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Eid celebrations in occupied Kashmir turn into violent police clashes.


Jan 21, 2013
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October 16, 2013


Slogans like, "we want freedom " and "go India go back" echoed in parts of Srinagar in Indian-controlled Kaskmir after Eid al-Adha prayers as people took to streets to demand freedom from Indian rule. Demonstrators say such protests will continue as long as Kashmir remains under what they call Indian ccupation.

Others say Kashmiris would once again take up to armed struggle against Indian rule in the region if they’re not given independence.

The demonstration turned violent as security forces tried to stop the protesters. Police used tear smoke canisters and batons to quell them. And protesters retaliated by throwing stones against security forces.

Anti-India demonstrations are usual in Kashmir, but analysts say such demos on festivals like Eid, show the rising level of anger of the Kashmiri people against India.

Kashmir lies at the heart of animosity between India and Pakistan. So far, the two countries have failed to reach an agreement on the issue. And this has made life very difficult for millions of people in the region.

PressTV - Eid celebrations in Kashmir turn violent following clashes with police
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