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Dismantle Ganajagaran Mancha: Ershad asks government

I hope what you say is correct. If BNP does not need Ershad then all the better for it. But if I were KZ, I would keep him just as an insurance. 7% votes from North Bengal districts (North of Padma and West of Jamuna) will never hurt.

As for the history, yes, we need to uncover the real history and include that in text book for future generations, no question about it. That could be a very important project for future. Not amateur effort like here in PDF, but with real funds and researchers going after real documents and witnesses in 3 different countries.

We should do some thing to save our country. If we can reach in front of all peoples of BD we can have a chance.

I am thinking to contact with Ershad ca ca, if some people give me support.:D
Ershad, Islami Andalon and RAW ...... Ershad is using IAB to destabilise government and at the same time destroy Jamaat-e-Islami .......

Any prove? or can you logically prove?

I have almost become a supporter of JP, I said almost. Neither Ershad nor we should worry about his age. Being a former PA and BA mlitary officer Ershad looks quite fit, both physically and mentally. I believe, he will win the Presidency of the Republic if there is a direct Presidential election under a neutral govt. BNP wanted a Presidential system until 1991, while AL wanted a Parliamentary system. Seeing Ershad's high personal popularity, BNP lost confidence and supported a Parliamentary system.

Ershad is tied to the AL only because of imprudent policy of BKZ. She should have treated him as a former President should be. But, being small in her heart, she banished him to the central jail. In order to balance his alliance with AL, she was forced to tie with Jamaat, although BNP is a progressive minded party and Moududi's Jamaat is not. Considering the situation prevailing in the country, Ershad's JP will possibly contest the next election on its own, and will join a BNP coalition if BNP needs his party's support to form such a govt. I also do not think he will oppose inclusion of Jamaat in the Coalition.

BNP looses his many votes for Jamayat.

And in next election JP will get many votes, might be they will get the biggest majority.
JP will seek 100 seats from either coalition and will not settle for anything less than 75. AL will have no choice but to oblige and eventually will be forced to form a minority government with the support of JP.

So yes JP will be a major part of next Government. But if AL does not oblige to JP demand then JP will go alone and dig its own grave and will take AL with it.

If JP can run some successful propaganda campaign, they will get more then 100 seats.
JP will seek 100 seats from either coalition and will not settle for anything less than 75. AL will have no choice but to oblige and eventually will be forced to form a minority government with the support of JP.

So yes JP will be a major part of next Government. But if AL does not oblige to JP demand then JP will go alone and dig its own grave and will take AL with it.

Exactly why I think BNP is unlikely to be asking for JP as a partner. JeI would perhaps ask for more seats this time in contrast with previous elections and BNP would probably oblige. JeI is going to play a bigger role once BNP forms government. As such BNP wouldn't risk a more marginalized role for itself by accepting Ershad.
If JP can run some successful propaganda campaign, they will get more then 100 seats.

I think, JP is making its position strong by distancing itself little by little from the hooliganistic AL. For one thing, Ershad has proposed an Interim Govt. consisting of major parties during the election. Ershad and his JP cannot come out strongly right now because SHW will send him back to the jail. JP will do better if its candidates run independently. But, JP needs to make an election tie up with either of the two big parties. Beause of its low profile politics since after the fall of Ershad, JP has very little grass-root activities like the other two.

Note one thing. If all the smaller parties together get only 80 seats, a coalition govt will almost be inevitable. Denying an absolute majority to only one party is the best bet for a country where politicians believe more in autocracy than in democracy. Not only a two-third majority, but also an absolute majority must not be given to any single party. Rule of consensus is what BD needs, nd a coaltion govt will partially do that.
I think, JP is making its position strong by distancing itself little by little from the hooliganistic AL. For one thing, Ershad has proposed an Interim Govt. consisting of major parties during the election. Ershad and his JP cannot come out strongly right now because SHW will send him back to the jail. JP will do better if its candidates run independently. But, JP needs to make an election tie up with either of the two big parties. Beause of its low profile politics since after the fall of Ershad, JP has very little grass-root activities like the other two.

Note one thing. If all the smaller parties together get only 80 seats, a coalition govt will almost be inevitable. Denying an absolute majority to only one party is the best bet for a country where politicians believe more in autocracy than in democracy. Not only a two-third majority, but also an absolute majority must not be given to any single party. Rule of consensus is what BD needs, nd a coaltion govt will partially do that.

Now general public seeking a third party to vote. JP will tie up with small parties after election, as ershad said.
Ershad and the IAB have always acted together for more than a decade and Advocate Mahbubur Rahman is the main RAW person in the JP as well as Ghulam Quader.

We all know ershad is a pro islamist, what is bad in islam?

You know JPs RAW agents list! Do you know BAL and BNP RAW agents lists?:D
We all know ershad is a pro islamist, what is bad in islam?

You know JPs RAW agents list! Do you know BAL and BNP RAW agents lists?:D

Ershad is a pro-Islamist who gets drunk every night and has dozens of girlfriends ....

I know JP's AL's and BNP's RAW list .....
Ershad is a pro-Islamist who gets drunk every night and has dozens of girlfriends ....

I know JP's AL's and BNP's RAW list .....

I personally trust in your words more than what is being said by others in this thread. If you say Ershad is in with RAW then he is. He should not be trusted. The man will do anything for power and money. Was Zia's killing a RAW project and was Ershad involved in it? KZ definitely believes that Ershad had some hand in it. After all Ershad was the beneficiary of Zia's death.

Is Ershad's JP now a plan B for RAW, just in case AL fails to achieve its objective?

Ershad is a pro-Islamist who gets drunk every night and has dozens of girlfriends ....

I know JP's AL's and BNP's RAW list .....

Is it possible to inform others so they can publish this list without any direct heat on you.
Ershad is a pro-Islamist who gets drunk every night and has dozens of girlfriends ....

I know JP's AL's and BNP's RAW list .....

OoowwW, is it real? And bro, dont mix personal life with political life.

Logically Ershad and JP is better option for us then, BNP and BAL.

How to eliminate RAW from BD?
I personally trust in your words more than what is being said by others in this thread. If you say Ershad is in with RAW then he is. He should not be trusted. The man will do anything for power and money. Was Zia's killing a RAW project and was Ershad involved in it? KZ definitely believes that Ershad had some hand in it. After all Ershad was the beneficiary of Zia's death.

Is Ershad's JP now a plan B for RAW, just in case AL fails to achieve its objective?

Is it possible to inform others so they can publish this list without any direct heat on you.

The killing of Zia was probably a RAW project and there is some evidence indicating this ..... Not sure if Ershad was involved in the killing of Zia but he did a good cover up job by having Manzur killed ......

Yes I think that Ershad is RAW's plan B if the Hasina government falls .....
Dead or not Ershad horse can still kick some political *** hard.cause despite being the bad *** shoiroshashok he's roaming free.no party had/has the guts to say no to him.how can he still talk about election? How he can even be the head of a legitimate political party?by law he should be in jail or house arrest not participate in democratic election. Don't you guys stop and think there must be something that we don't have any clue?
@abushaleh @the just please listen to what Munshi Bhai have to say, he is an expert on this RAW issue, he wrote a book on this.

There are many things Bangladeshi's do not know about Bangladesh. RAW classified files are only open to Indian RAW officials who have access to them (RAW works directly under Indian Prime Mininster) and the instructions Bangladeshi RAW agents get from their RAW handlers. Bangladeshi masses usually are clue less and kept clue less by necessity.
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@abushaleh @the just please listen to what Munshi Bhai have to say, he is an expert on this RAW issue, he wrote a book on this.

There are many things Bangladeshi's do not know about Bangladesh. RAW classified files are only open to Indian RAW officials who have access to them (RAW works directly under Indian Prime Mininster) and the instructions Bangladeshi RAW agents get from their RAW handlers. Bangladeshi masses usually are clue less and kept clue less by necessity.

Then how to save Bangladesh? I really love my country and i want to see it on a strong position.
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