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Diplomats say Pakistan will not engage in media war with Afghanistan

Karzai and his cronies will soon be cleaning talibani toilets so let the dogs bark.
had we destroyed the NW or Quetta shora, your bottoms would still be burning in Afghanistan dear. And just to tell you the truth, the same NW shura is in Talks with American now. So please quit the rant and stick with topic

Using your own ''logic'', Pakistan government has been in talks and even ceasefires with TTP many times too, so does that mean Afghanistan would be justified in supporting and sheltering TTP?

What kind of self serving made up logic you come up with just to somehow justify your interference in Afghanistan and hegemonic dreams of controlling Afghanistan.

It is crystal clear that Pakistan harbors groups that operate in Afghanistan and that makes Afghan claims valid.
That is nothing but an empty boast. International relations do not work that way, Sir.

And just how ferocious is this "sleeping lion" that has already lost all its teeth due to caries?

Really Now ... International Relations ..

Remember what Happened to Qaddafi ??

that's all I have to say for now .. Have a Nice Ramazan.
If that a national security concern then definitely YES. Perhaps, Karazi and his crew are disturbed to take the fact that Pakistan is a key player for post-NATO Afghanistan, maybe the Doha talks will fruit out at the end of the day, who knows?

Decisions.... Decisions.

Pakistan is 1000000000000000 wiser than Afghanistan. Just leave them alone :cheesy:

ya akhi ya habibi ya noor ul ain......well said well said...:woot:
Using your own ''logic'', Pakistan government has been in talks and even ceasefires with TTP many times too, so does that mean Afghanistan would be justified in supporting and sheltering TTP?

What kind of self serving made up logic you come up with just to somehow justify your interference in Afghanistan and hegemonic dreams of controlling Afghanistan.

It is crystal clear that Pakistan harbors groups that operate in Afghanistan and that makes Afghan claims valid.

constipated rants, were you in quetta that you know quetta shura exists? Why americans can't launch operations in kunar and Paktia? do hear there reasons and then hear Pakistan reasons for not launching NW ops, both will be almost similar. Illiterate rants doesnt make you look good.

Have some hard hitting research on both terrain b/w Pak - Afghan border and on how much sacrificed in WoT.

Next time, do present some facts that Pakistan harbor these groups instead of empty barkings of different persons
Really Now ... International Relations ..

Remember what Happened to Qaddafi ??

that's all I have to say for now .. Have a Nice Ramazan.

Yes, but was Gaddafi killed by Tunisia or Egypt, or any other neighbor? Your analogy fails your logic totally, Sir, since the "revolution" was instigated and supported from elsewhere. Similarly, Karzai's ultimate disposition is not up to us at all, and to pretend otherwise is foolish.
Yes, but was Gaddafi killed by Tunisia or Egypt, or any other neighbor? Your analogy fails your logic totally, Sir, since the "revolution" was instigated and supported from elsewhere. Similarly, Karzai's ultimate disposition is not up to us at all, and to pretend otherwise is foolish.

I was Referring to Taliban ... and i meant what i said .

Now whether to accept my point of view or not is your prerogative .
I was Referring to Taliban ... and i meant what i said .

I see. Well, the Taliban could kill Karzai given the state of affairs in Afghanistan. But we should be very careful in how not only our policy works in our backyard, but also how it is perceived internationally. Bad sey badnaam buraa.
constipated rants, were you in quetta that you know quetta shura exists? Why americans can't launch operations in kunar and Paktia? do hear there reasons and then hear Pakistan reasons for not launching NW ops, both will be almost similar. Illiterate rants doesnt make you look good.

Have some hard hitting research on both terrain b/w Pak - Afghan border and on how much sacrificed in WoT.

Next time, do present some facts that Pakistan harbor these groups instead of empty barkings of different persons

First of all please do not jump in, everything I said including the weird logic was as presented by the Pakistani I was replying to.

Secondly, the quetta shura exists and had their rep on the Qatar office. Its also a fact that north Waziristan your army refuses to go in but ''claims'' sovereignty over.

These are facts, if you don't like them too bad, maybe its a literate thing to get angry in denial.
you should not Poke the Sleeping Lion ... Afghanistan needs to learn that ... and very soon ..Karzai is going way above his head for some time now & we have been patiently waiting & ignoring his rants .. but there is always a limit to that ... the day Pakistan lost its cool ... Karzai's head will be rolling on the streets of Kabul .... Literally .

Your comments does not suits your rank , you are junior think tank not some random fanboys who comments without logic.
Najeeb killed by taliban because he was not backed by any power because Soviet union are dissolve & Russia is weak those & so as India, If Karzai finished so easily then taliban finished him before your comments.
Sleeping Lion comments don't suits on Pakistan who himself is victim of drone attacks.
Your comments does not suits your rank , you are junior think tank not some random fanboys who comments without logic.
Najeeb killed by taliban because he was not backed by any power because Soviet union are dissolve & Russia is weak those & so as India, If Karzai finished so easily then taliban finished him before your comments.
Sleeping Lion comments don't suits on Pakistan who himself is victim of drone attacks.

What ??!!!!!!
Are we alone in these negotiations with Taliban ?

Sir that's horribly taken out of the limited context of that particular exchange. Lets not pursue it.

its funny he is calling a random fanboy not knowing who u r:omghaha:

Thats why i love Indians:lol:

It does not matter who anyone is while evaluating the merit of their arguments. A boast and smacktalk does not become argument because someone important said it. Today Gul, the ex ISI chief made comments on the OBL saga, but his comments were still crap.
Sir that's horribly taken out of the limited context of that particular exchange. Lets not pursue it.

Yes it has been , but I did get the impression from your post that somehow it is wrong to negotiate with Taliban when half's the world doing so at the moment . Well , leave it .
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