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Egypt, Pakistan join military campaign against Houthis

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u mention in ur post punjabi like u hate them.even u are a pure pakistani.what bad punjab have done to u

Please point it out where I showed hatred towards punjabis please point it or shut up.
We must stay away from the sectarian wars in the Middle East. Although Pakistan supported Sunni Taliban persecuted Shia Hazaras in Afghanistan without squeak from Pakistan.

u seems to be a afghan don't u? punjab hater.what bad have punjab done to u guys?btw most of pakistan and afghanistan eat what punjab produce.

Cool down you are being ethnic nationalist.
I think Pakistan’s contribution is more moral then actual military support and the coalition is more of a message to Iran, rather than any real military purpose as the Saudis are more than capable of handling this on their own.
yea if i were at helms.i would not waste a minute. because i know arabs how to deal with them. arabs have highest self respect.they allways seek ways to help people.btw there a few bad apples but most of them are darlings

Well you aint the helm and you spread lies and create false propaganda, am still waiting for you to point out my hatred of other Pakistanis.
nothing unusual same BS spread by mullah brigade , Pakistan give their service to Arabs , we work their to earn , just like others , we are unlike Arabs prince's who like to have the most expensive car and get a most white chick possible ...
and dont forget who save the Mecca in the siege of Mecca ?? we did ... we have commitment to protect the holy sites, and we should remain on it ... but providing Army to fight for Arabs personal shia sunni war .. .i am not going to support it ..
you kill Shia in Arab land , Shia in Pakistan will be pissed off , you kill Sunni in Arab land Sunni's will be pissed off ... so its not a wise decision to enter this mess .. and yeah we already have our quota of these scum bags , so first let us be united and have peace , than ensure others safety
btw arabs can replace whole pakistani prople with what ever nationality they desire.the problem in our peoples is that we don't appriciate other peoples.be realistic.what serious bad have arabs done to u guys.lets start from muhammed bin qasim.and dont trll me mullah brigade.i hate mullahs the same i hate hypocrites.who other then arabs give u guys lift these days.try any day and we will be alone.but i can assure u that if today we went with arabs they will be with u.

Well you aint the helm and you spread lies and create false propaganda, am still waiting for you to point out my hatred of other Pakistanis.
lets talk about punjabis.can we?
btw arabs can replace whole pakistani prople with what ever nationality they desire.the problem in our peoples is that we don't appriciate other peoples.be realistic.what serious bad have arabs done to u guys.lets start from muhammed bin qasim.and dont trll me mullah brigade.i hate mullahs the same i hate hypocrites.who other then arabs give u guys lift these days.try any day and we will be alone.but i can assure u that if today we went with arabs they will be with u.

lets talk about punjabis.can we?

Qasim achieved what?

Before Islam I was a khilji and today I am still a khilji and no one can change my identity those have tried have perished.

I am no Sunni nor Shia but just a khilji, you said one has to stand with their family well I didn't know you was an Arab, if that's the case then my family is Turco iranic and I stand with them.
@Bratva what do you think about the Arab coalition?

100 Saudi Jets
30 UAE
15 each from Kuwait & Bahrain
10 Bahrain
~15-19 combined Jordan, Morocco, Sudan

Egypt & Pakistan were asked for help in Naval support.

Close to 150,000 Saudi Troops, with potential support from GCC up to another 20,000. Egypt has offered threats to deploy soldiers.

Seems like the GCC combined Military has received it's first orders to service.


*map has changed a lot the shaded area right of Sanaa is by Houthis. AQAP has made inroads on the regions on both sides it controls.

Houthis want more representation in government and remove AQAP. The Center wants to rule Yemen and remove AQAP. Seems like a possible Win-Win.
feeling is mutual. but I will spare venomous snake but will definitely kill Pakistani.
no personal feelings.

Don't make us hate you, kiddo. You're just regurgitating the crap propaganda you hear from your Indian news sources. No, Pakistan is not obsessed with Ummah or Islam. You don't like when people say things about India and raping women, do you? We don't like it when a brainwashed Indian stumbles into a thread where there's a real discussion going on and starts ranting on about Ummah. Got it?
btw arabs can replace whole pakistani prople with what ever nationality they desire.the problem in our peoples is that we don't appriciate other peoples.be realistic.what serious bad have arabs done to u guys.lets start from muhammed bin qasim.and dont trll me mullah brigade.i hate mullahs the same i hate hypocrites.who other then arabs give u guys lift these days.try any day and we will be alone.but i can assure u that if today we went with arabs they will be with u.

lets talk about punjabis.can we?

So you couldn't point anything out as nothing is there to point out, you just lost your credibility and made yourself look a fool and a liar that you are.
RIYADH: Saudi Arabia said Thursday that five Muslim countries including Egypt and Pakistan want to participate in the Gulf-led military coalition against Huthi rebels who have seized large swathes of Yemen.

Together with Jordan, Morocco and Sudan, they have “expressed desire to participate in the operation” against the rebels, which the kingdom dubbed “Firmness Storm”, Saudi SPA state news agency said.

Saudi Arabia and four other Gulf states, including Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, announced earlier a decision to “answer the call of President Hadi to protect Yemen and his people from the aggression of the Huthi militia.”

The kingdom’s ambassador to the United States announced from Washington that a coalition of 10 countries, including the five Gulf monarchies, had been set up to protect the Yemeni government.

Adel al-Jubeir did not name other members of the coalition.

The United States said it would provide “logistical and intelligence support” to the operation.

Saudi-owned al-Arabiya news channel said the UAE sent 30 jet fighters to Saudi Arabia to take part in the air strikes, while Jordan will be participating with six aircraft.

The channel also said that Egypt and Pakistan would dispatch jet fighters and warships to take part in the campaign.

Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi had urged Arab countries to intervene militarily as anti-government forces closed in on the southern city of Aden, where he had taken refuge.

Yemen has been gripped by growing turmoil since the Huthi rebels overran the capital Sanaa in September.

Operation 'Firmness Storm': Saudi says Pakistan wants to join fight against Yemen rebels - The Express Tribune

how much they will give for Pakistan's support ;)
@Bratva what do you think about the Arab coalition?

100 Saudi Jets
30 UAE
15 each from Kuwait & Bahrain
10 Bahrain
~15-19 combined Jordan, Morocco, Sudan

Egypt & Pakistan were asked for help in Naval support.

Close to 150,000 Saudi Troops, with potential support from GCC up to another 20,000. Egypt has offered threats to deploy soldiers.

Seems like the GCC combined Military has received it's first orders to service.


*map has changed a lot the shaded area right of Sanaa is by Houthis. AQAP has made inroads on the regions on both sides it controls.

Houthis want more representation in government and remove AQAP. The Center wants to rule Yemen and remove AQAP. Seems like a possible Win-Win.

Yeah that's what most probably Pakistan would do, commit air and naval support because arab coalition is dearly lacking naval support. Fast attack aircraft and proper frigates . Ground troops would be a big NO-NO. As some one already pointed, like in 91 we deployed PAK troops in saudia arabia around yemen border. If push comes to shove, boots on ground would be limited to that

The need of hour is honest and shrewd politicians in yemen . What yemen has are corrupt as well as lacking guts,dedication and inconsiderate toward masses needs. Corruption can be tolerated if Leader is shrewd and making progress on issues threatening national security
Qasim achieved what?

Before Islam I was a khilji and today I am still a khilji and no one can change my identity those have tried have perished.

I am no Sunni nor Shia but just a khilji, you said one has to stand with their family well I didn't know you was an Arab, if that's the case then my family is Turco iranic and I stand with them.
oooh.btw unlike saudia iran allways stabed us.and i m not an arab i m a punjabi jutt my ancesters were from modern day indian punjab.but now all my loyality is for pakistan.and i live in a arab country.so i know better then u guys that how arabs are.i think they are by any means near to pakistan then iran.

how much they will give for Pakistan's support ;)
they will not give us anything but we will request them to open visas for bangladesh.
It has two cities which are more important to Muslims than there own lives yes some genius try to come up with point O No Saudia is different and those two cities are different if you think that either you are biggest idio* or you have lost our mind Sir they are not different the moment war enters Saudi borders they can reach those cities any time we can't wait for that war to reach the place where Makkah and Madinah are only half a mile away we would make sure the war never enters Saudi Arabia. Even if we have to go in other countries to strike we would do it and also I can assure you we would use every weapon I mean every weapon

I am sorry but how this argument justifies your earlier argument that KSA's security is vital to our national interests, I never heard the same thing out of Arabs mouth. Yes may be huge amounts of remittence sent could be vital but your attempt to link Mecca & Medina argument with Houthis (Shia sect, but still muslims) falls flat on its face.
Our national interests should be supreme to us, its a proxy war between two messed up states dragging the whole middle east down with them.

Poor Pakistanis playing with fire while they can't secure their capital .

Pakistan officially started a war against millions of Shias in the world and it's own country .

And we have Egypt on the other hand that is drawing in chaos and Al Qaeda + ISIS are killing them in their own country on a daily basis .

I hope Iran fully support Houthis in this unfair war , They have the manpower , experience and power to send saudi , Egyptians and Pakistani invaders to hell .

Arghhhhh, you're argument is worse than Mecca, Medina one.

That's not the point here .

The point is that , Pakistan is attacking a country for the sake of another country and they call it a fight to defend Muslim cities in Saudi Arabia while Houthis are the ones that have been attacked for over 40 years by Egypt , Saudis and their Al Qaeda allies in Yemen . Yet Pakistanis condemn what Houthis are doing .

Let me remind you , Houthis were peacefully demonstrating for their rights a couple of months ago and they had no intention to take arms but the government alongside Al Qaeda massacred them in the streets of Sanna but unlike those war criminal international terrorists n Syria Houthis used a diplomatic way to solve the problem than killing their opponents .

Why are you going to fight in first place ?

I mean there is no national or religious motivation there .

Iranians , Lebanese , Afghan and even Pakistani shias are fighting in Syria + Iraq to defend the shrines and some of them to secure their country . What are Pakistanis going to gain against Yemeni Houthis and parts of the army there ?

Please apply the same argument on Iran and see how it turns out. Iran is also meddling in Iraq, actually running Iraq would be the right statement.
Both Iran and KSA are the same in letter and spirit, hypocritical dictatorial regimes, a threat to world peace and region.
I think statement is more in terms of moral than action . Pakistan is smart enough to not involve itself in affairs which does not matter to them in any ways .
iran has never been friend to Pakistan nor in past neither will be in future they will always tilt more towards india than Pak on the other hand saudis r always pro Pakistan,they helped Pak many times I think Pak should help them as well.
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