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Diplomat's wife smuggled Jews out of Pakistan


Dec 12, 2008
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The amazing story of a Jewish woman who smuggled Jews of out Pakistan in the 1970s has just began to emerge, this blog can reveal (Point of No Return exclusive!):


The synagogue in Karachi, Pakistan

The Jewish wife of the Australian Consul-General posted to Pakistan helped smuggle out members of the tiny Jewish community in the 1970s.

Leaving a comment on Point of No Return a Pakistani Jewish man recalled that his widowed sister and niece were smuggled out in the trunk of a car belonging to the Australian diplomat's wife following the Indo-Pakistani war. The border was then closed to all except diplomats.

"My sister told me how she had the centre rear armrest taken out and had a vacuum cleaner hose fitted from the air-conditioning unit to the trunk. We don't think that her husband knew what she did. We believe she may have smuggled other Jews in the same way," the Pakistani Jew writes. The sister and niece now live in New York.

The Jew says that he left Pakistan this year. "For decades we masqueraded as Muslims," he writes.

According to her son, the Australian diplomat's wife provided the small Karachi community - numbering perhaps 1 - 200 Jews - with their needs, including Kosher wine and grape juice. When her husband was not with her she would travel to the synagogue in the diplomatic Mercedes-Benz with the licence plates covered and no Australian flag flying on the bonnet.

She got in touch with the Jews of Karachi via the Chief of Police, a Christian. "Within a week, he came back with addresses," her son remembers. None of the Urdu-speaking community were well-off.

Although other Jews were rarely present, her son recalls attending formal diplomatic dinners on Friday nights wearing a kippa. "Nobody took any notice of it," he told Point of No Return.

Forty years on his mother, now an elderly widow, still insists on anonymity and secrecy about her activities.

" She asked us never to contact her or speak of how we got out in case her husband lost his employment. But this is now 40 years ago and he will have long retired," the Pakistani Jew writes.

The diplomat's wife brought home to Australia for safekeeping the Teba and Ark from the synagogue in Karachi. She also rescued a Torah and candlesticks from a synagogue on the borders of Afghanistan, and bought a beautiful lapis lazuli inlaid Menorah in the bazaar of a village in the tribal area at the base of the Khyber Pass road.

It is not known how many Jews still live in Pakistan, but it is thought that several high-profile business people claiming to be Parsees or Muslims are in fact Jews. One contacted Point of No Return, saying his (or her) family living in the UAE masqueraded as Parsee. "We are terrified here and in Pakistan to say we are Jewish," he (or she) wrote.

In the days of the British empire, the Jewish community in what is now Pakistan numbered several thousand. All but a few have fled for Israel and the West.

Surprise! there are still Jews in Pakistan

Update: an Israeli of Pakistani origin, Syed Haroon Haider Gilani, has informed PoNR he is working on a research paper into the Jews of Karachi. He hopes to have his work published in Urdu: the hidden history of the Jews of Pakistan will, he hopes serve as a bridge of understanding. Pakistan is not alone in its antisemitism, but Jews are also the object of great sympathy, 'as long as they are not Zionists'.
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Muslims are not safe from radicals inside Pakistan. How is the state suppose to cater to Jews or any other minority?

Though the majority of Pakistanis have better things in their life, than to worry about what minorities are doing or not, there are some, i admit, who just don't want peace.

Such people are what we then call Al-Qaeda and Taliban.

They are neither the people of the book nor any students of it, just psychopaths who need to be dealt with force.
What's the big deal?If people want to leave they are free to leave.We don't need people who are willing to sellout at our lands..period.These Jews were probably too poor hence left Pakistan for greater economic interests.
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What's the big deal?If people want to leave they are free too leave.We don't need people who are willing to sellout at our lands..period.These jews were probably too poor hence left Pakistan for greater economic interests.

Israelis want to make these escapes a part of fiction.

Headline: How Jews Escaped from the Fundamentalist , Fanatical Islamic Republic of Pakistan :rofl:



Right outside karachi airport till the 80's there was a gate towars the airport---named as the STAR-GATE----take a wild guess---yes the star was six cornered jewish star---and after all the letters and complaints it was still there---I haven't been to karachi since 83---so I don't know if it is still there or not----some karachi residents can comment.
man this article has no roots..firstly Pakistan never suscribed to offical jew bashing policy which was the main stay of arabis. Therefore Pakistani jews were free to travel where ever they wish even if that meant immigrating to west. Thirdly the 70's period was releative stability and no kind of islamo-facism seen rampant today.

Also in the 70's there was no taliban, alquaida, ttp and stuff to terrorise the minorities.

This is fictions at best or indian / israeli sponsered propoganda. May be wife of Austrial diplomat did smuggle somebody, the context of closed border at best hints towards an Indian spy who must have been able to sympathically exploit the diplomat wife with fabricated story.

an Israeli of Pakistani origin, Syed Haroon Haider Gilani
And how the hell one could use surname Syed and be a jew considering Pakistani cannot migrate to Israel usless he belonged to the Jew disporsa.

The Jew says that he left Pakistan this year. "For decades we masqueraded as Muslims," he writes.

I have the same thought towards several mullahs, talibans and jehadis. Because their thoughts and practices very closely match to those of ultra orthodox jews. That is ban birth control, lots of kids, ban tv, ban radio, ban media, ban women promote violence against others etc etc..Just wondering if Islam has been infiltrated by Jews and corrupted on purpose because the history dictates very much possibility.

There are / were plenty of Jews in Iran and Central Asia so obviously some would extend into Pakistan this is not a surprise. But there is every reason to belive Jewish conspiracy against Islam by the likes of Alquaida, TTP and Talians through infiltration and masterquading of religion to destroy Islamic nation.
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Yet another masterpiece by Solomon2.

Someone by the surname of Syed cannot be jewish.

Syed Haroon Haider Gilani is a Pakistani Businessman, writer, speaker and social worker. He is thirty one years old and living in Sharjah UAE or Singapore to lookafter his business operations.

He spends a significant of his time in study and shares his knowledge in the form of published work with the world. The blog is also created to bring his published works before the world.

From haroon haider's website: About SYED HAROON HAIDER GILANI
Most of the pop culture is shaped by real events. With jew bashing so prevalant around the world from east to west and south to north one should look into the stereotypes which has shaped them. We cannot excuse the jew community as sole innocent victim. There must be attrocities on both side. One must research this subject.
There was no Anti Semitism in Pakistan & Jews didn't left because of that.

“When my father got married in 1957 in Karachi, there were 600 Jewish families living in Karachi. There were 10 – 13 families left by 1972. Actually in 1970 the Jews of Pakistan were offered to leave to America and that’s the main reason that time many of the community left”

Emanuel Matat
man this article has no roots..firstly Pakistan never suscribed to offical jew bashing policy which was the main stay of arabis. Therefore Pakistani jews were free to travel where ever they wish even if that meant immigrating to west. Thirdly the 70's period was releative stability and no kind of islamo-facism seen rampant today.

Also in the 70's there was no taliban, alquaida, ttp and stuff to terrorise the minorities.

I dont think any country subscribes to a Jew-bashing policy except Iran off course but Pakistan contributed men and resources against the Israelis in the Arab-Israel war. Pakistan hasnt yet recognized Israel as a nation and routinely takes the Arab side at UN.

This is fictions at best or indian / israeli sponsered propoganda. May be wife of Austrial diplomat did smuggle somebody, the context of closed border at best hints towards an Indian spy who must have been able to sympathically exploit the diplomat wife with fabricated story.

Anything that doesnt meet your views is propaganda and India is involved. Brilliant.
I hope she cannot be charged with People smuggling because , smuggling jews is Legal under International law :lol:
I dont think any country subscribes to a Jew-bashing policy except Iran off course but Pakistan contributed men and resources against the Israelis in the Arab-Israel war. Pakistan hasnt yet recognized Israel as a nation and routinely takes the Arab side at UN.

Pakistan never commitied any manpower. Hand ful of men resigned from airforce and volunteered on their own. Enough of fact twisting. Many other countries also contributed in arab-israeli conflict which was pretty much for land than religion and some of them are at good terms with israel now.
Anything that doesnt meet your views is propaganda and India is involved. Brilliant.

An article which mentions "Syed Haroon Haider Gilani" has an isreali-Pakistani and quotes blogspot as a source has a lot of credibility. Please have a lesson in history. Nobody with a prefix Syed and last name Gilani could be remotely jew or israeli.

Since crossing the border is mentioned I think some spy managed to garner her support with fabricated stories for a safe exit. The citizens of Pakistan were free to travel by any port of departure they wished. And the Arab-Israeli war with Pakistani volunteers did not start until 1973 so quoting 71 war is a wrong context.

This thread should be closed.
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