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Does the PAF need an Electronic Attack JF-17?

With design work for the Block 3 underway, should an electronic attack variant be made? Similar to what is being developed by the Chinese for their J-15 Carrier-Borne Fighter

These are not for electronic attack but early warning but China developing electronic attack version of J-16 called J-16D
If we want to develop a version of electronic attack version of jf-17 we should consider the increase thrust of engine for jf-17 electronic attack version to at least 22000 lbs on same class as GE F-414 level on the other hand JF-17B would a ideal choice for electronic attack version of JF-17:pakistan::china:
Besides a more powerful engine, what modifications could be needed other than EW Pods to make a truly effective electronic attack variant?
If it's feasible ,affordable and offer new capabilities then absolutely YES.
It can in theory, but it'll be more of a defensive asset more so than offensive. EA/EW fighters generally help with anti-air defence missions (SEAD/DEAD) by providing jamming against enemy ground-based radars. But it can be used to help guard Pakistani air space from enemy air threats - e.g. deploy JF-17 teams of 4-6+ against intruding jets, have 1-2 EA/EW JF-17s to provide stand-off jamming. OTOH, these EA/EW JF-17s will likely require a trade-off in terms of reduced munitions load (hardpoints for EW pods and fuel pods). For the PAF, it may be a better idea to increase the number of dedicated stand-off EW/EA planes using larger platforms, perhaps re-purposing the VIP Gulfstream jets into EW/EA planes like the Dassault Falcons.
With design work for the Block 3 underway, should an electronic attack variant be made? Similar to what is being developed by the Chinese for their J-15 Carrier-Borne Fighter


I don't think this is a question. You guys should make this platform with longer ranges (add CFT's, bigger body a bit), and build variants for all roles. The more variants, the more modernization, tech knowledge and further advancement to this platform.
Since Pakistan shares a border with India, we have the option of land and land based aircraft EW capability. So Pakistan can use larger platforms and PAF is using the Dassault Falcon, Saab Erieye and Karakoram Eagle as surveillance and EW platforms. The US F-18 Grawler and Chinese J-15 came into being because there was a need for carrier based electronic warfare capability.

However PAF should definitely have Wild Weasel EW ambitions for JF-17 so it can perform SEAD missions. JF-17B would be ideal for the task as second seat can be used for a signals officer to locate emissions and manage jamming. The JF-17 and Mirage are both capable of firing the MAR-1 (60-100KM) and PAF also has 100 LD-10 (80KM) anti radiation missiles for the JF-17.

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It can in theory, but it'll be more of a defensive asset more so than offensive. EA/EW fighters generally help with anti-air defence missions (SEAD/DEAD) by providing jamming against enemy ground-based radars. But it can be used to help guard Pakistani air space from enemy air threats - e.g. deploy JF-17 teams of 4-6+ against intruding jets, have 1-2 EA/EW JF-17s to provide stand-off jamming. OTOH, these EA/EW JF-17s will likely require a trade-off in terms of reduced munitions load (hardpoints for EW pods and fuel pods). For the PAF, it may be a better idea to increase the number of dedicated stand-off EW/EA planes using larger platforms, perhaps re-purposing the VIP Gulfstream jets into EW/EA planes like the Dassault Falcons.

Can AWAC's be used for EW Jamming ?
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