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Earth is one of the Universe's first habitable planets, and most are yet to be born

The Nearest star is FOUR Light years away

Assuming that the nearest star has a planet which
can support life ; how much time it would take for humans to reach there
IF Light takes Four years
The furthest man made object right now is Voyager 1 which is close to 37 light hours from Earth. It was launched in 1977. So 37 light hours in 38 years.
4 light years would take approx 36000 years by that speed.
In vaccum without any considerable gravitational forces what is the fastest velocity which can be attained by a space probing machine ?
In vaccum without any considerable gravitational forces what is the fastest velocity which can be attained by a space probing machine ?
Without any considerable gravitational forces or air resistance, there is nothing to slow it down either. So any speed that the spacecraft had attained using gravity assist would keep it flying at the same speed
In vaccum without any considerable gravitational forces what is the fastest velocity which can be attained by a space probing machine ?

It's natural to attain a huge velocity near a huge mass like sun. Not surprisingly, the fastest speed recorded aby any space probe is Helios -I/II launched in 1974?. They were sent towards the sun and came closer to it than even mercury (which is pretty near) . They recorded a speed of 70KM/s

When you use a gravity assist, you gain velocity. Voyager 1 gained around 4KM/s around Jupiter during it's flyby of that planet.

Without any considerable gravitational forces or air resistance, there is nothing to slow it down either. So any speed that the spacecraft had attained using gravity assist would keep it flying at the same speed

Yes. The only time you spend fuel is when you are accelerating at source and decelerating at the destination. The deceleration part you can rule out since the mass of the probe would be many order of times lighter by the time it would reach the destination.
One of the most interesting topic,I came across.
The universe is still under construction.Mass present in universe is utilized and takes forms and shapes of stars,planets etc.The images we received are ''old images'' of stars.
For example, if NASA receives image of juvenile star,it means that star is no longer in that condition,might be in dying phase..and the reason behind which our satellites are capturing old images,means that photons emitted by juvenile star have traveled long distance and it has finally interacted with satellite cameras.Meanwhile on the other hand,that juvenile star has crossed such phase.Also note that times passes slowly in universe,yet still we attain old images.
More investigation is needed in this regard,who knows that at far away distances,might be somewhere in the universe,new environment for species have been established,already?

Bullshit grade 1.

The universe is more than 15 billion years old. The Solar System came into being only 4 billion years ago. There are star systems that came into existence billions of years before the Solar System.

Thus there probably are millions of other solar systems with advanced civilizations billions of years ahead of us in technology!

Remember, there are billions of stars in each of the trillions of galaxies! We count for nothing!
Bullshit grade 1.

The universe is more than 15 billion years old. The Solar System came into being only 4 billion years ago. There are star systems that came into existence billions of years before the Solar System.

Thus there probably are millions of other solar systems with advanced civilizations billions of years ahead of us in technology!

Remember, there are billions of stars in each of the trillions of galaxies! We count for nothing!

Yup .

13.6 billion years approx. in my eyes is the age of our current universe/ current visible universe .
Those galaxies and star systems which are beyond this point can not be seen from our planet .

Watch Video 001

Yup .

13.6 billion years approx. in my eyes is the age of our current universe/ current visible universe .
Those galaxies and star systems which are beyond this point can not be seen from our planet .

Watch Video 001

Check out this mind blowing video.
Conclusion: We are less than zero in this huge huge universe!

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