS CRUSADE".......
His statement had hidden message; Afghanistan will not be the only target. Any Islamic nation or leader which will threaten US interests, will be targeted.

We have witnessed the fall of Saddam, Zarqawi, Osama, and Gaddafi in this war. Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya have been bombed back to stone-age. Covert operations are taking place in other Islamic nations. More are being threatened. This is what this crusade is all about; make an example out of Anti-US elements.

50,000 Pakistani youth were on the Afghan border willing to fight for the Taliban. That pretty much sealed any occupiers fate, which is why Musharaf was willing to assist upto its own borders, but refused to be part of the peacekeeping force inside Afghanistan itself........
Among those individuals; many got killed; and many came back demoralized.

Pakistan cannot afford to send military forces in to another country and occupy it on long term basis. Musharraf made a wise decision. However, what Musharraf and Bush failed to realize early on is the influx of large number of al-Qaeda and Taliban combatants in to Pakistan during Operation Enduring Freedom. This has complicated this war much more. And this is the basis of discord between US and Pakistan in current times.

Yes, US successfully removed Taliban from power and eliminated large number of its fighters when it invaded Afghanistan.

However, Taliban was not finished. Why? Because it is an ideology whose lifeline in in Pashtun populace of both Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is the reason for its survival.

10 years on, and they are planning on leaving they way they went in........ no plan, no strategy.......
Planning and strategy existed. However, you have answered your own point with below statement;

history has shown that coming nito Afghanistan is pretty easy, its when you are there that you realise the Afghans, and Pashtuns in particular are untameable and fiercely oppose anyone against their independence.

To defeat an ideology, genocide is required. While US can commit genocide of Pashtun populace in Afghanistan; what would be the solution for Pashtun populace in Pakistan? Very complicated matter. Genocide will be akin to what Hitler did and will bring world-wide criticism.

So only way out is to win over Afghan civilians. However, this is not so easy. Taliban knows how to arouse Anti-US feelings among the civilians.

Apart from this, Afghans are already poor people with not much to loose. They will fight till last individual. Afghans are accustomed to extreme hardships. Their is not much infrastructure to be destroyed. Their is no standing army to be eliminated.

In short; their is little hope in Afghanistan.

In Afghanistan, you cannot determine that a person sitting next to you is Taliban individual or not. This is how complicated is the situation in Afghanistan.
i'm sorry but i don't think that NATO leave afghanistan at least for 10 years from now, because of washington-kabul agreement. in a sentence karzai just sold out his country to the NATO and US... :(
but i hope things get better in there...
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