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Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency


Nov 18, 2010
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Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

CAIRO -- The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's most powerful political group, said Wednesday it is considering running its own candidate in upcoming presidential elections, dropping its previous decision to avoid direct participation in the race.

The group appears to be playing one of its last cards in a power struggle against the ruling military council, after it failed to force the military to replace its Cabinet with a new one appointed by the Islamist-dominated parliament.

If a Brotherhood fields a candidate and wins the presidency, the group would control the two main branches of power. In parliamentary elections, the first since a popular uprising unseated President Hosni Mubarak last year, it won nearly half the seats.

Since then, the Brotherhood has sought to allay fears of local liberals as well as Egypt's Western allies about an Islamist takeover by saying it would not field its own candidate for president. Elections are set for May 23-24.

That appears to have changed. Mahmoud Hussein, the Brotherhood's general secretary, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that his group has been "forced to consider the option of fielding a candidate from its own ranks."

Besides rejecting its demand for a new Cabinet, Hussein charged that the generals are working behind the scenes to persuade presidential candidates to turn down Brotherhood support.

"When we reach out to some people, they either refuse because they feel they are not up to the mission or they come under pressure from the military council," he said. He declined to give names.

Another factor is that younger Brotherhood members are disobeying the group's leadership by supporting a former Brotherhood leader, Abdel-Moneim Abolfotoh, who was expelled from the movement after he announced his decision to join the race.

Abolfotoh, a strong presidential hopeful, also has the backing of some liberals, who see him as a reformer.
If Muslim brotherhood win the ellection, Egypt will be missed up. No country would be Egypts true ally under their rule. Iran is trying desperately to get Egypt under its control through bribe and offering industrial investments. Anyway, its their own choice, but its disappointing that people repeat others fatal mistakes.
If Muslim brotherhood win the ellection, Egypt will be missed up. No country would be Egypts true ally under their rule. Iran is trying desperately to get Egypt under its control through bribe and offering industrial investments. Anyway, its their own choice, but its disappointing that people repeat others fatal mistakes.
i dont agree to the iran part you dont know what has these wahabi ........done by funding salfis what an insult this days it is saudi who want to take countrol of egypt ?but i agree that i dont accept bringing relgion to poltics and useing the religon anyway dont worry most of the vots they got was a try and most of them regret it now
i dont agree to the iran part you dont know what has these wahabi ........done by funding salfis what an insult this days it is saudi who want to take countrol of egypt ?but i agree that i dont accept bringing relgion to poltics and useing the religon anyway dont worry most of the vots they got was a try and most of them regret it now

I hope so. Those religious parties are bringing Egypt down. But I don't care wheither Egypt makes relations with Iran or not, Egypt will regret it in the hard way later. Anyway, lets see whats going to happen.
i dont agree to the iran part you dont know what has these wahabi ........done by funding salfis what an insult this days it is saudi who want to take countrol of egypt ?but i agree that i dont accept bringing relgion to poltics and useing the religon anyway dont worry most of the vots they got was a try and most of them regret it now

Do you believe that egyptians are seculars. I don't think so. Why do you guys have problem with MB if they come to power via
fair elections? After all MB will not be pro-US and pro-Israel and look after Egypt's interest first.
Do you believe that egyptians are seculars. I don't think so. Why do you guys have problem with MB if they come to power via
fair elections? After all MB will not be pro-US and pro-Israel and look after Egypt's interest first.
they dont belive in bordars some of them say that nationalty and democracy is blasphmy and agnist islam
we took 40 years to bulid our army and we will not let all this go to waste and provoke our army to unplaned battles for thier buddys in gazaor anywhere
Egyptian army is for egyptians only and we will not make the same mistake again (1952 )

The muslim Brotherhood going to respect the peace treaty ?

The muslim Brotherhood going to respect the peace treaty ?
yes they will
they know that they could have more with peace than war after their win in the parlament elections
they dont belive in bordars some of them say that nationalty and democracy is blasphmy and agnist islam
we took 40 years to bulid our army and we will not let all this go to waste and provoke our army to unplaned battles for thier buddys in gazaor anywhere
Egyptian army is for egyptians only and we will not make the same mistake again (1952 )
Why do you always talk in the name of all Egyptians? You don't represent 80 million Egyptians my friend. We all scarified for Egypt in 1973 war although it was non of our bussiness. GCC cut off oil from western countries which complled America to press Israel to cease fire. Egypt must be part of the region or it will be considered like Tchad or Turkey. If polititians think like you, then Egypt is going to its doom.
i dont agree to the iran part you dont know what has these wahabi ........done by funding salfis what an insult this days it is saudi who want to take countrol of egypt ?but i agree that i dont accept bringing relgion to poltics and useing the religon anyway dont worry most of the vots they got was a try and most of them regret it now

First of all there is no such a thing as Wahabi however there is such a thing as religious extremist and intrudests that I assure you they don't get a single ounce of support from me.

Iran is an expansionist regime aiming to control the region and establish Persian Empire part Deux they won't seek relations they will seek control but if you are fine with them controlling you it is after all your choice.

One more point I find it ridiculous when people are saying that KSA is supporting religious extremism world wide when it is fighting it in its own soil.

Why do you always talk in the name of all Egyptians? You don't represent 80 million Egyptians my friend. We all scarified for Egypt in 1973 war although it was non of our bussiness. GCC cut off oil from western countries which complled America to press Israel to cease fire. Egypt must be part of the region or it will be considered like Tchad or Turkey. If polititians think like you, then Egypt is going to its doom.

I think the closest nation to KSA both in mentality and way of life is Egypt. After all we will never forget the ones who taught us how to read and write when we did not know anything before. Egyptians are more than our brothers and I assure you Saudis have Egypt very close to their hearts so I know he does not represent the Egyptian people in any way shape or form.
Why do you always talk in the name of all Egyptians? You don't represent 80 million Egyptians my friend. We all scarified for Egypt in 1973 war although it was non of our bussiness. GCC cut off oil from western countries which complled America to press Israel to cease fire. Egypt must be part of the region or it will be considered like Tchad or Turkey. If polititians think like you, then Egypt is going to its doom.
we can be better and we will as long as we stay away from this fake arab unity and of course i speak about egypt becouse i am egyptian born in egypt just like my father and grand father and probably will die serving my country just like every egyptian willing to give his life for egypt i will not open this GCC and oil topic again becouse cuting the oil for days cant be comparied with scrafising our army our econmy and alot of civalian lives
all i can say is you better be ready for any war becouse we wont be there the next time and like i said EGYPTIAN ARMY IS FOR EGYPTIANS ONLY

First of all there is no such a thing as Wahabi however there is such a thing as religious extremist and intrudests that I assure you they don't get a single ounce of support from me.

Iran is an expansionist regime aiming to control the region and establish Persian Empire part Deux they won't seek relations they will seek control but if you are fine with them controlling you it is after all your choice.

One more point I find it ridiculous when people are saying that KSA is supporting religious extremism world wide when it is fighting it in its own soil.
the salafis are funded by ksa maybe you dont support them but your king does
about iran i know who i am and no country in the world can countrol egypt the us couldnt after 40 years of peace and close realtions with us i am sure no one could
the salafis are funded by ksa maybe you dont support them but your king does
about iran i know who i am and no country in the world can countrol egypt the us couldnt after 40 years of peace and close realtions with us i am sure no one could

As I said you can get an Iranian funded president in office if you so like however when Egyptians want to make another revolution expect Egyptian people to suffer the same way other Iranian allied presidents are making their people suffer and as you said you may find other people saying when that happens "It is for the greater good".

I know you have a deep seated hatred for my country however I also implore you to think outside of ultra-nationalistic view. It is not about controlling Egypt it is about keeping Egypt as an ally.
we can be better and we will as long as we stay away from this fake arab unity and of course i speak about egypt becouse i am egyptian born in egypt just like my father and grand father and probably will die serving my country just like every egyptian willing to give his life for egypt i will not open this GCC and oil topic again becouse cuting the oil for days cant be comparied with scrafising our army our econmy and alot of civalian lives
all i can say is you better be ready for any war becouse we wont be there the next time and like i said EGYPTIAN ARMY IS FOR EGYPTIANS ONLY

the salafis are funded by ksa maybe you dont support them but your king does
about iran i know who i am and no country in the world can countrol egypt the us couldnt after 40 years of peace and close realtions with us i am sure no one could

You needed Jordan but Jordan never needed you. Jordan won in Alkaramah batte ALONE, and it was the first Arab victory. we don't need your rusty f-16 or third class Abrams tanks. As you know, Jordan has the best trained army among Arab contries and we manufacture most of our army equipments, PS we are #17 in terms of exporting arms. Anyway, I know hundreds of Egytias in Arab forums who have a tttaly different view than yours. So its really ridiculous when you talk in the name of 80 million people.
As I said you can get an Iranian funded president in office if you so like however when Egyptians want to make another revolution expect Egyptian people to suffer the same way other Iranian allied presidents are making their people suffer and as you said you may find other people saying when that happens "It is for the greater good".

I know you have a deep seated hatred for my country however I also implore you to think outside of ultra-nationalistic view. It is not about controlling Egypt it is about keeping Egypt as an ally.

He is talking like he is the one who will choose the next presedent.
Egypt needs us and we have never needed it in any way ever.
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