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Egypt's Sisi to resign as minister, pave way for presidential bid-report

Point out my lies if I'm lying, you're facetious. I didn't say that, I said Egyptians are naive and believe government sponsored media because they don't know any better. He would have been elected if he waited for the election, he toppled an elected president. Therefore, he resembles a dictators especially after arresting 16,000 Egyptians since the day Morsi was ousted. You will get attacked and persecuted if you protests against the military regime.
You contradict yourself all the time just every and each pro-MB I have talked to. You people must be repressed because you are the ones who have no clue about this world. I hope MB is eradicated from Arab world.
You contradict yourself all the time just every and each pro-MB I have talked to. You people must be repressed because you are the ones who have no clue about this world. I hope MB is eradicated from Arab world.

Again, you've yet to point out any lies or contradictions I made. Please show the viewers so we can understand you. It's very clear the MB is very popular around the Arab world and people like you who are seculars only dislike them because they pose a threat to your monarchies. And you're talking about killing tens if not hundreds of millions of people.
The military runs Egypt, there was never a point in time where a party ran Egypt.

Egyptian army isn't protecting anything, it's not anything physical. It's about economic failures and massive corruption which got Egypt into this mess and which is burning it to this day.
i want you to be honest what would you want more for Egypt to be better or hamas interests i already know the answer

i think a general stay a general even after he resign
there are a lot of democratic leaders elected and they were generals all over the world
i want you to be honest what would you want more for Egypt to be better or hamas interests i already know the answer

So if I told my grandpa was Egyptian would you believe me? I want all Arab nations to become better. Relax, guy, Hamas still manages regardless of what Sisi and Israel try doing against Gaza. That's because Allah doesn't stand with oppressors, the civilians suffer in Gaza the most. It's not about Hamas, Gaza can manage to get financial support here and there. You need to be honest, what's more important to you? Fixing Egypt or doing the West and Israel favors?
So if I told my grandpa was Egyptian would you believe me? I want all Arab nations to become better. Relax, guy, Hamas still manages regardless of what Sisi and Israel try doing against Gaza. That's because Allah doesn't stand with oppressors, the civilians suffer in Gaza the most. It's not about Hamas, Gaza can manage to get financial support here and there. You need to be honest, what's more important to you? Fixing Egypt or doing the West and Israel favors?
maybe i am more anti west than you you think I care about any nation on earth more than Egypt ?
i want you to be honest what would you want more for Egypt to be better or hamas interests i already know the answer

there are a lot of democratic leaders elected and they were generals all over the world
yes i know and they join a party and start a political carrier before they were elected
and i know that 4 of 5 Egypt presidents where from military so you can see the image i have about Egyptian gov
maybe i am more anti west than you you think I care about any nation on earth more than Egypt ?

My grandpa is not Egyptian.

Maybe you are? But, your countries policy isn't. Look how far Egypt's taking it against Gaza, the media has been saying crazy things. You know the same people Egypt accuses of killing their troops have killed Hamas commanders? And Hamas has lots of them in prison? Egypt knows a lot of them are bediouns. So why act against the Palestinian resistance?
My grandpa is not Egyptian.

Maybe you are? But, your countries policy isn't. Look how far Egypt's taking it against Gaza, the media has been saying crazy things. You know the same people Egypt accuses of killing their troops have killed Hamas commanders? And Hamas has lots of them in prison? Egypt knows a lot of them are bediouns. So why act against the Palestinian resistance?
i told you before i am not in the army or goverment i am just an Egyptian civlian but the army has done this for a reason no way they were not doing anything so they said hey lets fight hamas this must be a reaction becasue in mubark era the army were looking the other way on the tunnels why would they do all this for no reason
Are Islamists even allowed to take part in elections?

Yes, anyone is allowed to take part in the presidential elections as long as they comply with the electoral regulations, which remain the same as the previous presidential elections.

Unless they are useful like how Saddam made Iraq.

Saddams actions and policies left Iraq in ruins.
i told you before i am not in the army or goverment i am just an Egyptian civlian but the army has done this for a reason no way they were not doing anything so they said hey lets fight hamas this must be a reaction becasue in mubark era the army were looking the other way on the tunnels why would they do all this for no reason

I know you have nothing to do with it, but, I'm telling اقسم بالله it's not true. Hamas would never dare thinking about attacking Egypt, we have same problems with salafis. However, it doesn't occur from Gaza, I've been there and know people you don't know and seen things you haven't seen. I wanted to know if such allegations were true, they were not. Our whole fight is directed against the Zionist occupation, we were so proud of ourselves in 2012 that Hamas and Islamic jihad were the only people to fight the most advanced power in the region that attacked us and wanted to go even further but they were shocked by the Palestinian responses of 270 rockets in one hour. We made sure this time we will not let our blood be shed without a response, we did everything in our hands to protect the Palestinian people. We hit tel aviv, something no Arab nation would ever dare do except Saddam back in 90's. Today Israel is way stronger, they can do airstrikes immediately in two minutes and it's very hard to fight them. Yet our resistance put blood and hard work to make sure we never get massacred again. We did not ask for cease fire, Israel came to the cease fire table after they ran out of targets. The resistance still had over 90% of their arsenal and were able to keep going. Do these sound like people who want to attack Egypt for no reason?

And here they still have huge popular support amongst Arabs, some people dislike Egypt after this because Hamas has support.

22 million follow Hamas event on social media

Yes, anyone is allowed to take part in the presidential elections as long as they comply with the electoral regulations, which remain the same as the previous presidential elections.

Saddams actions and policies left Iraq in ruins.

For the pre 2000 era for the most part he made mistakes, however, 2003 was completely unjustified. You need to look at the larger picture, it was about him. It was about where an Arab country was heading. No Arab country was ever going to become like that.
You're only one person and don't speak for Egypt. Only the Egyptian billionaire elite and the collaborators amongst Egyptians sympathize with Israel. And also people who don't fear God.
Actually, i don't fear God and you shouldn't either. He has been consistently useless when it comes to helping you Sharia lovers for centuries. If anything, he is watching you guys getting killed like pigs and he isn't interfering at all, although you guys are getting killed for wanting to implement his Sharia.

so this was joke revolution of great Egyptians ? remove husni instal al-sisi cost you thousands lives . stupid people :(
Unless its an Islamist, its a failure ?
Actually, i don't fear God and you shouldn't either. He has been consistently useless when it comes to helping you Sharia lovers for centuries. If anything, he is watching you guys getting killed like pigs and he isn't interfering at all, although you guys are getting killed for wanting to implement his Sharia.

Unless its an Islamist, its a failure ?

You don't fear God? I thought you were telling me you were muslim? Are a coptic that hates Islam and Muslims?
Well, back to dictatorship for Egypt. Good luck General Silly.

I sincerely apologize for the morons we have in the Arab world, I don't care about Islamist leadership, I just want corruption to go. Our societies do not represent our people, they are stooges for the West and corrupt to their core.

Saddam said this saying:

I will be executed by America, Arab leaders will be executed by their own people. God willing the process will speed up and reach the gulf/Saudi Arabia.
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