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Dismantle Ganajagaran Mancha: Ershad asks government

Some zakkas Info :D (Bangla)

ডা: ইমরান এইচ সরকার
পিতা: মতিন সরকার (রৌমারী আওয়ামিলীগ)
দাদা: রাজাকার (যুদ্ধ পরবর্তীতে মুক্তিযোদ্ধা কতৃক খুন হন)

রংপুর মেডিকেলের সাবেক ছাত্রলীগ সভাপতি ও পরে বাম দল ভুক্ত হন ।।
এডহকের মাধ্যমে ডাক্তারি চাকুরী হয় ।।
১ম পোষ্টিং কুড়িগ্রাম জেলার উলিপুর থানা স্বাথ্যকেন্দ্রে ।।
ব্যাক্তি গতভাবে তিনি কোন স্মৃষ্টিকর্তাকে মানেন না। (বর্তমান মানেন কিনা জানি না )

এতগুলান কথা লিখলাম
আমার আবার বিপদ হবে নাতো? (সত্য মিথ্যা যাচাই করিয়েন, আমি আমার জানাটা বললাম)

Ershad is trying to grab power through IAB and RAW ...... He will be no better than the AL.

So, which party will good for our health and why?
I have said in an earlier post that because of BKZ's shortsightedness, HME is in the AL camp. His jail term was finalized by the BNP, but was released on parole by SHW and has since then tied himself with AL. He may leave a future coalition with AL now that he has seen the real face of that no-God party. He cannot do it now because he will again be sent to jail by SHW under one pretext or another. BNP should woo him in earnest. It will surely cause the fall of AL from winning the general election.

Whatever it may be, HME is now manuevering in the troubled water because this is how he expects to put himself and his party in a stronger position. However, he is earnestly defending Islam. It was during his time that Islam as established as the state relgion. We should be thankful to him about this.

You didn't mention one point...being with BAL, Ershad is losing big votes. I personally support Japa but I won't vote it because of its attachment with BAL. Most of his party leaders are pressuring him to leave the alliance but he's not doing it for paranoia of jail. I understand the pain but they're for people and should act for people leaving self interest. What's wrong if he is jailed and even dies there. People will commemorate him for his no compromising stand...no?

And yes stupid Khaleda will remain Khaleda...she showed her personal wrath over Ershad. Ershad suffered severely in jail, once he was infected with hepatitis, his bilirubin stood at 29 at one moment and he was still in jail treated like an ordinary prisoner.

attention seeking ****s :lol: they are doing a hunger strike but do go to the canteens to have some food the locals say..

hasa ni ......:what:!!
Our Family will vote for Ershads JP. He can stabilze our country as like he did before.:unsure:

Rumi Squad doing a hunger strike for Jamayat Ban. (They are using my name for thair own profit,:fie: my name is Abu Shaleh Rumi:D)

My family is almost so but I'll try to influence my mum not to vote JP because of his tie with BAL. One condition...it has to leave BAL...that's all.
@kobiraaz Please take this message from this forum by well wishers to your party boss, that getting Ershad back in the alliance is the best thing she can do to defeat AL and come back to power. Hindu votes will be hard to get, but if KZ can get Ershad back in the alliance, Hindu votes will not be needed. May be when the Hindu's finally see that AL has become a dead horse and will never be able to come back to power, they may switch allegiance.
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@kobiraaz Please take this message from this forum by well wishers to your party boss, that getting Ershad back in the alliance is the best thing she can do to defeat AL and come back to power. Hindu votes will be hard to get, but if KZ can get Ershad back in the alliance, Hindu votes will not be needed. May be when the Hindu's finally see that AL has become a dead horse and will never be able to come back to power, they may switch allegiance.

1. Right now BNP doesn't need Ershad. Even if they accept JP, until his demise (and consequently his party's too) Ershad will keep on switching alliance according to convenience. He will always be trying to be with those who would form government.

2. We as a nation are forgetful. Whatever their track record is we'll elect BAL again after 5 years. Until we manage to reflect our true history of thousands of years in our school history books, the idea of a BAL-free country will remain an illusion. Thanks to our erroneous history lessons in classrooms, that suffer from both omissions and lies, the younger generations have been more prejudiced, ignorant and clueless than the older ones.
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1. Right now BNP doesn't need Ershad. Even if they accept JP, until his demise (and consequently his party's too) Ershad will keep on switching alliance according to convenience. He will always be trying to be with those who would form government.

2. We as a nation are forgetful. Whatever their track record is we'll elect BAL again after 5 years. Until we manage to reflect our true history of thousands of years in our school history books, the idea of a BAL-free country will remain an illusion. Thanks to our erroneous history lessons in classrooms, that suffer from both omissions and lies, the younger generations have been more prejudiced, ignorant and clueless than the older ones.

I hope what you say is correct. If BNP does not need Ershad then all the better for it. But if I were KZ, I would keep him just as an insurance. 7% votes from North Bengal districts (North of Padma and West of Jamuna) will never hurt.

As for the history, yes, we need to uncover the real history and include that in text book for future generations, no question about it. That could be a very important project for future. Not amateur effort like here in PDF, but with real funds and researchers going after real documents and witnesses in 3 different countries.
My family is almost so but I'll try to influence my mum not to vote JP because of his tie with BAL. One condition...it has to leave BAL...that's all.

I have almost become a supporter of JP, I said almost. Neither Ershad nor we should worry about his age. Being a former PA and BA mlitary officer Ershad looks quite fit, both physically and mentally. I believe, he will win the Presidency of the Republic if there is a direct Presidential election under a neutral govt. BNP wanted a Presidential system until 1991, while AL wanted a Parliamentary system. Seeing Ershad's high personal popularity, BNP lost confidence and supported a Parliamentary system.

Ershad is tied to the AL only because of imprudent policy of BKZ. She should have treated him as a former President should be. But, being small in her heart, she banished him to the central jail. In order to balance his alliance with AL, she was forced to tie with Jamaat, although BNP is a progressive minded party and Moududi's Jamaat is not. Considering the situation prevailing in the country, Ershad's JP will possibly contest the next election on its own, and will join a BNP coalition if BNP needs his party's support to form such a govt. I also do not think he will oppose inclusion of Jamaat in the Coalition.
You didn't mention one point...being with BAL, Ershad is losing big votes. I personally support Japa but I won't vote it because of its attachment with BAL. Most of his party leaders are pressuring him to leave the alliance but he's not doing it for paranoia of jail. I understand the pain but they're for people and should act for people leaving self interest. What's wrong if he is jailed and even dies there. People will commemorate him for his no compromising stand...no?

And yes stupid Khaleda will remain Khaleda...she showed her personal wrath over Ershad. Ershad suffered severely in jail, once he was infected with hepatitis, his bilirubin stood at 29 at one moment and he was still in jail treated like an ordinary prisoner.

Ershads JP will do next election alone. If he get majority then they will create GOVT.

My family is almost so but I'll try to influence my mum not to vote JP because of his tie with BAL. One condition...it has to leave BAL...that's all.

Ershad and JP will do the election alone.:D
@kobiraaz Please take this message from this forum by well wishers to your party boss, that getting Ershad back in the alliance is the best thing she can do to defeat AL and come back to power. Hindu votes will be hard to get, but if KZ can get Ershad back in the alliance, Hindu votes will not be needed. May be when the Hindu's finally see that AL has become a dead horse and will never be able to come back to power, they may switch allegiance.

he he he..... Bro, KZ dont like Ershad because, she think ershad killed Zia.

And Ershad and JP will do election alone to create thair own GOVT.
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1. Right now BNP doesn't need Ershad. Even if they accept JP, until his demise (and consequently his party's too) Ershad will keep on switching alliance according to convenience. He will always be trying to be with those who would form government.

2. We as a nation are forgetful. Whatever their track record is we'll elect BAL again after 5 years. Until we manage to reflect our true history of thousands of years in our school history books, the idea of a BAL-free country will remain an illusion. Thanks to our erroneous history lessons in classrooms, that suffer from both omissions and lies, the younger generations have been more prejudiced, ignorant and clueless than the older ones.

1. BNP dont like Ershad and his JP. Ershad will do election alone.

2. Lessons in classroom is only about Bangabandhu. They removed lessons about Vasani, Zia and many more. BAL destroying our backbone.
I have almost become a supporter of JP, I said almost. Neither Ershad nor we should worry about his age. Being a former PA and BA mlitary officer Ershad looks quite fit, both physically and mentally. I believe, he will win the Presidency of the Republic if there is a direct Presidential election under a neutral govt. BNP wanted a Presidential system until 1991, while AL wanted a Parliamentary system. Seeing Ershad's high personal popularity, BNP lost confidence and supported a Parliamentary system.

Ershad is tied to the AL only because of imprudent policy of BKZ. She should have treated him as a former President should be. But, being small in her heart, she banished him to the central jail. In order to balance his alliance with AL, she was forced to tie with Jamaat, although BNP is a progressive minded party and Moududi's Jamaat is not. Considering the situation prevailing in the country, Ershad's JP will possibly contest the next election on its own, and will join a BNP coalition if BNP needs his party's support to form such a govt. I also do not think he will oppose inclusion of Jamaat in the Coalition.

JP will seek 100 seats from either coalition and will not settle for anything less than 75. AL will have no choice but to oblige and eventually will be forced to form a minority government with the support of JP.

So yes JP will be a major part of next Government. But if AL does not oblige to JP demand then JP will go alone and dig its own grave and will take AL with it.
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