If anyone wants to see the profile of a potential Western agent, have a look at this:
Question 1: Why does a faculty member have his own page on wikipedia? There are tens of thousands of faculty members around the world who have similar accomplishments as him. So why such benefits? Now, look at his accomplishments, again copied from wikipedia
Becoming world's top innovator for a bit torrent client and a text message social network? These are softwares that senior year grad students can create. There is nothing 'innovative' about them. But they do have nefarious purposes. Both these systems can be used to hide from government monitoring if you are leading something like a lawyer's movement, or other such uprising. You can rest assured if there is another liberal uprising, it will be backed by his software. This man, because of his academic background, has contacts and prestige amongst some of the brightest minds in the country. If anyone wants to control youth, he is their ideal man.
Let's move ahead
Again, the first one sounds like an under-grad senior year project. And the next one is disconcerting. A Western mole supervised the computerization of the land records. Such records reveal who has bought what piece of land. With Osama Bin Laden, the CIA needed Shakeel Afridi to collect evidence. Next time the CIA wants to investigate a mansion in Punjab, they can probably look at the land records!
Follow his entire career at MIT
Most of his projects are 'soft' networking type projects. He created links somewhere, created software to solve a problem elsewhere. The actual core research he has done is minimal.
And this is how the West controls you. The really sharp and intelligent people will never be sent back to Pakistan. They are too invaluable. They find slightly above average people who are their intellectual slaves. Who idolize the West and Western values. They are provided opportunities and carefully nurtured so they achieve doctorates, then further propped with awards, recognition, and funding. They go around creating networks and connections. And just by doing that, they come across bright minds who are also impressed by the West. To some extent, they will try to gain influence so young minds follow them. And you have the genesis of the next liberal revolt.