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Edward Snowden honored with 2013 Whistleblower Prize (Germany)


Nov 22, 2011
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Washington - To further cement his credentials as a whistleblower in the eyes of the world, Edward Snowden has been awarded the 2013 Whistleblower Prize by a coalition which includes Transparency International Germany.

The Government Accountability Project (GAP) has announced the news on Thursday, noting that the 2013 award is particularly significant, as it marks the first year of involvement by the anti-corruption organization Transparency International.

The award is given in partnership with the Federation of German Scientists (FGS, the German Pugwash Group) and the German chapter of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA).

The award also carries a prize of 3,000 euros.

Since 1999, the Whistleblower Prize is awarded every two years to individuals "who reveal significant threats to society, peace and the environment."

In Snowden's case, this specifically relates to his revelations of pervasive surveillance and the storage of communications data by the US government. This suggests a violation of Article 10 of the Basic Law in Germany, as well as G10-law that regulates compliance of intelligence services with Article 10.

IALANA's Germany section, Otto Jaeckel told the media:

"Edward Snowden's whistleblowing did a great service to Germany and other EU member states,"
"We should compete to take him in out of conviction, but also out of gratitude."

Executive Director of the Government Accountability Project (GAP), Bea Edwards said:

"This award honors the actions of whistleblower Edward Snowden. Scientific and transparency organizations in Germany are disturbed and angered by the intrusive surveillance of Europeans by the NSA. They represent a society that has suffered protracted repression at the hands of totalitarian governments, and they recognize the courage required to bring illegal government actions to the attention of the public."

Edda Müller, Chair of Transparency Germany stated:

“We owe Edward Snowden that his courageous actions have consequences. International treaties limiting the sovereignty of Germany must be changed. Great Britain, as a member state of the European Union, must explain very clearly in Brussels its position on the basic rights of EU citizens. Moreover, Germany needs to ensure adequate protection of whistleblowers through appropriate legal regulations.”

The Government Accountability Project champions government and corporate accountability and transparency by defending whistleblowers, advancing occupational free speech and by empowering citizen activists.

Since its founding in 1977, GAP has fought to make large bureaucratic institutions accountable through "the effective exercise of conscience."

Snowden has recently been awarded 12 months asylum in Russia.

Edward Snowden honored with 2013 Whistleblower Prize

In German: Whistleblower-Preis für Snowden | tagesschau.de
There must be a massive Chinese conspiracy in Germany that even renowned organisations, e.g. Transparancy International and IALANA are completely infiltrated by them. :)
Götterdämmerung;4710635 said:
There must be a massive Chinese conspiracy in Germany that even renowned organisations, e.g. Transparancy International and IALANA are completely infiltrated by them. :)

how does china talk fit into this? did you get your 50 cent memos mixed up?
how does china talk fit into this? did you get your 50 cent memos mixed up?

So many people in Germany not only siding with USA's enemy#1 but also honor him with a repectable prize. And in other fora, thousands of Chinese in Germany are voicing their opposition against the US invasion of Syria.

I'm 100% d'accord with the prize awarded to Snowden and 100% d'accord with opposing US invasion in Syria like all "Chinese" in Germany would do. :smokin:
Götterdämmerung;4710692 said:
So many people in Germany not only siding with USA's enemy#1 but also honor him with a repectable prize. And in other fora, thousands of Chinese in Germany are voicing their opposition against the US invasion of Syria.

I'm 100% d'accord with the prize awarded to Snowden and 100% d'accord with opposing US invasion in Syria like all "Chinese" in Germany would do. :smokin:

China has not met a genocidal dictator and killer of 100's of thousands Muslims and civilians it does not like to support for oil. so Chinese in Germany supporting the Borg ( china) on continuation of the slaughter is no surprise

There are lots of Americans who think snowden is a whistle blower too. even in our congress... I am still not getting what your point is- why are you having a moment about something even most Americans agree?

you need to check the 50 cent memo for the day, you got confused about your talking points :rofl:

Asked whether Snowden is more of a whistleblower or more of a traitor, those polled split 55 percent to 34 percent for whistleblower, according to a Quinnipiac survey released Thursday

Wherever there are terrorists groups, you will find that pariah Yankee regime funding and arming the terrorists. I guess the Yankees have alot in common with terrorists.
The funny thing is, the majority of people in the EU are not only in rage against the silence of their respective gov. with regard to the NSA scandals but of course also against the incredible impertinence of the US and UK gov. spying at us. The only two persons in this forum who are staunch supporters of whatver the US gov. does is a Viet and an Indian.

One just have to scroll down to the comment section of the above posted article and according to these two they must be false flag Chinese as well. Oh well, there is no cure for cognitive dissonance. ;)
Götterdämmerung;4710902 said:
The only two persons in this forum who are staunch supporters of whatever the US gov. does is a Viet and an Indian.

That's because they're both extensively psychologically damaged, and their behaviour at this point is only animated by their all-encompassing inferiority complexes. "I have to be more American than even real Americans!", which translates into bombing brown people in unilateral military campaigns, tragically forgetting that they themselves are brown.
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