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Dismantle Ganajagaran Mancha: Ershad asks government


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Dismantle Ganajagaran Mancha: Ershad tells govt - bdnews24.com

Dismantle Ganajagaran Mancha: Ershad tells govt
Staff Correspondent, bdnews24.com
Published: 30 March 2013 10:26 PM Updated: 30 March 2013 10:49 PM

Jatiya Party Chairman Hussein Muhammad Ershad has urged the government to demolish ‘Ganajagaran Mancha’- the platform of the popular movement demanding maximum penalty for war criminals and a ban on Jamaat-e-Islami.

The former dictator promised support to the Hifazat-e-Islami’s long march to Dhaka on Apr 6 and said,“Ganjagaran Mancha has turned the people against the government by speaking against Islam and the prophet.

The government has suffered for its support to ‘Ganajagaran Mancha’. A rift was created between the Jamaat-e-Islami and BNP. But they have come closer following reaction from the platform”.

Ershad made the comments at a biennial meeting of the Party in Chittagong.

The leader of the Jatiya Party, a key ally to the ruling government, said university students had come down to the capital’s streets after the verdict on Jamaat leader Quader Molla. They had hoped that Quader will be sentenced to death. They formed ‘Ganajagaran Mancha’ after their expectations were not met.

He said the platform for “the movement has been ‘politicised’. They have been cordoned off by the police. Food is being arranged for them (protesters).”

“This is not how people rise. There was a mass rising in the year 70 and 71. There was no mass uprising after that.”

“I was the only politician who protested their (‘Ganajagaran Mancha) programme to hoist flags across the country. Who are they to make such a call? … I had said. Only Bangabandhu can make such announcements.”

Ershad said he believes ‘Ganajagaran Mancha’ has ‘divided the country between the ‘atheists’ and the ‘devout Muslim’.

He alleged that the statements issued by the Ganajagaran Mancha were ‘against Islam and its prophet and led to organisations like Hifazat-e-Islam gaining strength’.

Hifazat-e-Islami is a radical group based in Chittagong has announced a long march on Apr 6 demanding justice against ‘atheists and blasphemous bloggers’.

Ershad also advised the leading ladies of Bangladeshi politics to sit in a dialogue and cautioned that otherwise the country might face ‘another 1/11-like situation’.

“You (Sheikh Hasina) and Khaleda Zia have both been behinds bars. I too was removed from my post in the party.”

“So join the elections. Take my formula to form an interim government with representatives from all political parties.”

The former military ruler expressed hope about himself assuming power and said he was not in favour of political vendetta. “No one will be harmed once I come to power.”

“I told the Prime Minister to do good work to keep us by their side. But Jatiya Party aspires to assume power and refuses to be utilised as a means to retain the coalition in government.”

Ershad claimed that many have been asking him to leave the ruling coalition and said that he knows the right time to do so.

The grand alliance was formed to govern for five years and there will be no coalition after the term comes to an end, he said.

“Will the government fall if I leave the coalition” Ershad asked.

He also said that the government has ‘failed’ to provide security to the religious minorities.

“Hindu temples are being burnet. Ramu has been attacked. The government failed to provide security no matter who is responsible for the attacks.”

The military dictator was removed from power through a mass movement in 1990.
ganajagaran mancha is no more. leftist portion broke away and started their own campaign called rumi squad. and awami portion is trying to prevent that.
Yes i hope he separates from BAL fascists, less votes for them :victory:

I have said in an earlier post that because of BKZ's shortsightedness, HME is in the AL camp. His jail term was finalized by the BNP, but was released on parole by SHW and has since then tied himself with AL. He may leave a future coalition with AL now that he has seen the real face of that no-God party. He cannot do it now because he will again be sent to jail by SHW under one pretext or another. BNP should woo him in earnest. It will surely cause the fall of AL from winning the general election.

Whatever it may be, HME is now manuevering in the troubled water because this is how he expects to put himself and his party in a stronger position. However, he is earnestly defending Islam. It was during his time that Islam as established as the state relgion. We should be thankful to him about this.
ganajagaran mancha is no more. leftist portion broke away and started their own campaign called rumi squad. and awami portion is trying to prevent that.

what is this rumi squad?
Shahbagh hunger strike ends, for now

Staff Correspondent, bdnews24.com

Published: 01 April 2013 11:37 PM Updated: 02 April 2013 01:36 AM
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Activists on hunger strike at Shahbagh demanding executive orders for outlawing Jamaat-e-Islami finally broke their fast on Monday night.

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The Ganajagaran Mancha's spokesperson Imran H Sarker and Sammilita Sangskritik Jote President Nasiruddin Yusuf Bachchu fed them fruit juice to end the strike at around 11:30pm.

Earlier in the night they had agreed to suspend their fast after talks with Planning Minister A K Khandker, a war hero.

But they said they would resume their fast on April 4 if there were no specific word from the Prime Minister on banning the Jamaat, the political party that committed war crimes and collaborated with the Pakistani Army in their genocide of Bengalis.

They had initially stood fast when the Minister went to their camp and tried to talk them out of it. On the seventh day of their fast-unto-death, they finally agreed to break their fast after talks with A K Khandker, a Group Captain during the Liberation War and deputy to Commander in Chief M A G Osmani.

He also heads the Sector Commanders Forum, a grouping of leading freedom fighters campaigning for war crimes trial.

This was the first move by the government after the hunger strike started on Mar 26 apparently dissatisfied with the protest plans announced by the Ganajagaran Mancha on that day.

Twenty-six people had eventually joined the hunger strike in person. The protesters received expressions of solidarity from 130 organisations across the country.

Sadat Hasan Niloy, the spokesperson for the Shaheed Rumi Squad that initiated the hunger strike, announced they would suspend their fast at around 9:30pm at the Ganajagaran Mancha.

Moments after Niloy’s announcement, several strikers started chanting slogans saying their fast-unto-death would continue. The Shaheed Rumi Squad sat in a meeting with the dissenting strikers and decided to break their fast at around 11:30pm.

“We are not giving up on our demands,” Niloy said. “We’ll be with the Ganajagaran Mancha in its Apr 4 programme.

“We will go back to our programme, if needed,” he added hinting the protesters might again start hunger strike.

They had started their fast-unto-death on the Independence Day after Imran Sarker announced to submit a memorandum to the Prime Minister.

This was the first separate movement after the demonstration at Shahbagh intersection started on Feb 5 demanding death for Jamaat leader Abdul Quader Molla and banning the Jamaat.

Although the Ganajagaran Mancha and Rumi Squad had said they had no conflict, division was apparent.

Imran Sarker said the hunger strikers had increased the strength of the ongoing movement. “We’ll demonstrate together.”

Acting President of Ekatorrer Ghatak Dalal Nirmul Committee Shahriar Kabir had urged the demonstrators to be united.

Khandker had talked to the strikers and requested them to end their strike. He had assured them the government was in fact trying to ban the Jamaat.

“If the government does not take any measures to this end, I myself will join you (hunger strikers),” the war veteran said.

Shahriar Kabir also requested them to end the fast.

After talking to the strikers for around 45 minutes, Khandker then went to the Ganajagaran Mancha with the Shaheed Rumi Squad members at around 8:45pm.

Niloy said they would break their fast only after getting ‘clear statements on initiating processes to ban the Jamaat’.

Kabir told the gathering that Khandker was a freedom fighter and one of the key organisers of the platform demanding trials of war criminals. He urged the strikers to have faith in the minister.

In his speech, Khandker said fasting, too, was part of war and added: “You have to be physically strong as well in order to fight.

“I know you are also mentally strong. As an old friend, I’m requesting you to take part in the ongoing demonstration demanding trials of war criminals and banning the Jamaat, Shibir.

“So I cordially request you to break your fast.”

The minister also hinted that he may well stand down from the Cabinet if the government did not take any measures.

“I am with you,” the war veteran said.

Kabir said Khandker was a veteran freedom fighter who had been demonstrating for 21 years demanding trials of war criminals and banning the Jamaat.

“You (hunger strikers) have to understand the reality,” he said and added: “Preparations for greater war should be taken.”

“You have no idea about the strength of the fundamentalists because you are demonstrating when a government in favour of the Liberation War is in office.

“He (Khandker) will leave Cabinet and join you if the government does not make its position clear on the issue,” he had added.

Apparently comforted by the words of Kabir, Shaheed Rumi Squad’s spokesperson then announced suspension of their fast.

Our Family will vote for Ershads JP. He can stabilze our country as like he did before.:unsure:

Rumi Squad doing a hunger strike for Jamayat Ban. (They are using my name for thair own profit,:fie: my name is Abu Shaleh Rumi:D)

JP supporters are essentially BNP voters. They hardly vote for BAL. In many constituencies if there's one candidate from BNP and the other is from JP- highly likely that both of them will lose to the BAL candidate.

But Ershad would keep losing his voters to BNP. He is too fond of women. As such none in BD would opt for him as a PM.
JP supporters are essentially BNP voters. They hardly vote for BAL. In many constituencies if there's one candidate from BNP and the other is from JP- highly likely that both of them will lose to the BAL candidate.

But Ershad would keep losing his voters to BNP. He is too fond of women. As such none in BD would opt for him as a PM.

Bro, every man is fond of women, that is real 100% true. Ershad is also a men so, he is fond of women. Dont mix personal life with political life. If you do then, what about hasina she married her doughter with razakars son!

Now big chance for Ershad and JP, they can won the election with ease if, they can run some successful propaganda campaigns. Bro, dont be sentimental be logical.

Forget about BAL and BNP they are just fighting for power and money only. They even did not passed any Anti-corruption low to do corruption freely.
Ershad is trying to grab power through IAB and RAW ...... He will be no better than the AL.
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