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EGYPT, TUNISIA AND MANY MORE--How the world powers manipulate the public opinion?

LMAO :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Revolution now, says Altaf
Published: January 30, 2011


Screen capture of MQM National Unity gathering in Karachi.

Muthida Qaumi Movement Chief (MQM) Altaf Hussain said on Sunday that the party is set to begin a revolution in Pakistan and soon law and justice will prevail in the country.

Addressing a large National Unity gathering in Karachi, Hussain said that the masses have been “befooled” in the name of democracy. The MQM chief announced the beginning of a new era which would “end in a revolution just like Tunisia and Egypt”. He added that when the revolution begins, all those who have “looted the country” would be given strict punishments.

Hussain said that the National Unity gathering comprised of people belonging to all regions of the country had proved that Pakistan was united under the MQM. He also condemned the Lahore shootings by US citizen Raymond Davis, and asked the government not to entertain any pressure in this regard.

US was so much concentrating on Pakistan Iran and Afghanistan alone, for so many years (thanks to Indian think Tanks) and ignored what's going on in other Muslim regions with pro western governments.

Think Tanks in Washington have other more important issues now in hand other then Pakistan.

Good thing is , Now Indian Tank Tanks will force more time on saving their friend "President of Egypt" than bashing Pakistan.
LMAO :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Revolution now, says Altaf
Published: January 30, 2011


Screen capture of MQM National Unity gathering in Karachi.

Muthida Qaumi Movement Chief (MQM) Altaf Hussain said on Sunday that the party is set to begin a revolution in Pakistan and soon law and justice will prevail in the country.

Addressing a large National Unity gathering in Karachi, Hussain said that the masses have been “befooled” in the name of democracy. The MQM chief announced the beginning of a new era which would “end in a revolution just like Tunisia and Egypt”. He added that when the revolution begins, all those who have “looted the country” would be given strict punishments.

Hussain said that the National Unity gathering comprised of people belonging to all regions of the country had proved that Pakistan was united under the MQM. He also condemned the Lahore shootings by US citizen Raymond Davis, and asked the government not to entertain any pressure in this regard.


we don't want an other Western poppet to rule Pakistan,there ar enough poppets there .

after Egypt we will see all ther polition's in pakistan calling for a revolution,
so that they can loot what is left in Pakistan.
Are Tunisia and Egypt facing real unrest or a manufactured crisis?

To better understand the uprising in Tunisia and the crisis unfolding in Egypt, it is necessary to understand the historical context of the situation.

During World War I, the British manufactured the phenomenon of “Arab Revolt” to breakdown the Ottoman Empire, which controlled most of the Middle East. The so-called Arab Revolt was lead by Lawrence of Arabia, an on-duty British officer. The flag of the Arab revolt bears a triangle.

But once the Ottoman Empire was dismantled, these regions were not given to “Arabs” or to councils representing Arabs. They were quickly transferred to certain secretive families within the Arabs, who may be neither Arabs nor Muslims (though they do pretend). These families went on the establish some of the most repressive governments in the entire history of the region. A good example are the rulers of Jordan and Libya. The rulers of Jordan now exclusively marry into Western ruling elite. Libya has such close secret ties with the British ruling elite that it seems that the Lockerbie bombing was “outsourced” to Libya instead of the MI6.

But since this transfer of power was done too fast and over too big a region, the Illuminati in the Western world could not transfer all of Middle East to their cousins in the Middle East. In some cases, they allowed local powers to serve as clients of Western powers.

Now, the Powers That Be no longer see the necessity of such client states run by local powers and are transferring them to the direct rule of pretend Muslims and pretend Arabs who have secret bloodlines that branch off the Western ruling elite. Is the unrest in Egypt and Tunisia a part of this operation?

We are observing that the unrest is very region-specific. It does not seem to be spreading to places like Jordan and Libya, which are already under the thumb of the Powers That Be. There is the case of German/Swedish snipers/hunters being caught in Tunisia. The Western media appears to be magnifying the crisis (This is the same media that told you that USA was attacked by Bin Laden on 9-11). Like all revolutions, the mobs only seem to be content in accomplishing a shake up of the existing power structure. Who gets to inherit the power is not questioned. In the case of Egypt, Mohamed ElBaradei is already being touted as a new leader for Egypt. ElBaradei is a trustee of the International Crisis Group. Another board member of this group is Zbigniew Brzezinski. George Soros sits on the executive committee.

Foreign Snipers caught in Tunisia


Foreign Snipers caught in Tunisia with their equipment. Their bags were full of catridges. We were later told that they were "hunters."

In the case of Tunisia, we know that countries that are at the forefront of the New World Order, such as France, were quick to deny exile to the former President of Tunisia. Was this inhospitality out of sympathy for the Tunisian people? Those that know the history of French involvement in North Africa know the answer. It is obvious that the Tunisian President was suddenly no longer a preferred client. We are now learning that the United States State Department is now “reviewing” the two billion dollar bakhsheesh that it has been giving yearly to the Egyptian rulers for signing the Camp David agreement that made Egypt the first Arab country to recognize Israel. Is this because the current Egyptian rulers are no longer preferred clients? Are there now better operatives in place to replace these “clients?”

I am not implying that the rulers of Tunisia and Egypt deserve to be sympathized. To the contrary, one can observe their naiveté in trusting Western powers and Western Intelligence Agencies. Little do they know that being good clients does not exempt them from the predatory designs of their Western counterparts. In fact, the more willingness they show to become the perfect thugocratic client state of Western powers, the more susceptible they become to overthrow by the Powers That Be. I will show two historical cases to demonstrate the same.

The Iranian Revolution of 1970

While the Iranian Revolution did represent popular sentiment, it was more on the lines of an Islamicized French Revolution (mob rule, executions, secret courts, destruction and displacement of the former ruling class etc.) The revolutionaries managed to create a powerful police state that now spearheads the clash of civilizations rhetoric prescribed by the Powers That Be. The secret ties of the Western ruling elite with some of the revolutionaries has been documented and needs no repetition here.

The most tragic part of this revolution was the naiveté of the rulers of Iran. Reza Shah, a cavalry soldier, was brought to power by the British to supplant the Qajar dynasty that ruled over Iran (Mossadegh had blood ties to this great dynasty). Reza and his successor, Reza Pahlavi assumed that the continuation of their rule depended upon continued subservience to Western Powers as operators of a client state. Little did they know that the Powers That Be saw them only as temporary placeholders until Iran was consolidated under a new regime that was to play a critical role in advancing the “Clash of Civilizations” agenda. Reza turned over the police, intelligence and economic affairs of his country to his Western “friends” who promptly set out to use them to create the conditions necessary for the revolution. In fact, the revolution would have never succeeded were it not for the measures pioneered by Reza’s Western friends. Once the revolution was underway, Reza was even denied exile in Western countries. Apparently, he was no longer a preferred client. The Powers That Be now had Iran. They didn’t need a client anymore. Even in exile, members of the Pahlavi dynasty still saw themselves as likely client candidates for Iran, much to the irritation of the Powers That Be, who secretly opposed them at every turn. One major prince associated with this dynasty has committed suicide in Boston. If only the Pahlavis better understood that Western powers were no longer interested in their client services.

The 1977 Egyptian Bread Riots

In 1970, an opportunist, Anwar Sadat, became President of Egypt. He be believed that he could assure his perpetual survival by kowtowing to Israel and the United States. He went to great lengths to ensure just this, even humiliating the entire Arab World by signing the Camp David agreement. Little did he know that the same Powers he was kowtowing to were also actively seeking to replace him with their own people. In 1977, Sadat naively assumed that opening up Egypt’s economy to the West would bring in Western capital. The World Bank moved in, insisting that he remove subsidies on food and divert that money towards the World Bank instead, so that he could get loans. Sadat could not comprehend that he was financing his own overthrow, and naively towed along. What followed were the Bread Riots in which 800 Egyptians were killed and Sadat was almost overthrown. Sadat managed to quickly cancel the World Bank policies before he was overthrown. But the Powers That Be never give up. Sadat was assassinated by an Islamist group, although it seems that this event did not bring up the desired shakeup (and therefore the current crisis).

There is no doubt that those who carried on the assassination were authentic jihadists who had deep grudges with Sadat. But it appears that there were certain secretive and shadowy elements who coordinated the assassination, who at the same time managed to avoid the limelight. One such shadowy operative, Ayman Zawahiri is believed to have procured the weapons used in Sadat’s assassination, although he avoided any involvement in the actual operation. He later infiltrated Bin Laden’s organisation and succeeded in introducing a “clash of civilizations” rhetoric, which jeopardised the operations of Bin Laden. Although it did help bolster the case of Bin Laden being involved in the events of 9-11. After 9-11, Zawahiri released a number of videos gloating how his group carried the attacks, and special messages for his followers. Unlike the Bin Laden gloat videos which were never fully authenticated, Zawahiri’s videos appear to be authentic, suggesting he has survived (or was allowed to survive) the American onslaught and continues to infiltrate Jihadist groups. Such videos serve little purpose other than being a viral marketing campaign for the necessity of the War on Terror. Like a true operative of Western Intelligence, Zawahiri would go globetrotting prior to 9-11 on multiple fake passports, to places as far off as Thailand and Switzerland. He was believed to have also worked for Russian Intelligence (to suppress the Chechen jihad) and Iranian Intelligence (which was an adversary of the Taliban).


Tunisia and Egypt have always faced real unrest. But the failure of their client rulers to address the unrest has resulted in outside forces hijacking dissent to stampede in their New World Order. I don’t expect the remaining client states in the Middle East to suddenly put their people’s interests before themselves. But at least, in the interest of common sense, they should be able to distinguish between friend and foe. Serving as a client state for Western Powers is no longer as lucrative as it once was. It can be downright dangerous, as Western Powers are now bent on supplanting clients with people straight from their think tanks. If only the client rulers of the Middle East knew that think tanks and intelligence agencies based in Western countries were bigger sources of mayhem than the unarmed protestors on the streets.
Are Tunisia and Egypt facing real unrest or a manufactured crisis?

Is it a joke?
the picture you post is already given information a week ago even by Tunisians themselves:
They were German and dutch (as i remember) people who were in Tunisia for hunting: they have clearly hunting weapons not snipes at all! they were coming back from hunting and didn't hear about what was happening in Tunisia so they got big surprise to be controlled . The german guy in the famous video (the shot picture is from) is explaining in english they were hunting.
they free them later and there was no problem.

why giving so much energy to look for a Western hand on all this?
Ben Ali was supported by France. They regret it now and they say be sorry about not have been able to see the pain of the people.

i would enjoy any people who free from dictatorship.
and get to a democracy system which is human principle and not Western principle: the choice for the people to choose for their future .
^^^ care to read the footnote just below the picture. It does say they were hunters.
US was so much concentrating on Pakistan Iran and Afghanistan alone, for so many years (thanks to Indian think Tanks) and ignored what's going on in other Muslim regions with pro western governments.

Think Tanks in Washington have other more important issues now in hand other then Pakistan.

Good thing is , Now Indian Tank Tanks will force more time on saving their friend "President of Egypt" than bashing Pakistan.

Yep, too busy with Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and North Korea. At the same time they are also trying hard to contain both Russia and China. I guess it's hard to imitate Rome and be successful in it.
Yep, too busy with Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and North Korea. At the same time they are also trying hard to contain both Russia and China. I guess it's hard to imitate Rome and be successful in it.

Its not easy to be single super power of the world with weak side kicks
What happens from now ? Is the next guy going to be a Mubarak in disguise ? How much influence the Islamic Brotherhood has in this uprising ?
What happens from now ? Is the next guy going to be a Mubarak in disguise ? How much influence the Islamic Brotherhood has in this uprising ?
free election and will of people and I don't think so that middle class of Egypt will vote for Islamist . Who cares if the second person be like Mubarak but he should have people support.
No one wants to oppose west but wants a government who cares for them. the current unemployment of Egypt is 10% even with billions coming from US as aid , why? because of corruption and no connection with common people by the rulers .

Yes: poverty goes in hand of extremist to get support and stronger the middle class less chance of anti west government to come in power
Egyption Air Force is flying F16 sorties over Cairo.How the hell f16's will help to crub protests?Unless they plan on dropping JDAM"s on protesters.
free election and will of people and I don't think so that middle class of Egypt will vote for Islamist . Who cares if the second person be like Mubarak but he should have people support.
No one wants to oppose west but wants a government who cares for them. the current unemployment of Egypt is 10% even with billions coming from US as aid , why? because of corruption and no connection with common people by the rulers .

Yes: poverty goes in hand of extremist to get support and stronger the middle class less chance of anti west government to come in power

An uprising like this is opportunities for some people waiting at bay. They will sweet talk the people into power.

As far the Brotherhood goes, we hear so much that without Mubarak the other option is Brotherhood. I think we will see if is it really the truth or a propaganda by Mubarak to hold on to power.
^^^ care to read the footnote just below the picture. It does say they were hunters.
ah ok ;) thanks

A tunisian friend gave a call to his family in Tunis
They say it didn't change that much in Tunisia: still the police and the same people who have control of the country but without their president.
Sorry but China has excellent relations wth USA and its US biggest trade parnter. So you should like only Iran, Syria, Sudan and North Korea :cheesy:

Sorry, excellent relationship is a no, but biggest US trade partner and creditor yes ;)

China never agrees to American foreign politics. China wouldn't have focused so much on anti American capabilities if they don't regard them as their adversary. America will never have true friends who would go through thick and thin with them until they change their aggressive stance and stop interferring with every element of a country's business.
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