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Edhi suffers from kidney failure, to stay on dialysis rest of his life

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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KARACHI: Prominent philanthropist and social activist Abdul Sattar Edhi’s kidneys have failed and he will be on dialysis for the rest of his life, said his doctor, Adeeb Rizvi on Tuesday.
While talking to the media in Karachi, Dr Rizvi said, “If we find a kidney, which matches, then we will transplant his kidneys.”
Commenting on a kidney donation, Edhi said, “I believe in humanity. If someone dies in an accident then there is no harm in donating his/her organs with his or family’s permission.”
He also said that no one dies by donating kidneys; rather he lives two to four years extra.
Earlier this month, the noted philanthropist Abdul Sattar Edhi underwent routine medical check-up at the Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation.
Edhi suffers from kidney failure, to stay on dialysis rest of his life – The Express Tribune

Get well soon Edhi Shaab, We are all praying for ur speedy recovery, PAK desperately needs people like you
KARACHI: Renowned philanthropist, Abdul Sattar Edhi, is suffering from kidney failure, Dr Adib Rizvi said at a press conference on Tuesday.
Speaking at a press conference at Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT), Dr Rizvi said that both kidneys of Mr Edhi have “started failing” and that they had requested for a donor kidney although a successful transplant is doubtful considering the frail health of Mr Edhi.

He added that in case a transplant is not conducted he (Edhi) will need daily dialysis to continue living.

Under treatment at SIUT for past few days, the octogenarian sounded weak while talking to Dawn.com over the telephone.

When asked about his condition he said “My son, Faisal and wife Bilquis are taking care of everything. I have requested for a donor kidney. In any case if I deserve to live more years, then I’ll live.”
Very very sad to hear...I heard on TV that he as admitted in hospital for kidney treatment since long but it looks like it has got serious.

He is one of the biggest heroes in Pakistan IMO. The government should be taking care of him free of costs...this isn't how we should treat great people like him.
I pray for him now, we all should.
He's one of the greatest men in the world.

God has blessed us the nation of Pakistan with this saint.
Let's pray for him.
I dont if Pakistan can come up with such a man again
The man is a Saint and Pakistan should arrange for a donor kidney and transplant operation for Edhi Sahib.
Aweful news, may god all mighty grant him strength and wellness of health and spirits. Ameen.
Are they looking for donors? Blood group?

they are looking for kidney donors.until then they are gonna keep him on dialysis..

Aweful news, may god all mighty grant him strength and wellness of health and spirits. Ameen.

This is very bad news..our dear land is loosing such people day by day..I feel so bad to see that this man who helped everyone now needs help and nobody is observed to help him around...:cray:
Really sad news. He is one of the handful of good people in our country who actually made a difference. Wish him good health and a speedy recovery.
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