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Egyptian authorities close 55,000 mosques

Trying to fix the khutba of the mosques so they support the hsramii Egyptian state is a joke

The Egyptians cannot and will not be able to silence the Muslims of Egypt
lol..it would be like forcing the US president to restrict his State of the Union address to reading out parts of the US constitution.

ok.. you suggest some solution then..clearly there is a problem..
You know khutba means speech. These 'fixed transcripts' you talk of are for south-Asian Mollahs who don't know Arabic.

Yeah, that indeed is kinda speech but what I referred to was modification in central tenet. The Khatib is bound to certain guidelines, preposterous it is to talk about government affairs or anything other than creator and his messenger's message in a Friday sermon. Khatib is supposed to preach religion not to give his personal legal verdict.
This is the best zionist low life bastards can do. Close down mosques. May Allah (swt) protect egyptian muslims and grants them victory over these munafiq sisi & his army.
Yeah, that indeed is kinda speech but what I referred to was modification in central tenet. The Khatib is bound to certain guidelines, preposterous it is to talk about government affairs or anything other than creator and his messenger's message in a Friday sermon. Khatib is supposed to preach religion not to give his personal legal verdict.

In islam talks about governance naturally come in which is even more so when an Anti-muslim regime holds power. And how is it that U are believing that sisi scumbag regime's version of the story.
Yeah, that indeed is kinda speech but what I referred to was modification in central tenet. The Khatib is bound to certain guidelines, preposterous it is to talk about government affairs or anything other than creator and his messenger's message in a Friday sermon. Khatib is supposed to preach religion not to give his personal legal verdict.

Its the duty of Muslims and imams to speak out against the munafiqs and hypocrites

The Egyptians liberals and seculars are vile

What they have done is unforgivable all muslims worthy of the name should act to help our brothers and sisters in Egypt
I might take some fire for this but I honestly think that this step can be a good one if implemented right. If the mosques can be monitored in affected areas for terrorist activities then there could be a wealth of intelligence and crackdowns. Provided of course that it's used correctly and not for political oppression.
They call Islamists pro democracy now ?!! LMAO :rofl: . I wish this news was true, but it is not. The thread title is not even accurate .... You guys think if such news is true, Egyptians will revolt against their army and support the Muslim Brotherhood ? If anything, the people might close the mosques themselves which they did in a couple of places.
I think muslims should stop this practice of delivering sermon on friday... they gather in large numbers which creates mob mentality and anything stupid said by imam could incite hatred and violence..
go to mosque, pray .. come home safe.

I think egypt govt have temporarily stopped them so that they cant incite protest against regime, so basically regime is protecting its interest.

Good idea, so we can say that it's Al Qaeda fake muslims who forbid the muslims to pray.
Its the duty of Muslims and imams to speak out against the munafiqs and hypocrites

The Egyptians liberals and seculars are vile

What they have done is unforgivable all muslims worthy of the name should act to help our brothers and sisters in Egypt

33 million Egyptians, the vast majority of them Muslims, the biggest protests ever seen in history, took to the streets to get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia of fundamentalist knuckle draggers. They're sick of the MB ****.
Yeah so sick that in the first 5 free and fair democratic elections in the country's history the M.B won all 5 in a row

The liberal haramii couldn't win any elections so they cause chaos and overthrow a democratic regime
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