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Elderly relative lashes out at Beijing's handling of ship tragedy

And vote between the top two crappy politicians in an election.

It's hard to judge these things, both systems have strengths and defects.
In two party system, they may kick the ball (shift responsiblity) when should undertake responsibility, but it's better to fight corruption.
In one party system, they can execute policy more effectively, but we still need find good method to restrict corruption.
It's hard to judge these things, both systems have strengths and defects.
In two party system, they may kick the ball (shift responsiblity) when should undertake responsibility, but it's better to fight corruption.
In one party system, they can execute policy more effectively, but we still need find good method to restrict corruption.
Indeed, but I am very pessimistic about the US Congress. Too much gridlock right now.
The diffrence is, in China, when people complain, govt will quickly react and try to improve their policy. in spain, you guys compain, govt still do theirs.

Is that what happened in 1989?

There are plenty of news of episodes when people complain about their land taken away by corrupted government officials (to give to developers) and the police come and beat the crap out of them, arrest them, sometimes get killed, right? Plenty of that in china, we all know that, nobody can deny that.

Then why are you in communist Vietnam? Spain is more free.

Personal and business reasons.

In one party system, they can execute policy more effectively, but we still need find good method to restrict corruption.

Corruption is the mother of all problems in a one party system.
Vietnam and china are 2 good examples of that.

Indeed, but I am very pessimistic about the US Congress. Too much gridlock right now.

The US congress (and senate) is one good example of legalized corruption.
As long as private money funds congressmen and senators, the system is broken and legally, money contributions are considered an expression of free speech, which is an incredible distortion.
Is that what happened in 1989?

There are plenty of news of episodes when people complain about their land taken away by corrupted government officials (to give to developers) and the police come and beat the crap out of them, arrest them, sometimes get killed, right? Plenty of that in china, we all know that, nobody can deny that.

Personal and business reasons.

Corruption is the mother of all problems in a one party system.
Vietnam and china are 2 good examples of that.

The US congress (and senate) is one good example of legalized corruption.
As long as private money funds congressmen and senators, the system is broken and legally, money contributions are considered an expression of free speech, which is an incredible distortion.

It seems to be in your tunnel. You start to bla bla again.

"Is that what happened in 1989?
There are plenty of news of episodes when people complain about their land taken away by corrupted government officials (to give to developers) and the police come and beat the crap out of them, arrest them, sometimes get killed, right? Plenty of that in china, we all know that, nobody can deny that."

In 1989, both president and premier stepped down because of the incident, most our nationality have been convinced by our govt. Is that not enough? And lot of student had been back to China and descripe what happended and what they think about the incident dozen years later. Why you guys never mention their voice and still twist for it. By the way, I find Obama is still in power after the Missouri suppression. Can you guys do anything? By the way, most countries in the world don't have king family, why spain still has the parasite family? They are born with status, wealth and power.

Developer taking land is part of development. I didn't deny some of them use illegal forces, lots of developers and govt officials are sentenced due to the illegal operation.

"Personal and business reasons."
NGOs referring to politics are considered as shit by Chinese here. It should be called govt-funded organization.

"Corruption is the mother of all problems in a one party system.
Vietnam and china are 2 good examples of that."
I admit it, actually this is the main factor people complain the govt. And the reason Chinese govt recently cooperate with the world to repatriate the escaped corrupt officials. There is a list, I guess you heard the list.

" The US congress (and senate) is one good example of legalized corruption.
As long as private money funds congressmen and senators, the system is broken and legally, money contributions are considered an expression of free speech, which is an incredible distortion."
Free speech is just another kind of complain, when the govt is both judgement and player.
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