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Do you consider ISIL a Sunni or Pro Sunni group in Iraq ?

Do you consider ISIL a Sunni or Pro Sunni group in Iraq ?

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They're going to release them and want nothing to do with them. Not sure why they did that anyways, probably to secure money. As I've said, this is not about ONE organization. I'm tired of repeating myself.
They did it because they are lunatics who like to oppress people, they just stole 400 million from Mosul Bank they dont need money, besides ''mujahedines'' who are fighting for money cant say they are liberators.

This is part of a bigger picture.

I don't support cruelty, I support what is right, even if it is violent. Of course when the Syrian regime, Israel, Turkey or any Western allies of yours commit cruelty none of you start acting like innocent peace loving human beings
I also condemned cruelty comitted by Syrian Regime, Nato forces and Israel dont act as if you know me.

like you do when Sunni's or Arabs are protecting their interests urgently.
Just leave us out of your fight.

Turkey has killed many Kurdish children and vice versa. If you're suddenly a humanitarian activist then everything is cruel.
Its allways the same with you, whenever a Turk doesnt agree with you you come up with pkk or Armenian propaganda, Turkey never killed Kurdish Children, actually it was pkk raiding Kurdish villages and killing civilians, there are also pictures of children killed by pkk.

They won't execute anybody since those people are meaningless to them.
They allready blew up 13 Turkmens who were on the way for negotiating with them, i dont trust them as far as i can throw.

Probably trying to get back at Turkey for something.
For what? They are threatening us from day one, allready forgot the Suleyman Shah tomb?

Stop asking me random questions since they're really foolish and facetious considering the double standard some of you people have. Especially the pro regime asian guy thanking all your posts.
You are the one here known for double standarts.
Sunnis hang them like dogs in Egypt

Zionist Al qaeda attack sunnis everywhere Libya, Sinai, Syria, Iraq...

Zionist Al Qaeda never help sunnis palestinians
Why are you asking people here? So far, an answer based on regional status. Doesn't regard interests or the overall picture. An answer from a Shia Pakistani. An answer from a secular Turk who doesn't like Arabs.

Of course they're pro Sunni. What matters is what the Arab Muslim people believe about the Shia who are anti-Sunni plus Syrian people.
I remember you said daesh are criminal in arabic coffee shop???
How come they are pro sunni if the kill and behead sunni people in Iraq and Syria even al nusra and AQ and the islamic front stand against them and fsa too
I remember you said daesh are criminal in arabic coffee shop???
How come they are pro sunni if the kill and behead sunni people in Iraq and Syria even al nusra and AQ and the islamic front stand against them and fsa too

The wing in Syria is disappointing, they need to get their act together. I don't remember saying that. But, the wing in Iraq is doing something significant and important and beneficial to Sunni Arabs.
ISIS represent a serious threat to the stability of the entire region, they must be dealt with accordingly on an urgent basis before they can destabilize the region and throw it into sectarian violence.

How would Arab world deal with armed foreign militia of US mainly.
The wing in Syria is disappointing, they need to get their act together. I don't remember saying that. But, the wing in Iraq is doing something significant and important and beneficial to Sunni Arabs.
There are no different between them they kill every sunni who doesn't agree with them
Like they did in doura Baghdad they kill every one that they don't know or don't trust in doura Baghdad they beheaded many Christians and throw their heads to the trash
There are no different between them they kill every sunni who doesn't agree with them
Like they did in doura Baghdad they kill every one that they don't know or don't trust in doura Baghdad they beheaded many Christians and throw their heads to the trash

Cause they're a nation of trash, he's a coward to be a terrorist so he plays it on the computer.
Cause they're a nation of trash, he's a coward to be a terrorist so he plays it on the computer.
Funny how he support these fanatics and he is ikhawni these isis consider them as heretics they say that Hamas is iranian Rafidah majoosi proxy and he still chear for isis who consider Hamas as iranian agents
Not at all. Wahabi is a pumped up version of Sunni just as Alawite is a watered down version of Shia.
Not much difference today. We have all been sunno-wahabized at some level!

It's about time that we start accepting the truth, repent our sins and ponder who actually stands with the devil, and who is on the side of The Almighty...... chances are, if you really use your grey matter......... you may change your sect today... :D

nopes ISIS is not sunni group its a pure wahabi group
There is a big diffrence in sunni and wahabi
@Irfan Baloch
There are no different between them they kill every sunni who doesn't agree with them
Like they did in doura Baghdad they kill every one that they don't know or don't trust in doura Baghdad they beheaded many Christians and throw their heads to the trash

No they don't.

Funny how he support these fanatics and he is ikhawni these isis consider them as heretics they say that Hamas is iranian Rafidah majoosi proxy and he still chear for isis who consider Hamas as iranian agents

There is a whole Sunni uprising in Iraq, why do you try making it about one group? And if they're so bad why are you guys supporting the Syrian regime? You want everything to go your way, you guys do many wrong things too.

I never heard them say anything about Hamas, and Salafi's in Gaza who say anything about Hamas are idiots because they're not justified in doing so. Hamas has better people than every Islamic group in the world. Their fighters that is.

It's not justified to oppose a majority Islamic government and they learned that lesson. Which is why they don't cause problems anymore.

Iraq is a whole different issue with different people.
No they don't.

There is a whole Sunni uprising in Iraq, why do you try making it about one group? And if they're so bad why are you guys supporting the Syrian regime? You want everything to go your way, you guys do many wrong things too.

I never heard them say anything about Hamas, and Salafi's in Gaza who say anything about Hamas are idiots because they're not justified in doing so. Hamas has better people than every Islamic group in the world. Their fighters that is.

It's not justified to oppose a majority Islamic government and they learned that lesson. Which is why they don't cause problems anymore.

Iraq is a whole different issue with different people.
Like I said before I never supported the Syrian regime I want peace and security return to Syria
Like I said before I never supported the Syrian regime I want peace and security return to Syria

By peace and security you mean crush the opposition and keep the same regime in power. Or am I wrong? Even if you don't, most of your people/nations do. I don't know why, if they took a different path it wouldn't be this way. I supported the Shia Iraqi's before any of this happened and before I learned anything. Same with Iran and Assad and Hezbollah. After I started learning about their real interests of spreading your ideology and controlling more Arab land ever since I saw it in Syria I stopped having support for you guys except when it comes to opposing foreign interference in the region. Which as seen now, both Iran and Iraq are working with the US or willing to. Which is fine if they want to. But, don't tell us that you have a certain political approach when it's clearly not the case.

If you guys don't support the Syrian regime then you're going to have to show us that you don't. Once we see real solutions on the ground. Unfortunately, the majority support it heavily. Sunni's never supported ISIS before and even after Syria. Which was the only threat to some Shia people in the Arab world. Now people are starting to realize they were right after all. Something is wrong with you guys when it comes to these politics.
By peace and security you mean crush the opposition and keep the same regime in power. Or am I wrong? Even if you don't, most of your people/nations do. I don't know why, if they took a different path it wouldn't be this way. I supported the Shia Iraqi's before any of this happened and before I learned anything. Same with Iran and Assad and Hezbollah. After I started learning about their real interests of spreading your ideology and controlling more Arab land ever since I saw it in Syria I stopped having support for you guys except when it comes to opposing foreign interference in the region. Which as seen now, both Iran and Iraq are working with the US or willing to. Which is fine if they want to. But, don't tell us that you have a certain political approach when it's clearly not the case.

If you guys don't support the Syrian regime then you're going to have to show us that you don't. Once we see real solutions on the ground. Unfortunately, the majority support it heavily. Sunni's never supported ISIS before and even after Syria. Which was the only threat to some Shia people in the Arab world. Now people are starting to realize they were right after all. Something is wrong with you guys when it comes to these politics.
I mean like in Egypt and Tunis when they are gone but the military and security forces take the lead of the country
I mean like in Egypt and Tunis when they are gone but the military and security forces take the lead of the country

The military in Syria is pro regime and is the regime. They mostly are alawi too, if the military actually cared about the people they would do something to solve it. But, by this you guys mean the military has to defeat the opposition and take full control of the country. Which is exactly what I said you guys would say. In other words you want the regime in power. You can't compare Tunis and Egypt. Very different situations.
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