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Do American Cars really suck?

Buy German or Japanese. Depends on what you can afford.
or russian cars

It really depends on which model you buy. For example one year a car may have problems but then the next year they fix the issue.

There are several excellent American cars that me and my friends/family have experience with:

(I dont have experience with the newer models so I cant say)

The Suburban.

Crown Victoria


Ford F-150

Russian cars aren't even street legal in the U.S. Like my Canadian friend said above, 'Garbage'.
show me any Brazilian cars you dont even make any

lada cars are vastly superior and cheaper than your junk, we haven models who run on natural gas you dont.

LADA ? HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!! We have EVERYTHING, chief !! We are America !!!:usflag:
Who can match Japan(and recently S.Korean) in terms of build quality, precision and least rusting problems?
American Cars are pretty decent compared with how they were in the 80's and 90's.

The best cars are German followed by Japanese and American , in that order.
I got a cherokee and a Jeep version produced in Pakistan during the 70s... n b... they are awesome.. also owned a Rubicon sold it last year.. nice vehicles...

As for russian... drove an old UAZ ... shit on wheels..
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