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Economic climate of Portuguese-speaking countries under discussion in Macau


Jul 28, 2012
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A debate about the economic climate of Portuguese-speaking countries was held Monday in Macau, marking the beginning of the preliminary activities of the 10th Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Co-operation & Development Forum and Economic & Trade Fair, according to official information.

The Government Information Bureau said that the debate was organised by the Trade Service of Guangdong province and the Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM), and was attended by the Macau government’s secretary for the Economy and Finance, Francis Tam.

The Forum will be held in Guangzhou on 13 ad 14 October of this year and is organised by Guangdong, Hong Kong.

The government of the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) will mainly be responsible for organising the session for senior officials and other activities. An organizing committee has been set up for the Forum as well as a preparatory commission and seven working groups.

On 17 May the head of the Chief Executive’s Office and of the MSAR’s coordination group for general matters of the Pan-Pearl RiverDelta Regional Co-operation & Development Forum, Alexis Tam, led the first working meeting to prepare the new Pan-Pearl River Delta forum.

At the meeting, which discussed the specific tasks that would be Macau’s responsibility, Tam gave a presentation on the general schedule of work and the preparation underway.

The 10th Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Co-operation & Development Forum is split into two phases. The first phase of preliminary activities will be made up of several discussion panels, contact seminars and commemorative activities for the Forum’s 10thanniversary.

The second phase includes the opening ceremony, exhibition on the Forum’s 10 years of success, a session for senior officials, seminars to promote projects, observation of the industrial sector of Guangdong province, and trade and business contact activities for Hong Kong. (macaunews/macauhub)
Macau will serve as a bridge to connect China and Brazil/Portugal.

A bridge to Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa-- CPLP,8 countries totalling some 250 million in population。:D
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