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Jan 7, 2011
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Need for clarity

THE pressure being exerted by the loose conglomeration of right-wing political parties and organisations that oppose a review of the blasphemy laws is increasing. Sunday witnessed a large rally in Karachi during which speakers demanded that Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani declare from the floor of parliament that there would be no attempt to amend the laws. This comes at the heels of the country-wide strike held on Dec 31; on Sunday, speakers said that they would organise a “million man” march on Islamabad if the government did not accept their demands.

Given that the atmosphere is becoming more charged by the day, there is need to take a step back and bring some clarity to the situation. First, protesting on the count of any matter, including amending or not amending a law, is a basic democratic right available to all citizens. All sections of the public have the right to air their concerns in a peaceful and non-violent fashion. That said, however, the political parties and organisations allied against any amendment to the blasphemy laws need to keep in mind that the crime of murder must be kept separate from political matters. The crime committed by Malik Mumtaz Qadri, Punjab governor Salman Taseer`s self-confessed killer, must not be confused with a means of gaining political capital. Third, and drawing from this, is that the current issue is important for religious and right-leaning political parties, and they are part of and stakeholders in the democratic process. Upholding the rule of law is as much in their own favour as in that of the rest of the citizenry. Meanwhile, the government`s stance too must be examined. Keeping quiet in the face of opposition to legislative reform in the current instance may be a useful tactic under the circumstances. Clearly, there is little to be gained from increasing polarities even further. However, does the government have a long-term strategy to counter the rising tide of extremism being experienced across the country? The extremists, it seems, have thrown down the gauntlet; how and in what manner will the state respond? The time and space in which to manoeuvre appears to be running out fast.
History may not repeat itself

FOR Pakistan history may not repeat itself this time around. The military may not intervene in politics as it did in the past whenever it felt that the country
was moving on the wrong track.

What the country is currently witnessing in terms of social and political instability and economic distress has no precedence in history. Yet in the past, lesser turbulence was reason enough for the military to step in to `save the country`. This happened four times in the country`s turbulent past.

In 1958 Gen Ayub Khan, commander-in-chief of the army, was convinced that the frequent changes in the government, with a new prime minister being sworn in every few months, justified the staging of a coup d`etat. He threw the civilians out and established a military government that ruled for almost 11 years.

In 1969 Gen Yahya Khan thought that a popular campaign against the government of Ayub Khan, prompted by an increase in the price of sugar, was a good enough reason to stage another coup d`etat and assume the presidency for himself. He ruled for almost three years and saw the break-up of Pakistan with the province of East Pakistan gaining independence as Bangladesh after a bitterly fought civil war.

In 1977, unhappiness with the alleged rigging of the elections held that year by the civilian government headed by Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto brought a large number of people out in the streets and the military was back in power, this time under Gen Ziaul Haq. The general also governed as president for 11 years. He was replaced by a series of civilian governments — seven of them, counting the interim governments that were in office to prepare the country for repeated general elections — after his death in an unexplained plane crash.

The civilians attempted to sideline the military but did not fully succeed. It was one of these attempts — by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif when he tried to replace the army chief of staff, Gen Pervez Musharraf — that led to another spell of military rule. President Musharraf governed for almost nine years.

In Jan 2011, Pakistan faces an existential threat even greater than the one it had to deal with after it lost its eastern `wing` in Dec 1971. The government and society has been challenged by several extremist groups whose declared objective is to establish an Islamic order in the country that embraces all aspects of life — the economy, the legal and political systems, relations with the outside world.

The economy is in deep trouble, not expected to grow at a rate that will be much more than the rate of increase in population. This will mean adding perhaps as many as 10 million people to the already large pool of poverty. Most of the new poor will be in the urban areas to which belonged the assassin of Punjab Governor Salman Taseer. They will be willing recruits to extremist causes if the economy cannot find productive jobs for them.

---------- Post added at 06:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 PM ----------

History may not repeat itself

FOR Pakistan history may not repeat itself this time around. The military may not intervene in politics as it did in the past whenever it felt that the country
was moving on the wrong track.

What the country is currently witnessing in terms of social and political instability and economic distress has no precedence in history. Yet in the past, lesser turbulence was reason enough for the military to step in to `save the country`. This happened four times in the country`s turbulent past.

In 1958 Gen Ayub Khan, commander-in-chief of the army, was convinced that the frequent changes in the government, with a new prime minister being sworn in every few months, justified the staging of a coup d`etat. He threw the civilians out and established a military government that ruled for almost 11 years.

In 1969 Gen Yahya Khan thought that a popular campaign against the government of Ayub Khan, prompted by an increase in the price of sugar, was a good enough reason to stage another coup d`etat and assume the presidency for himself. He ruled for almost three years and saw the break-up of Pakistan with the province of East Pakistan gaining independence as Bangladesh after a bitterly fought civil war.

In 1977, unhappiness with the alleged rigging of the elections held that year by the civilian government headed by Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto brought a large number of people out in the streets and the military was back in power, this time under Gen Ziaul Haq. The general also governed as president for 11 years. He was replaced by a series of civilian governments — seven of them, counting the interim governments that were in office to prepare the country for repeated general elections — after his death in an unexplained plane crash.

The civilians attempted to sideline the military but did not fully succeed. It was one of these attempts — by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif when he tried to replace the army chief of staff, Gen Pervez Musharraf — that led to another spell of military rule. President Musharraf governed for almost nine years.

In Jan 2011, Pakistan faces an existential threat even greater than the one it had to deal with after it lost its eastern `wing` in Dec 1971. The government and society has been challenged by several extremist groups whose declared objective is to establish an Islamic order in the country that embraces all aspects of life — the economy, the legal and political systems, relations with the outside world.

The economy is in deep trouble, not expected to grow at a rate that will be much more than the rate of increase in population. This will mean adding perhaps as many as 10 million people to the already large pool of poverty. Most of the new poor will be in the urban areas to which belonged the assassin of Punjab Governor Salman Taseer. They will be willing recruits to extremist causes if the economy cannot find productive jobs for them.


General Duty Medical Officers
as Captains (Male/Female)
MBBS or equivalent qualifications recognized by Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PM&DC).
28 years on 01 May 2011.
Relaxable upto 35 Years in case of better qualification / experience on the recommendations of the GHQ Selection Board.

Dental Surgeons as Captains (Male/Female)
BDS or equivalent qualifications recognized by (PM&DC). Having completed minimum one year house job in an institution recognized by PM&DC.
28 years on 01 May 2011.
Relaxable upto 35 Years in case of better qualification / experience on the recommendations of the GHQ Selection Board.

Classified Specialists as Major

(a) Anaesthesiology (HPG) (Male/Female)
(b) Pathology (HPG) (Male/Female)
(c) Radiology (HPG) (Male/Female)
(d) Basic Medicine Sciences
(e) Gynaecology (HPG) (Female)
MBBS with higher postgraduate qualifications i.e. MRCOG, FCPS (Pak), FRCS, MS American Boards/ Certificate or equivalent in respective fields of specialties.
32 years on 01 May 2011. Relaxable upto 40 Years in case of better qualification / experience on the recommendations of the GHQ Selection Board.

► Candidates possessing Lower Postgraduate (MCPS, various Diplomas) qualified shall be granted rank of Capt.
► Candidates qualified from Government Institutes shall be preferred.

(1) Male - Married/Unmarried
(2) Female - Married/Unmarried/Widow

Citizens of Pakistan and domicile holders of Azad Kashmir / Gilgit - Biltistan. Upon final selection candidates with dual nationality will have to surrender nationalities other than Pakistani.

(1) Minimum Height
(a) Male Candidates - 5’ - 4” (162.5 cm)
(b) Female Candidates - 5 ‘ - 2” (157.5 cm)

(2) Weight - As per the Body Mass Index

a. Twice rejected by GHQ Selection Board for SSRC.
b. Declared medically unfit by concerned CMH / Appeal Medical Board.
c. Individual withdrawn / resigned / discharged from Armed Forces (Army, Navy
and Air Force) training academies / institutions on the grounds of discipline,
character, medical inefficiency, weak profile or declared unsuitable.
d. Individuals dismissed / removed from any other government service.
e. Convicted by a Court of Law for an offence involving moral turpitude.

Candidates can either register through Internet or by visiting Army Selection and Recruitment Centres (AS&RCs). Following procedure will be adopted :-

A candidate can register on this website. Date and time of test shall be intimated on internet, for which the individual should have an e-mail account. Candidates will report on exact date and time given for preliminary test on computerized roll no slip. Date once given will not be changed. Candidates will also bring along documents mentioned in para 6 and will pay prospectus fee on the day of test. Candidates MUST attain working knowledge of computer as registration and tests will be conducted on computers.

The candidates may report at nearest AS&RCs for registration / allotment of roll no alongwith necessary documents mentioned in para 6 and the prospectus fee for completion of registration formalities. The candidates will bring these documents on the day of test as well.

Registration and Preliminary Tests will held as per following schedule :-
15 - 31 January 2011

Preliminary Tests
01 - 04 February 2011

Professional Written test and Intelligence / Personality tests based on multiple choice questions will be conducted at AS&RCs as per following schedule :-
(1) GDMOs - 01 - 02 February 2011
(2) ADC - 03 February 2011
(3) Specs (only Intelligence / Personality test) - 04 February 2011

e. Preliminary Medical Tests
The candidates will undergo initial medical test at AS&RCs.

Candidates who are selected by AS&RCs will be called for interview by GHQ Selection Board at Quetta, Karachi, Multan, Lahore, Rawalpindi and Peshawar. Medical examination of recommended candidates will be carried out at nearby CMHs. The final selection will be made at GHQ on the basis of candidate’s overall performance.

22 weeks training at PMA and AFPGMI for male and female candidates respectively.

a. Original certificates / detailed Marks Sheets alongwith two attested photocopies
of each educational certificate / degree / diploma.
b. Two attested photo copies of registration certificate of PM&DC for GDMOs, and Specialists
c. Two attested photo copies of house job certificate, if already done.
d. Candidates serving in Govt Institutions/ Departments will render No Objection Certificate of the concerned Establishment.
e. Attested photo copy of domicile.
f. Photo copy of Computerised National Identity Card.
g. 6 x coloured photos duly attested (front and back).
h. Crossed postal order of Rs. 100.00 in favour of Director General Personnel Administration (DGPA), GHQ Rawalpindi.
NOTE.Old National Identity Card will not be accepted.

Finally selected candidates will be required to sign a bond to serve the Army for a minimum period of 5 years. The applicability of bond will commence on successful completion of basic military training at AFPGMI Rawalpindi and PMA Kakul.
For further details visit Join Pakistan Army OR nearest Army Selection and Recruitment Centres at Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Gilgit, Hyderabad and Multan
Email your queries to: webmaster@joinpakarmy.gov.pk


Corps of Engineers (Engrs) (Female)
► BE Civil Engineering
► BE Architectural Engineering
► BE Town Planning Engineering
► BE Structural Engineering
(With 3.0 CGPA or 65% marks in annual system)

28 years on 1 May 2011

Corps of Signals (Sigs) (Female)
► BSc Engineering(4 Years Programme) in following disciplines:-
1.Telecommunication Engineering

2.Software Engineering/Information Technology

3.Information Security

(with CGPA 2.0 out of 4.0 and 3.0 out of 5.0, No 3rd
Division/Grade D and only one 2nd Division/Grade C
in annual system throughout the academic career)
► MS in any of the above mentioned disciplines will be preferred
► MBA (IT)/Master in Computer Sciences/MEM (Engg Management) with BE Computer Science/Telecommunication Engineering/ Software Engineering from HEC / PEC recognized University or a Foreign University (recognized by HEC)
(Candidates possessing experience in teaching /working with industry will be preferred)

28 years on 1 May 2011

Corps of Ordnance (Ord) (Female)
► MSc Chemistry/Energetic Materials
► BE Chemical Engineering
► BE Textile Engineering
(with CGPA-3.0/1st Division)
28 years on 1 May 2011

Corps of Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (EME) (Female)
► BE Electrical/Mechanical/Computer Hardware Engineering / Mechatronics Engineering
(with CGPA-3.0 or 65% marks in annual system)
28 years on 1 May 2011

Information & Computer Technology Officers (ICTO) Male/Female
► Masters/Bachelors in Software Engineering / Computer Sciences.
► Masters / Bachelors in Geographical Information System (GIS) / Network (NW)/ Windows / Solaris / Systems {Operating System (OS), Data Base (DB)
(16 years of education with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 or 62.5% marks)

28 years on 1 May 2011

Clinical Psychologist Male/Female
► M.A/M.Sc Psychology (Minimum 2nd Division)

► M.A/M.Sc Psychology having advance Diploma in Clinical Psychology (2nd Division)
M.Phil/Ph.d will be given preference.
28 years on 1 May 2011
(Relaxable upto 35 years having higher qualification i.e. M.Phil/Ph.d)

Veterinary Officers in RV&FC (Male)
DVM or equivalent degree from Pakistan, UK or USA. Registered with PVMC.
a. Serving VASs of RV&FC
21 – 35 years as on 1 May 2011
b. Civilians
21 – 28 years as on 1 May 2011

(1) Male - Married/Unmarried
(2) Female - Unmarried

Citizens of Pakistan and domicile holders of Azad Kashmir / Gilgit - Biltistan. Upon final selection candidates with dual nationality will have to surrender nationalities other than Pakistani.

(1) Minimum Height
(a) Male Candidates - 5’ - 4” (162.5 cm)
(b) Female Candidates - 5 ‘ - 2” (157.5 cm)

(2) Weight - As per the Body Mass Index

a. Twice rejected by GHQ Selection Board for SSRC.
b. Declared medically unfit by concerned CMH / Appeal Medical Board.
c. Individual withdrawn / resigned / discharged from Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force) training academies / institutions on the grounds of discipline, character, medical inefficiency, weak profile or declared unsuitable.
d. Individuals dismissed / removed from any other government service.
e. Convicted by a Court of Law for an offence involving moral turpitude.

Candidates can either register through Internet or by visiting Army Selection and Recruitment Centres (AS&RCs). Following procedure will be adopted :-

A candidate can register on this website. Date and time of test shall be intimated on internet, for which the individual should have an e-mail account. Candidates will report on exact date and time given for preliminary test on computerized roll no slip. Date once given will not be changed. Candidates will also bring along documents mentioned in para 6 and will pay prospectus fee on the day of test. Candidates MUST attain working knowledge of computer as registration and tests will be conducted on computers.

The candidates may report at nearest AS&RCs for registration / allotment of roll no alongwith necessary documents mentioned in para 6 and the prospectus fee for completion of registration formalities. The candidates will bring these documents on the day of test as well.

Registration and Preliminary Tests will held as per following schedule :-
15 - 31 January 2011

Preliminary Tests
9 - 24 February 2011

Professional Written test and Intelligence tests based on multiple choice questions will be conducted at AS&RCs as per following schedule :-
1. Engrs (Female) 9-12 February 2011
2. Sigs (Female)
3. Ord (Female)
4. EME (Female) 14 February 2011
5. ICTO 15 - 19 February 2011
6. Psychologist/Clinical Psychologist Male/Female 21- 22 February 2011
7. RV & FC (Male) 23 – 24 February 2011

e. Preliminary Medical Tests
The candidates will undergo initial medical test at AS&RCs.

f. Physical Tests
Female candidates must qualify/complete 1.6 KM run in 14 Minutes. However, male candidates are required to qualify following physical tests as under:-
(1) 1.6 km Run - 9 Minutes.
(2) Push Ups - 10 Repetitions in 2 Minutes.
(3) Sit Ups - 10 Repetitions in 2 Minutes.
(4) Chin Ups - 2 Repetitions in 2 Minutes.

g. ISSB Tests
Short listed candidates will receive intimation for ISSB tests through website as well as call up letters.

Medical examination of candidates recommended by ISSB will be carried out at nearby CMHs. Candidates who are recommended by ISSB will be called for interview by GHQ Selection Board at Quetta, Karachi, Multan, Lahore, Rawalpindi and Peshawar. The final selection will be made at GHQ on the basis of candidate’s overall performance.

6 Months

a. Original certificates / detailed Marks Sheets alongwith two attested photocopies of each educational certificate / degree / diploma.
b. Two attested photo copies of registration certificate of PM&DC for GDMOs, and Specialists
c. Two attested photo copies of house job certificate, if already done.
d. Candidates serving in Govt Institutions/ Departments will render No Objection Certificate of the concerned Establishment.
e. Attested photo copy of domicile.
f. Photo copy of Computerised National Identity Card.
g. 6 x coloured photos duly attested (front and back).
h. Crossed postal order of Rs. 100.00 in favour of Director General Personnel Administration (DGPA), GHQ Rawalpindi.
NOTE.Old National Identity Card will not be accepted.

Finally selected candidates will be required to sign a bond to serve the Army for a minimum period of 7 years. The applicability of bond will commence on successful completion of basic military training at PMA Kakul.
For further details visit Join Pakistan Army OR nearest Army Selection and Recruitment Centres at Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Gilgit, Hyderabad and Multan
Email your queries to: webmaster@joinpakarmy.gov.pk
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