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Do Indian men lack respect for women?

Thanks for sharing, your theories had removed any doubt why women are not respected in india.

Do Indian men rape more freely before marriage or after when they had satisfied their fetish ?

I guess you did not understand his theory.. :)
he is saying because not much sex is going on before 25 (premarital sex).. more people with raging hormones..hence more possibility of crime..
I dont agree with him.
yaar.. you need to travel more.. it will broaden your horizon a little.

Let me see ....I have traveled to the US, UK, Germany, Dubai, Nepal and Singapore. Did you have any particular destination in mind ? :coffee:

Maybe you should read a bit more before showcasing your ignorance. What a pity your prance around with a name 'Hindu' guy bringing shame to all Hindus.
The answer is in the question, "Do Indian men rape more freely before marriage?"

You cannot answer a question with another question. Not unless there is some pre-marital connection between Indian men and Han women.
Argument to force change on their behalf....every person who accepts literal translation of a holy book rejects parts of it he doesn't agree with as 'symbolic' or 'figurative' or 'metaphorical'......Take the Taliban(or Al-Qaueda) for example.....they are supposed to be fundamentalists who follow the literal meaning of the Quran.......yet they simply don't follow verses like 'killing a life is similar to killing all of humanity' or 'he who kills himself shall go to hell'!

I did not blame all muslims.. I simply replied to his post which claimed 'muslims are hounded for burqa and other sexist stuff but hindus got much worst in their books'
Which interpretation is right and which is wrong is not something I can comment on.. but what I do know ..is what is acceptable in modern world..none of the views in hindu scriptures above are acceptable....

I understand your 'this is wrong interpretation' defence.. I hear that a lot.. oh our books are not like yours.. ours is perfect.. its only bad muslims who do bad things.. read it yourself you will know how awsome and perfect it is..
my response is ..'poker face' ..
You will notice when I speak about Indian girls not putting out enough, and Indian rapes, I do not speak of Pakistan. As an Islamic country they are used to girls being covered up and out of reach and the guys hence do not get unnecessarily bomabrded with unwanted stimuli.

In Indian scenario, even in tier 2 and 3 towns the girls are getting bolder in their dress sense. Add to that 24x7 media saturated with sex.

But when it comes to getting some, no sir. Shaadi ke baad. And the 1001 nakhre.

Serious problem. Saanp ke saamne been bajao, aur jab saanp naanchne lage, fir saanp ko topli mein ghusane ki koshis karo.

Even there are some changes in the boys attitude also.. Most of the guys started accepting the fact they, there is a little chance of getting a virgin now.. Now the talk is that hope they dont have any extra marital affair after the marriage..
@Spring Onion ... nobody blamed hindus/muslims for rapes.. they bamed Indian culture for it,... and yes.. blame does go to Indian culture.. which is patriarchial and backward.

Patriarchal..yes it is.....but the Sub-continent has seen more than its fare share of women in power.....significantly more than the west!Specifically the Beacon of Freedom The US of A is yet to elect a female President!
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I guess you did not understand his theory.. :)
he is saying because not much sex is going on before 25 (premarital sex).. more people with raging hormones..hence more possibility of crime..
I dont agree with him.

I do understand what he was saying, he just doesn't realize he is a sexist.

Raging hormones is not an excuse for sex crime.
the impact of such writing on Indians is zero.. most indians dont know what is written .. I assume you are talking about hindus..
if Indians are backward.. they were so culturally for centuries.. they dont read these books and get those thoughts suddenly...

btw.. quran also has similar verses beyond simply the burqa.. so dont be so innocent..
To repeat.. nobody bothers about holy books unless their writings are used as argument to force change.

@hinduguy I BEG YOUR PARDON? Just because you cant tolerate sh1t on your religion kindly do not drag in the Quran to protect you!
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I did not blame all muslims.. I simply replied to his post which claimed 'muslims are hounded for burqa and other sexist stuff but hindus got much worst in their books'
Which interpretation is right and which is wrong is not something I can comment on.. but what I do know ..is what is acceptable in modern world..none of the views in hindu scriptures above are acceptable....

I understand your 'this is wrong interpretation' defence.. I hear that a lot.. oh our books are not like yours.. ours is perfect.. its only bad muslims who do bad things.. read it yourself you will know how awsome and perfect it is..
my response is ..'poker face' ..

I am not talking about interpretation.....I am talking about general acceptance of religious text from any religious book(Be it Hindu or Muslim)......My point was people justify what they think is right(in this case subjugation of women) using religious texts which speak in their favor.....But people do not hesitate to throw away the religious books when it disagrees with their views.
He is correct. There are plenty of verses. Anyway in a discussion everything relevant to the topic is fair game. :astagh:
@hinduguy I BEG YOUR PARDON? Just because you cant tolerate sh1t on your religion kindly do not drag in the Quran to protect you!
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Patriarchal..yes it is.....but the Sub-continent has seen more than its fare share of women in power.....significantly more than the west!Specifically the Beacon of Freedom The US of A is yet to elect a female President!
we tend to claim victory too soon. a few women in powerful position does not deny the fact that most women are in bad shape. What you are saying is just a soundbite.. good on tv.. zero on reality.
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