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Do you think we should need nukes !?

Should we armed ourselves with nuclear weapons

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Sep 10, 2016
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
A simple question from my fellow country men .....
Do you think we should have nuclear weapons !?

Answer the question and explain your reasoning ....
A simple question from my fellow country men .....
Do you think we should have nuclear weapons !?

Answer the question and explain your reasoning ....
Iranians will not need NUKE until they are allied nation. It is much stronger than NUKEs for American leadership
But in case of enrichment, we should have reached 97 percent of Uranium purity. It could be a big deterrent against American big mouths full of sh1t !
Anyway it is haram brother @OldTwilight
My answer is yes ....

Military perspective :
1- we can't compete with our neighbors and our enemy through normal weapons ....
2- our potential threat outnumbered us ...
3- they have more weapon and they are better in quality and quantity ...
4- we have to face them from multiple front
5- our main threat , has enormous resources and is main land isfar away from us so we can't compete with her force in long fight ( even if we manage to wipe out all of her forces in region )
6- some of our enemies have nuclear weapons

Historical records in past 2500 years :
Every 50 years we face full scale attack to our land ( for you have fish memory ... In past century we faced Word war I , World war 2 and Saddam qadesieh ) and according of this pattern there will be another major attack to us in next 1-10 years

Economic reasons :
1- for past 100 years always we were worrying about war and that force people to exit their money from Iran ...
2- due the fear of war we never had stable economic ....
3- due fear of war central government abandoned our border provinces and didn't spend money to built those provinces and ....
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Considering that the sole superpower USA has threatened to invade Iran multiple times, shot down their passenger jet (among other horrific acts), and invaded the country to the right of Iran (Afghanistan) and invaded the country to the left of Iran (Iraq), I would say yes.

I'm surprised they haven't built them already.

If an undeveloped China in the 1960's-70's could build thermonuclear weapons and ICBM's, modern day Iran and Saudi Arabia could easily do it as well. The question is whether or not they are willing to risk the ire of Uncle Sam by doing so.
Iranians will not need NUKE until they are allied nation. It is much stronger than NUKEs for American leadership
But in case of enrichment, we should have reached 97 percent of Uranium purity. It could be a big deterrent against American big mouths full of sh1t !
Anyway it is haram brother @OldTwilight
Say your rational reasoning and don't repeat some empty propaganda from IRI , they are repeat in their propaganda in economics , culture and etc and we see results of these propaganda ..... They spend all of our military budget on missiles and nukes and let's our air force and ground force become ancient but in the end of day , they hadn't courage to make nukes ..... And now we are here with f-4 vs F-15 silent eagle .... M-48 vs Lecrec and Abrams ....

And don't give Haram issue , it's was just governmental order because our politicians are corrupt and while they say death to usa , their children are living there with Our money ....
Right now ? After the deal ? Certainly not .Everybody goes crazy , we become the guilty for breaking the deal ,we get tougher sanctions to death and our nuclear infrastructures get destroyed by bunker busters or even tactical nukes before we get enough material for 1 device (who knows donald duck )

China did it in 20th century not in 2017 . Yes we have DPRK but they sacrificed their economy first .

My suggestion :
Who can stop us if we produce some HEU inside DPRK ? They don't have efficient centrifuges and money , we don't have HEU .Win win .No inspection no bull$hit .The only challenge will be moving 180 kg of HEU ( enough for 10 to 20 devices ) from DPRK to Iran in secret .
Even in this case no one should find out otherwise even Bahrain goes nuclear and we will become the second DPRK economically . But we let them know in case of a coming war .

If you study the secret development of Pakistan's nuclear capability, maybe you get some ideas.

I think Iran absolutely needs nuclear weapons. If Pakistan can de-couple itself a little bit from Saudi Arabia and realize what's good for the region, a tunnel between a secret underground Iranian nuclear facility and a Pakistani one may be a very viable option. But political courage from both sides is needed.

Iran should also invest heavily in fine-tuning its Quds Force, cyber warfare capability and in unconventional delivery devices (making cruise / ballistic missiles now from scratch might take too long and too many funds --- suitcase bombs and the like will put an existential fear in the hearts of your enemies; imagine one device in Mossad HQ and another in The Kirya.)
I would say yes.

- USA will only continue to push around countries like North Korea and Iran until they realise there are consequences for their actions
- Various countries in the region are already armed with nuclear weapons (Pakistan,China,India and Russia)
- Countries with nuclear warheads do not get invaded (North Korea is a good example of this)

Now that being said acquiring nuclear warheads in irans case will not be easy. Best way to go would be for iran to continue to stick to the nuclear deal publicly however start importing nuclear warheads from North Korea in secret. Once Iran is powerful enough to deter any attack from the US (5-10 years from now) it can declare itself a nuclear state and there will be little anyone will be able to do about it.
I think Iran absolutely needs nuclear weapons. If Pakistan can de-couple itself a little bit from Saudi Arabia and realize what's good for the region, a tunnel between a secret underground Iranian nuclear facility and a Pakistani one may be a very viable option. But political courage from both sides is needed.

lol. we are already badnaame zamana due to them and Gaddafi, you want to repeat this shit? seriously?

i would like to see them armed to teeth though but Pakistan should stay away from proliferation.
If Iranians build nukes then Saudis will follow suit. Both signed NPT.
Just remember with great power comes great responsibility.
Israel and US will not allow Iran to have nuclear weapons,they will kill your scientists covertly
Israel and US will not allow Iran to have nuclear weapons,they will kill your scientists covertly

Once the knowledge to build one is acquired it doesn't matter how many you kill. Once the genie is out of the box its impossible to put back in. You can't destroy knowledge with missiles or bombs
Saudis can't make a screw. so no concerns there

world used to say the same thing for China, Pakistan, India, North Korea. Saudis are in much better position then Pakistan was in 70s or India and China were in early and late 60's.
Saudis can't make a screw. so no concerns there

Don't fool yourself with these lies ....

If Iranians build nukes then Saudis will follow suit. Both signed NPT.
Just remember with great power comes great responsibility.
I don't mind they have nukes ....

Unfortunately they can buy it from whom you know.

After what just happened in Syria, I think we should. The sooner the better.

I was saying same thing for past 6 year ....why some of Iranian believe in UN !? Where was UN while Saddam attacked us and used chemical weapons against us !?

Where was UN when they shot down our air bus ...

Even if they nuke us , no one will say something ....

Israel and US will not allow Iran to have nuclear weapons,they will kill your scientists covertly
Even right now we can make nuke but we have Western worshipers traitor ....

Even if they terror our scientist , then we can publish making nuke publicly and burn them to the core ....
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