you know what, I think one thing that Egypt has going for it compared to 79 Iran is the social makeup of the nation. In Iran people were quite liberal and they viewed Islam as no threat. They called themselves muslim but lived a very secular life. Islam in their minds wasn't the sole authority on life and law. Sort of like how Americans say they are Christian but live a secular life. When Fadayine Islam started taking control they didn't see them as a threat b/c they simply weren't. Nobody had much reason to fear them. Such groups in Iran were micky mouse fringe groups and nobody took them serious. They looked at khomaini and his gang as sort of a pope figure that wasn't at all dangerous. They saw him as a person that every political party and every person could show respect to and that made him the right leader for the revolution.
In Egypt however people are very much in touch with religion and a religous life on a personal level and the society itself is very religous compared to Iran (I'm talking the society itself not govts). People also have a very good understanding of Islamic groups. The first fundamantalist Islamic group in the region was born in Egypt (the muslim brotherhood is actually the father of "fadayine Islam" in Iran) and the Iranian experience is also right there in front of their eyes.
The people, whether they're religous or secular, will put up a fight against this disease. Whether the outcome will turn out different remains to be seen.