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Eliminate the threat of West Pakistan by supporting Freedom Movements :: Ajit Doval Style

As long as your home's intact from within, threats/advises like above hold little to no weight but if there's a genuine rift, it can be exploited like Bangladesh.
Exactly if the people of cartain nation find themself cheated and bieng subjected to acess of law less ness , inavilabilty of basic neccasities , proper diet , health & education and opportunites to grow just because of neglegence and corruption and baised beahvious of there rulers and those responsible for daily affairs they can and will be used against there own nation ........

i am yet to meet a muslim person who can betray his people just because of money

then how come india/RAW/IB allegdlly finds so many muslim youth in balochistan and pakistan to use them against there own people and motherland.......

tell me will any true muslim will ever help/do dirty jobs of a non muslim for money to harm his own muslim brothers and sisters and his own motherland ?
They are already supporting MQM-had a role in the murder of Chaudhry Aslam and are framing our people on false charges of terrorism. They are active in Pakistan and it is the fault of our institutions that they couldn't stop them from infiltrating these.
then how come india/RAW/IB allegdlly finds so many muslim youth in balochistan and pakistan to use them against there own people and motherland.......

Here's how:
Senators say CPEC turned into 'China-Punjab' corridor news

tell me will any true muslim will ever help/do dirty jobs of a non muslim for money to harm his own muslim brothers and sisters and his own motherland ?

I'm not sure how you define a true Muslim but there's always gonna be people who'll put their personal interests above everything including their Religion, Nation and in some cases even their families including children.

i am yet to meet a muslim person who can betray his people just because of money

Afraid then you haven't met many Muslims or rather people yet. It basically depends on the level of one's grievances.

Exactly if the people of cartain nation find themself cheated and bieng subjected to acess of law less ness , inavilabilty of basic neccasities , proper diet , health & education and opportunites to grow just because of neglegence and corruption and baised beahvious of there rulers and those responsible for daily affairs they can and will be used against there own nation ........

For a person to own The State, The State has to provide basic necessities to her inhabitants. In Pakistan's case, The State deprives her inhabitants of their basic Human Rights. Case in point, Exploitation of Balochistan's reserves, Rigged Elections on State level, Quota System on Muhajir or Karachi, Bombardment over it's inhabitants in the name of 'Strategic Depth', Oppression of Minorities by promoting extremist elements. There's plenty more.
Pakistan needs to change it's mindset. Pakistan needs to realize there's more to Pakistan than Punjab.
Here's how:
Senators say CPEC turned into 'China-Punjab' corridor news

I'm not sure how you define a true Muslim but there's always gonna be people who'll put their personal interests above everything including their Religion, Nation and in some cases even their families including children.

Afraid then you haven't met many Muslims or rather people yet. It basically depends on the level of one's grievances.

For a person to own The State, The State has to provide basic necessities to her inhabitants. In Pakistan's case, The State deprives her inhabitants of their basic Human Rights. Case in point, Exploitation of Balochistan's reserves, Rigged Elections on State level, Quota System on Muhajir or Karachi, Bombardment over it's inhabitants in the name of 'Strategic Depth', Oppression of Minorities by promoting extremist elements. There's plenty more.
Pakistan needs to change it's mindset. Pakistan needs to realize there's more to Pakistan than Punjab.
i get your point but what i dont get is why pakistanies love to bring CEPC in every equation ... lolzz

but the fact is india or indians are least botherres about CEPC owr onli opposition to its route is that it passes thru owr occupied land but looks like after your ladle atum bumbs its the second thing pakistanies think whole world is conspiring against .... but then sanu ki :coffee:
INDIA is way more divided than Pakistan.
They have nationalist reasons to promote "Being and Indian"
Pakistan got both Nationalist as well as religious reasons.

Supporting separatists in Baluchistan,MQM and TTP will give equal opportunity to Pakistan to support Kashmiri, Khalistani, Nexalities,Maonists movements.....

India is large enough and divided enough to give birth to separate homelands for Muslim, Christian and Sikhs......

As per Hindu, they can still have their own country and over there they will be most welcome to order "Hindu Raaj"

All we have to do is to pray that Modi and his cockroaches stay in power for at least a decade and keep making non issues, issues and ultimately face the consequences........:coffee:
looks like Shri Ajit Doval and Modi ji combo too hot to handle for pakistani security establishment as both know how to respond to pakistani establishments games ... good going doval ji keep it up
Yes The Ajay Doogal who had been forgotten has given his relevance once again as Moohdhi Ji's right hand. I wonder what pigeon catching technique with that theory he had of paying more money to terrorist and some forward backward technique he had may need to conjuror up some more. Anyway yes mr Doogal considering how well the last techniques went lets see what you pull out of your "pattari"
Yes The Ajay Doogal who had been forgotten has given his relevance once again as Moohdhi Ji's right hand. I wonder what pigeon catching technique with that theory he had of paying more money to terrorist and some forward backward technique he had may need to conjuror up some more. Anyway yes mr Doogal considering how well the last techniques went lets see what you pull out of your "pattari"
see this is the diffrence between strong and weak willed ... strong never make fun of there opponents specially never make degratory remarks and name calling but a looser and weak person always tries to tease by making fun of you by distorting your names and pointing owt achivements of others who might happen to have wrong equations with the weak persons opponent

did you ever saw any indian using that kind of language for your past or present PM , president, NSA or COAS :azn:

but all muhib e watan pakistanies love to do that ... isnt it ... i wonder why :sarcastic:
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see this is the diffrence between strong and weak willed ... strong never make fun of there opponents specially never make degratory remarks and name calling but a looser and weak person always tries to tease by making fun of you by distorting your names and pointing owt achivements of others who might happen to have wrong equations with the weak persons opponent

did you ever saw any indian using that kind of language for your past or present PM , president, NSA or COAS :azn:

but all muhib e watan pakistanies love to do that ... isnt it ... i wonder why :sarcastic:

yes Supa Powa we all kneel to you. Jokes aside I look forward to Mr Doogals next phase of Sabotage and the spy masters playing of Espionage. He has already activated ANP so yes we weaklings are feeling the brunt of the great maestro.
yes Supa Powa we all kneel to you. Jokes aside I look forward to Mr Doogals next phase of Sabotage and the spy masters playing of Espionage. He has already activated ANP so yes we weaklings are feeling the brunt of the great maestro.
so again like a looser who is unable to answer to stronger opponent logically you are again trolling by calling owr NSA names ... did you ever saw and indian getting to that level of frustation and obsession against your nation or its past or present PM ,president, NSA or CAOS ?

no wonder whay is your nation despite all those assets and potential and startegick location is still forced to take dictations from saudies , arabs , american ect. ect. :lol:
Exactly if the people of cartain nation find themself cheated and bieng subjected to acess of law less ness , inavilabilty of basic neccasities , proper diet , health & education and opportunites to grow just because of neglegence and corruption and baised beahvious of there rulers and those responsible for daily affairs they can and will be used against there own nation ........

Are you talking about Kashmir or Assam or Punjab or Nagalim or Tripura ??
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