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Do you also think its time for a North East Asian Union against US an China


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
Do you also think its time for a North East Asian Union against Americas and Chinas Influence?


Russia, Korea and Japan are all isolated in global politics without an independent voice unlike the EU, China and America. Russia has maybe some saying in middle east but it lacks power in asia.

321.098 Million People similar to America (314) and the Eurozone (333)


GDP would be 9.1 Trillion Dollars above china while the Eurozone has 12.2 Trillion Dollars.

And the gdp per capita would be 28.35 thousand dollars which that of a developed country still despite having russia in it. The eurozone has 36 thousand dollars. And there would still be room to grow for russia and korea.

In Purchasing power the gap becomes even smaller to the Eurozone with only 11.9 trillion dollar economy and a gdp per capita of 33 thousand dollars for very european. While the north east asian union would have 9.4 Trillion and a living standard of 29.2 thousand dollars for every person and again there is room for all 3 to grow in purchising power even japan which has very low purchasing power in comparison to its nominal gdp.


together with russia north east asians have access to all the siberian recources. All 3 can complement each other in their economic field. Japan is strong in investment and finance as well as technology, korea is stronger in manufacturing while russia has the resources. If all 3 trade in their own currency they could boost their value and be less dependent on US dollars especially russian recourse which improves all 3 currencies as global reserve currencies with trading. So basically the countries dont compete that much with each other if they would be in a union with china or the US for example. There is only competition with korea and japan but russia can rely more on resources and doesnt need to be a manufacturing powerhouse like japan to be rich.

Technology and manufacturing

Manufacturing would be 1.656 trillion dollars its not far away from the US and china and russia has still potential to grow in that segment as there is a lot of soviet technology left which can be invested into. Automotive production for example would be 16.732 Million cars which is not far away from china and even more than the US. And again there is room to grow for russia. Not to mention about all the korean and japanese electronic and other manufacturing brands along strong russian military industrial complex which are all established.


With russian land and japanese and korean farmers, north east asians could try to grow food on russian land and establish a huge agriculture powerhouse in the union. This would bring a lot of food security for all 3.

Military and Geopolitics

The union would have the largest army in the world thanks to korean and russia troops. Russian military is already very strong thanks to industrial complex with korea and japanese technology all 3 could establish very advanced weapons.
also Russia spends almost as much as korea and japan together plus them the union would replace china in military spending. And again there is still room to grow if the other two would also spend 4% of their gdp into arms like russia to something like 500 billion.

Expansion and balance
Mongolia and Northkorea could also join one day. The good thing about this union would be that all members are equall in population. Japan and russia arent that different in population and korea is making something like 40% which could be more with north korea together while russia is the poorest member which makes it even. if china for instance would be in that kind of union with 1.3 billion people which some people proposed, this union would be extremely unbalanced with korea and japan being much smaller so more china grows. The US is also not a small country anymore with twice and a half people more than japan and being much more developed than japan.
No, it won't happen. Both Japan and Korea have no natural resources and they need to export their finished goods to keep their economies running. Without the consuming markets of U.S and China, GDP per capita of Japan and Korea will collapse and they will revert back to their middle income status. Russia's consuming market of 150 millions is not big enough for the Japanese and Korean to dump their products on even if Russia is willing to be the dumping ground for Japan and Korea
Good ideal and topic, but Can Japanese join with Russian and Korean !?

Maybe easier when they speak with Russia, but Korean will become a hard case.
Impossible, they all have conflicts with each other.
No, it won't happen. Both Japan and Korea have no natural resources and they need to export their finished goods to keep their economies running. Without the consuming markets of U.S and China, GDP per capita of Japan and Korea will collapse and they will revert back to their middle income status. Russia's consuming market of 150 millions is not big enough for the Japanese and Korean to dump their products on even if Russia is willing to be the dumping ground for Japan and Korea

well they dumbed products to the west even without having a union with them
Not realistic. South Korea and Japan are well inside the American sphere.
Russia can throw it's own weight around any of these countries mentioned above in this thread. They don't need any alliances to protect themselves. Thats how the Bear had been dealing with it's surroundings from beginning.
Do you also think its time for a North East Asian Union against Americas and Chinas Influence?

When did Russians become Asians?

And Russia with Japan, good luck with that!

Russia can throw it's own weight around any of these countries mentioned above in this thread. They don't need any alliances to protect themselves. Thats how the Bear had been dealing with it's surroundings from beginning.

Stalin had to make an alliance with the British against Hitler, otherwise, the Nazis would have shoved a an MP40 barrel into Stalin's a$$ right there in Moscow.
Russia can throw it's own weight around any of these countries mentioned above in this thread. They don't need any alliances to protect themselves. Thats how the Bear had been dealing with it's surroundings from beginning.

USSR had the Warsaw pact. Its better to be in an alliance than without one. Russia and China are getting closer to each other while SK and Japan are well within the US sphere. So this is a mute point. The world shaped out to be US and the west against China/Russia Axis. Maybe India will join them soon if it choose to spurn the US.

Look at this! China's top 10 biggest trade partner. The trade total of Japan and Korea together with China would be surpass Euro Union alone! I don not think they want to lose our market. Actually, China is planning to set up Free Trade Zone between China, Korea and Japan, this is a illustration of a close economic connection.
What the fvck?

Whoever thinks that South Korea should be in an alliance with any of those countries needs to have their head medically examined. I mean, seriously we're militarily allied with Turkey and the U.S. and Koreans took it quite personally that Russia (and China) supported North Korea before the outbreak of the Korean War.

Maybe if I got to nuke a Russian city or two, I'll consider it lol :D
Russian occupies few Japanese island, and latter are furious about that, and S.K has sea territorial disputes with Japan not to mention their hatred towards each other (historical reasons) and Russia has closer ties with N.K than S.K and S.K is quite fussy about Russia in this matter..

so to the OP, a science fiction movie will make more sense than your funny theory``:D
Some people just don't realize how close the two Koreas,especially South Korea,are to China。

The fact that millions of South Koreans have bought properties and settled down in Mainland China is testimony to the closeness of the two countries.

I for one have tons of friends of Korean origin, be he or she from SK or ethinic Koreans in China.:azn:
Never happen,
1. Both Russia, South Korea have islands dispute with Japan, and don't like Japan, especially South Korea.
2. Japan is in the hand of US, will not reach to Russia, and South Korea is ally of US on military and “ally” of China on economic; And Japan disdains South Korea and Russia on enonomic
3. Russia will not, infact Russia disdains South Korea and Japan on military, Russia sees itself as US, EU and China on the world, the topest player, will not unite others to against another, even to US, he only cooperates with other big players but will never make a unition.
What the fvck?

Whoever thinks that South Korea should be in an alliance with any of those countries needs to have their head medically examined. I mean, seriously we're militarily allied with Turkey and the U.S. and Koreans took it quite personally that Russia (and China) supported North Korea before the outbreak of the Korean War.

Maybe if I got to nuke a Russian city or two, I'll consider it lol :D

typical korean chauvinism. Youre self responsible for allieng your self with the US empire. Most north koreans wanted to belong to communism not western colony. North koreans are proud people unlike south koreans who need plastic surgery.


Look at this! China's top 10 biggest trade partner. The trade total of Japan and Korea together with China would be surpass Euro Union alone! I don not think they want to lose our market. Actually, China is planning to set up Free Trade Zone between China, Korea and Japan, this is a illustration of a close economic connection.

Well they will regret it if they would join china. Because china has 1.3 Billion people would totally outnumber any union or free trade zone with korea and japan. Who says if you join one union you would lose a market?

When did Russians become Asians?

If you indians can be asians than we can be asians too

Stalin had to make an alliance with the British against Hitler, otherwise, the Nazis would have shoved a an MP40 barrel into Stalin's a$$ right there in Moscow.

Who really won World War 2? and why? - Dailymotion-Video

What for BS, the Soviet Union won the war alone watch this Video instead playing too much cal of duty games
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