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Dream of fitting indigenous Kaveri engine into LCA-Tejas over

The finishing quality of the Tejas is little to be desired.

1) Kaveri K9 is de-linked from LCA.

2) Kaveri K10 is still intended to be an replacement option for the GE 404 engines, during future upgrades of the 40 x MK1s.

3) Kaveri for LCA failed, but still is an important development with possible applications in other aircrafts, or vehicle and for Indias engine development base.

4) GE404 didn't failed, it just needs modifications to be used at high altitudes, according to IAF test requirements. Same problems happend with F18SH and Gripen C/D, both with versions of the GE engine, but the trials could be finished after minor modifications.

5) We should not only search for a partner for Kaveri K10, but also should join the developments for FGFAs future engine, which can give us valuable know how about NG heavy class engines as well.

The more know how and experience we gather from ANY (not only western) source, the better for our improvement!
from the discussion with ada and gtre official in aero india 2013 i would like to inform you guys dat an engine of 120-130 kn range have already been entered into process which will power AMCA and other future requirements (might be the lca mk-3) , but the official also admitted the external help but not confirmed me which one (after the GE story american also brought back into the front line consideration , one of the official had agreed on it )..

But still i would say gas turbine engine technology, crystal blade tech are one of the most critical techs in current trends for country like India n china and which ought to be developed . i would suggest a revolutionary pgms like our missile pgm(IGMDP),Arihant and our space pgms.

--5-10 bil would require for it with in next 15 yrs and GTRE is not at all enough for this kind of pgms a cluster of institution and agency in the ambit of drdo would require to fulfill development demand jus like our missile pgms.
How much of this "indigenous" engine's parts R indigenous. :lol: Shameless shanakyans R now wet dreaming of getting crystal blade technology from rafael while they have the nerve to questions China's technological advancements. :lol:

Atleast we can dream of making an engine, while your country can't even do that. Stop trolling and go home kid.

The finishing quality of the Tejas is little to be desired.


Please do tell me the quality of the lca tejas. We can play the trolling game all day buddy, at the end of the day, india is always going to be ahead of pakistan.
Please enlighten everyone as to how the built quality is any worse then it's rivals.

Read my post again, i specifically said the finishing quality and wasn't comparing it with anything in particular, butsince you are soliciting....judge for yourself.


Read my post again, i specifically said the finishing quality and wasn't comparing it with anything in particular, butsince you are soliciting....judge for yourself.



Hold On a Sec-One is painted in light Grey Colour (Jf 17) and I see a clear blue sky in JF 17 background ? And ?
Don't worry.... Kaveri 2 is coming and it will put India into an exclusive club because it will be the best engine ever made in the universe with parts from Israel, Russia, France and America.... :cheesy:

best troller in the universe...

Why not take help from the Iranians? The way they are going, we shall soon be buying 9th-gen fighters from them! :D

That is for you....would be better than cheap chinese products
@Windjammer you are a joke of a member, why do you even bother coming on PDF? All you do is spout biased anti-India BS, you derail threads and ruin entire constructive discussions.
@Abingdonboy, So to post on a Pakistani forum, does one needs some Indians permission now....the joke's on you mate.
I merely pointed out some dubious looking workmanship on the LCA, now if you can't comprehend or digest the facts than keep your rant to yourself. I posted an image to the effect unlike your nonsense about Black Bucks turning up in a firing range....yes let's talk about jokers. !!
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Read my post again, i specifically said the finishing quality and wasn't comparing it with anything in particular, butsince you are soliciting....judge for yourself.



Chinese have built more fighters than India. If u look closesly we see rivets on chinese fc-1 ,both have different light angle. And look at the gap between rear canopy and fuselage on chinese fc-1

Important fact from photo, tejas pic is not production. I guess The panels have been removed and put back manytimes. Production Fc-1 looks like fresh out of paint shop. We can only speculate on internet photos , for our own self ego. :lol:
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