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Egyptian warning over Ethopian Nile dam


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
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BBC News - Egyptian warning over Ethiopia Nile dam

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi has said "all options are open" to deal with any threat to his country's water supply posed by an Ethiopian dam.

Mr Morsi said he was not "calling for war", but that he would not allow Egypt's water supply to be endangered.

Egypt was apparently caught by surprise when Ethiopia started diverting the Blue Nile last month, amid works to construct a hydroelectric dam.

The river is a tributary of the Nile, on which Egypt is heavily dependent.

The Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is a $4.7bn (£3.1bn) project that Ethiopia says will eventually provide 6,000 megawatts of power.

It says the Blue Nile will be slightly diverted but will then be able to follow its natural course.

"Egypt's water security cannot be violated at all," Mr Morsi said on Monday. "As president of the state, I confirm to you that all options are open."

"If Egypt is the Nile's gift, then the Nile is a gift to Egypt,'' he said, quoting popular sayings about the river in an emotive televised speech.

"The lives of the Egyptians are connected around it... as one great people. If it diminishes by one drop then our blood is the alternative."

Analysts say Mr Morsi could be using the issue to distract attention from severe domestic political and economic challenges.

Egypt is particularly dependant on water supply from the Nile, and its growing population has been placing that supply under increasing strain.

Sudan is also reliant on Nile waters.

Egypt cites a colonial era ruling to claim a right to the majority of the Nile's waters for itself and Sudan, but Ethiopia says the ruling is outdated.


They're out for Egypt, not good. :no:
Whats this nonsense of UAE and Qatar paying Ethiopians for the Dam. The Brotherhood is making up lies or is this true?
.:Middle East Online::Muslim Brothers attack UAE as they seek to annex Egypt to Shia crescent :.

ABU DHABI - The United Arab Emirates found itself once again compelled to respond to the ‘biased’ accusations of the ruling Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, denying claims that it was among the many countries, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar, to fund the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Supposedly this is the guy who made the comment


The wave of accusations was launched by Hazem Salah Abou Ismail, founder of the Rayah Party, who claimed that Arab countries are financing the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.
.:Middle East Online::Muslim Brothers attack UAE as they seek to annex Egypt to Shia crescent :.

ABU DHABI - The United Arab Emirates found itself once again compelled to respond to the ‘biased’ accusations of the ruling Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, denying claims that it was among the many countries, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar, to fund the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Supposedly this is the guy who made the comment


The wave of accusations was launched by Hazem Salah Abou Ismail, founder of the Rayah Party, who claimed that Arab countries are financing the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Not true at all and the Muslim Brotherhood never made such an accusation and neither did the UAE respond in any way to something that didn't happen. Yeah, the source is weird bro.
Abou Ismail claims Arab countries financing Renaissance Dam | ..

the website is from arabia.msn.com


azem Salah Abou Ismail, founder of the Rayah Party, claimed that Arab countries are financing the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.On his TV show on Amgad satellite channel, Abou Ismail added that 'Arab countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE have paid Ethiopia to reclaim large expanses of land.'The Ethiopian Renaissance Dam poses a threat to Egypt, he said, because it will reduce our water supply and we will not have enough to drink. Egypt will be barren.'He pointed out that revolutionary youths should be aware of the complicated web of interests at play.Commenting on the recent storming of al-Aqsa Mosque by Israeli soldiers and settlers, Abou Ismail said, 'I want to ask the US what it would do if Islamic nations besieged and assaulted their foreign embassies.''If al-Aqsa Mosque were attacked, the people could swarm to Israeli and American embassies. How would they react?'Repeated attacks on al-Aqsa Mosque revive the nation,' he added.Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm
Man, this site is BS.

Copts-United, LOL. They're anti MB and fabricate many 'reports'.

I read that Egypt wants to inspect the dam before accepting its construction and that they may want a change in the size so they won't be affected by it as they are very dependent on the Nile.
Copts-United, LOL. They're anti MB and fabricate many 'reports'.

I highly doubt UAE would finance a project for a country like Ethiopia just so to anger Egypt. I think some fringe members of the Ikwan might be throwing out false information because UAE has arrested some members lately.
I highly doubt UAE would finance a project for a country like Ethiopia just so to anger Egypt. I think some fringe members of the Ikwan might be throwing out false information because UAE has arrested some members lately.

Ehh, no, don't think there is any dismay between them right now, don't give that source any attention. It's a weird attempt at the story and has nothing to do with the topic. Italian contractors are funding and donors and private funds.
Firstly, Hazem Abu Ismaeil is not affiliated with the MB or the popular Salafi party Hezb Alnour.

Secondly, this man is a reptilian of the worst kind. Even comparing him to a reptile is an insult to reptiles. He will do anything to gain influence or power and this includes both lying and hypocrisy. Anything that comes out of his mouth is complete and utter BS. His presidential application should also give you some sort of hint as to what he is.
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