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Egypt Unrest: Mubarak Steps Down!

Egypt crisis:


A bloodied victim of the violence is carried away from Tahrir Square

The sky was filled with rocks. The fighting around me was so terrible we could smell the blood

"President" Hosni Mubarak's counter-revolution smashed into his opponents yesterday in a barrage of stones, cudgels, iron bars and clubs, an all-day battle in the very centre of the capital he claims to rule between tens of thousands of young men, both – and here lies the most dangerous of all weapons – brandishing in each other's faces the banner of Egypt. It was vicious and ruthless and bloody and well planned, a final vindication of all Mubarak's critics and a shameful indictment of the Obamas and Clintons who failed to denounce this faithful ally of America and Israel.

The fighting around me in the square called Tahrir was so terrible that we could smell the blood. The men and women who are demanding the end of Mubarak's 30-year dictatorship – and I saw young women in scarves and long skirts on their knees, breaking up the paving stones as rocks fell around them – fought back with an immense courage which later turned into a kind of terrible cruelty.

Some dragged Mubarak's security men across the square, beating them until blood broke from their heads and splashed down their clothes. The Egyptian Third Army, famous in legend and song for crossing the Suez Canal in 1973, couldn't – or wouldn't – even cross Tahrir Square to help the wounded.

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As thousands of Egyptians shrieking abuse – and this was as close to civil war as Egypt has ever come – swarmed towards each other like Roman fighters, they simply overwhelmed the parachute units "guarding" the square, climbing over their tanks and armoured vehicles and then using them for cover.

One Abrams tank commander – and I was only 20 feet away – simply ducked the stones that were bouncing off his tank, jumped into the turret and battened down the hatch. Mubarak's protesters then climbed on top to throw more rocks at their young and crazed antagonists.

I guess it's the same in all battles, even though guns have not (yet) appeared; abuse by both sides provoked a shower of rocks from Mubarak's men – yes, they did start it – and then the protesters who seized the square to demand the old man's overthrow began breaking stones to hurl them back. By the end of the day there were reports of three deaths in Cairo, and widespread accounts that the pro-Mubarak crowds were deliberately targeting Western journalists.

By the time I reached the "front" line – the quotation marks are essential, since the lines of men moved back and forth over half a mile – both sides were screaming and lunging at each other, blood streaming down their faces. At one point, before the shock of the attack wore off, Mubarak's supporters almost crossed the entire square in front of the monstrous Mugamma building – relic of Nasserite endeavour – before being driven out.

Indeed, now that Egyptians are fighting Egyptians, what are we supposed to call these dangerously furious people? The Mubarakites? The "protesters" or – more ominously – the "resistance"? For that is what the men and women struggling to unseat Mubarak are now calling themselves.

"This is Mubarak's work," one wounded stone-thrower said to me. "He has managed to turn Egyptian against Egyptian for just nine more months of power. He is mad. Are you in the West mad, too?" I can't remember how I replied to this question. But how could I forget watching – just a few hours earlier – as the Middle East "expert" Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, was asked if Mubarak was a dictator. No, he said, he was "a monarch-type figure".

The face of this monarch was carried on giant posters, a printed provocation, to the barricades. Newly distributed by officers of the National Democratic Party – they must have taken a while to produce after the party's headquarters was reduced to a smouldering shell after Friday's battles – many were held in the air by men carrying cudgels and police batons. There is no doubt about this because I had driven into Cairo from the desert as they formed up outside the foreign ministry and the state radio building on the east bank of the Nile. There were loudspeaker songs and calls for Mubarak's eternal life (a very long presidency indeed) and many were sitting on brand-new motorcycles, as if they had been inspired by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's thugs after the 2009 Iranian elections. Come to think of it, Mubarak and Ahmadinejad do actually have the same respect for elections.

Only when I had passed the radio building did I see the thousands of other young men pouring in from the suburbs of Cairo. There were women, too, mostly in traditional black dress and white-and-black scarves, a few children among them, walking along the flyover behind the Egyptian Museum. They told me that they had as much right to Tahrir Square as the protesters – true, by the way – and that they intended to express their love of their President in the very place where he had been so desecrated.

And they had a point, I suppose. The democrats – or the "resistance", depending on your point of view – had driven out the security police thugs from this very square on Friday. The problem is that the Mubarak men included some of the very same thugs I saw then, when they were working with armed security police to baton and assault the demonstrators. One of them, a yellow-shirted youth with tousled hair and bright red eyes – I don't know what he was on – carried the very same wicked steel stick he had been using on Friday. Once more, the defenders of Mubarak were back. They even sang the same old refrain – constantly reworked to take account of the local dictator's name – "With our blood, with our soul, we dedicate ourselves to you."

As far away as Giza, the NDP had rounded up the men who controlled voting at elections and sent them hollering their support as they marched along a stinking drainage ditch. Not far away, even a camel-owner was enjoined to say that "if you don't know Mubarak, you don't know Allah" – which was, to put it mildly, a bit much.

In Cairo, I walked beside Mubarak's ranks and reached the front as they began another charge into Tahrir Square. The sky was filled with rocks – I am talking of stones six inches in diameter, which hit the ground like mortar shells. On this side of the "line", of course, they were coming from Mubarak's opponents. They cracked and split apart and spat against the walls around us. At which point, the NDP men turned and ran in panic as the President's opponents surged forward. I just stood with my back against the window of a closed travel agency – I do remember a poster for a romantic weekend in Luxor and "the fabled valley of the tombs".

But the stones came in flocks, hundreds of them at a time, and then a new group of young men were beside me, the Egyptian demonstrators from the square. Only no longer in their fury were they shouting "Down with Mubarak" and "Black Mubarak" but Allahu Akbar – God is Great – and I would hear this again and again as the long day progressed. One side was shouting Mubarak, the other God. It hadn't been like that 24 hours ago.

I hared towards safe ground where the stones no longer hissed and splintered and suddenly I was among Mubarak's opponents.

Of course, it would be an exaggeration to say that stones cloaked the sky, but at times there were a hundred rocks soaring through the sky. They wrecked an entire army truck, smashing its sides, crushing its windows. The stones came out of side roads off Champollion Street and on Talaat Harb. The men were sweating, headbands in red, roaring their hatred. Many held white cloth to wounds. Some were carried past me, sloshing blood all over the road.

And an increasing number were wearing Islamist dress, short trousers, grey cloaks, long beards, white head caps. They shouted Allahu Akbar loudest and they bellowed their love of God, which was not supposed to be what this was all about. Yes, Mubarak had done it. He had brought the Salafists out against him, alongside his political enemies. From time to time, young men were grabbed, their faces fist-pulped, screaming and fearful of their lives, documentation found on their clothes to prove they worked for Mubarak's interior ministry.

Many of the protesters – secular young men, pushing their way through the attackers – tried to defend the prisoners. Others – and I noticed an awful lot of "Islamists" among them, complete with obligatory beards – would bang their fists on these poor men's heads, using big rings on their fingers to cut open their skin so that blood ran down their faces. One youth, red T-shirt torn open, face bloated with pain, was rescued by two massive men, one of whom put the now half-naked prisoner over his shoulder and pushed his way through the crowd.

Thus was saved the life of Mohamed Abdul Azim Mabrouk Eid, police security number 2101074 from the Giza governorate – his security pass was blue with three odd-looking pyramids stamped on the laminated cover. Thus was another man pulled from the mob, squealing and clutching his stomach. And behind him knelt a squadron of women, breaking stones.

There were moments of farce amid all this. In the middle of the afternoon, four horses were ridden into the square by Mubarak's supporters, along with a camel – yes, a real-life camel that must have been trucked in from the real dead pyramids – their apparently drugged riders hauled off their backs. I found the horses grazing gently beside a tree three hours later. Near the statue of Talaat Harb, a boy sold agwa – a peculiarly Egyptian date-bread delicacy – at 4 pence each – while on the other side of the road, two figures stood, a girl and a boy, holding identical cardboard trays in front of them. The girl's tray was filled with cigarette packets. The boy's tray was filled with stones.

And there were scenes that must have meant personal sorrow and anguish for those who experienced them. There was a tall, muscular man, wounded in the face by a slice of stone, whose legs simply buckled beside a telephone junction box, his face sliced open yet again on the metal. And there was the soldier on an armoured personnel carrier who let the stones of both sides fly past him until he jumped on to the road among Mubarak's enemies, putting his arms around them, tears coursing down his face.

And where, amid all this hatred and bloodshed, was the West? Reporting this shame every day, you suffer from insomnia. Sometime around 3am yesterday, I had watched Lord Blair of Isfahan as he struggled to explain to CNN the need to "partner the process of change" in the Middle East. We had to avoid the "anarchy" of the "most extreme elements". And – my favourite, this – Lord Blair spoke of "a government that is not elected according to the system of democracy that we would espouse". Well, we all know which old man's "democracy" he was referring to.

Street rumour had it that this man – Mitt Romney's "monarch-type figure" – might creep out of Egypt on Friday. I'm not so sure. Nor do I really know who won the Battle of Tahrir Square yesterday, though it will not remain long unresolved. At dusk, the stones were still cracking on to roads, and on to people. After a while, I started ducking when I saw passing birds.

Robert Fisk: Blood and fear in Cairo's streets as Mubarak's men crack down on protests - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent
Im not sure what to think about this.... Egypt has been an Ally and im really supprised to whats going on here....

Just like many of us, we want peace in this world with people leading there nations...

this is sad and hope we can get this resolved fast
It all depends on which side the military is, so far military did nothing to crush the uprising, in cases it even beat the crap out of the pro-Mubarak thugs.
Im not sure what to think about this.... Egypt has been an Ally and im really supprised to whats going on here....

Just like many of us, we want peace in this world with people leading there nations...

this is sad and hope we can get this resolved fast

You had been supporting a dictator for 30 long years against wishes of Egyptians and you still say why Egyptians are on street and it makes you surprised?

Secondly Mubarak not Egypt had been your ally
You had been supporting a dictator for 30 long years against wishes of Egyptians and you still say why Egyptians are on street and it makes you surprised?

Secondly Mubarak not Egypt had been your ally

well said jana bagi ,
actually same drama is going on in all of Muslim countries.
hope in coming future people would have power to decide fate of their nations.
one who is upto american interests is friend but who no interest one becomes worthless for her.................
You had been supporting a dictator for 30 long years against wishes of Egyptians and you still say why Egyptians are on street and it makes you surprised?

Secondly Mubarak not Egypt had been your ally

This is nothing new. It is typical of most americans, they support despots and when there is unrest they ask why people are so unhappy.
Egypt’s moment of truth

The only way to end the impasse is to listen to what the Egyptian people have been crying for more than a week: 'Mubarak, go away!'

Shakir Noori

We cannot go back from here, says celebrated Egyptian novelist Ala'a Al Aswany as he speaks about the poverty, injustice, corruption and police abuse that have fuelled the uprising in his country, much like what torments the characters in his novels.
In his bestseller The Yacoubian Building, Al Aswany distils all the symptoms of the disease that led to the current uprising in Egypt. He now looks admiringly at the awakening of his compatriots and is optimistic about the future of his ancient land.
For long Al Aswany has been tormented by the misery and indignities suffered by fellow Egyptians and has never lost an opportunity to express his feelings in public. He has also showed great courage in doing so.
Last December, appearing on BBC World Service radio, he attacked by name Ahmad Ezz, one of President Hosni Mubarak's top henchmen in the ruling party and the man believed to have masterminded the rigging of the last elections.
He also wrote in Al Ahram newspaper about some of the politically sensitive realties of Egypt, like the fact that "Egypt is ranked No 57 in Bloomberg's World Misery Index out of 60 countries … [many] Egyptians live on less than $2 per day and 12 million Egyptians do not live in proper houses, including 1.5 million who literally live in cemeteries among the dead - the only space available to them".
Such incisive, well-targeted criticism of the establishment drew angry retorts from the officially patronised section of the media, but Al Aswany remained undeterred.
He also angered the authorities with critical comments through his columns in Al Shorouk newspaper, which came under heavy pressure to silence him and its owner, Ebrahim Al Mua'llem, paid the price when his factory was shut down, causing hundreds of workers to lose their jobs. He stopped writing, since he could not shoulder the moral responsibility of the suffering of others.
Army's role
Al Aswany is the kind of the intellectual who has his own vision of politics. He correctly analysed the role of the Egyptian army - not a Latin American army he quickly points out - as an institution that all Egyptians are proud of. The military has never intervened against the people in the past.
The challenge now is to maintain the mobilisation in Egypt.
The only way to end the impasse is to listen to what the Egyptian people have been crying for more than a week: 'Mubarak, go away!'
Al Aswany believes the army would ensure stability in the country and there will be a transition period before democratic elections at a later date.
As for the transition to true democracy, he believes "this is not the problem. In the West, we Arabs are often looked at as children, as if we do not know what to do. This must stop. Egypt was the first Arab country to have a parliament in 1840, well before many western countries, the first constitution, the first democratic elections ... We are not starting from zero. There are thousands of Egyptians, competent and qualified, but they have been paralysed by the authoritarian regime, as the Spanish were paralysed by General Franco for 40 years."
Al Aswany also slammed fears of an Islamist grab for power in Cairo. "This fear is orchestrated by the regime to say, 'It's us or the Taliban'. It is not the Muslim Brotherhood who made this revolution. Even if they have 500,000 members, what is their importance to the 84 million Egyptians who do not belong to the Brotherhood? They are not our biggest problem."
A man who spent 17 years of his life as a dentist, first in Egypt and then in Chicago, Al Aswany has shown remarkable evolution from listening to the sound of the dentist's drill to hearing the call of the masses for dignity in life.
Now he hopes the turmoil in Tahrir Square that has rocked Egypt would also restore the smiles on the faces of a newly resurgent nation after some political cleansing, much like the bright smiles he brings to patients still visiting his clinic in the elegant Cairo neighbourhood of Garden City.

Shakir Noori is a senior editor who resides in Dubai and Paris.
After the first Revolution(32 year's ago in Iran) in the muslim world this is the 2nd most important revolution in the muslim world, which if sussed (i have faith in it that it will) will change the who world.

Zionist regime will find it self srounded again with Gov that ar more determined to help the resistance in the regain(Egypt ,Syria,Lebanon,Gaza,Iran,.......)

American interests & friend(puppet's) have to find some place else to go, as we ar seeing the arab gulf state's (specially Saudi) ar worried what if there people rise like Tunis & Egypt. we have to wait and see.

i think America is losing an other strategical region after the uprising of s.American countries , it is like that the america is losing it's position as the world No:1 power.

this may be the Muslim nation response to the suffering and discrimination that they faced for decade's, as after they got ride of colonization by the europeans they were ruled with the puppet's of the american's, this may be the historical moment for the nations of the region.

when will be the time for the people in Pakistan to kick out all these croupted polition's who only know who fill there pocket's & oby there master's in the american embassy...,

will it be soon, i hope it will be soon, a we as Pakistanis be independent and do what in in our own people interest not in the interest of the american Gov.
Suleiman has been saying that the protests must stop as soon as possible. This man has been identified as the CIA's man in Egypt and a torturer of so-called terror suspects and now he has been given the job to supervise the transition to democracy in Egypt! It's like hiring a wolf to take care of the lambs. The protesters are not going to stop protesting unless the hated puppet regime goes. So, the question is what is he going to do if the protest does not stop "as soon as possible"? Is he threatening a crackdown? If he tries that his head along with Mubarak's will be up for "beheading" take my word for it.
NBC: Mubarak to step down tonight, veep to take over

Update at 10:50 a.m. ET: Gen. Hassan al-Roueini, military commander for the Cairo area, tells thousands of protesters in central Tahrir Square: "All your demands will be met today."

Many among the flag-waving protests held up a V-for-victory sign and shouted, "Allahu akbar," or "God is great," the Associated Press reports.

In addition, the head of the ruling party, Hossam Badrawi, tells the AP that he expects that President Hosni Mubarak will "address the people tonight to respond to protesters demands."

Update at 10:45 a.m. ETNBC says Mubarak will make a statement this evening and step down. A statement by the armed forces on Egyptian state TV says the military convened the supreme council of the armed forces "to safeguard people and protect their interest." Al-Jazeera TV notes that Mubarak was not shown attending that meeting.

In its statement, the military says it the council will remain in session indefinitely during the crisis. It says the decision was made in response to "legitimate" popular demands.

Update at 10:37 a.m. ET
: NBC's Richard Engel says two independent sources have confirmed that Mubarak will step down. In addition, the armed forces supreme council has convened to begin the orderly transition of power, NBC says.

President Hosni Mubarak will step down tonight and that vice president Omar Suleiman will take over as president.

Update at 10:23 am ET: Military and ruling party officials say President Hosni Mubarak will meet protesters' demands, the Associated Press reports.

Earlier posts: .A senior Egytian army commander has told protesters that all their demands will be met, the Associated Press reports.

At the same time, Egypt's supreme council of armed forces is meeting to discuss its position on the crisis in Egypt, Al-Jazeera network reports.

Al-Jazeera confirms the AP report and says the army will made a statement later today.


NBC: Mubarak to step down tonight, veep to take over -
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